Jun 10, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

You are amazing, Jessica! After yesterdayโ€™s posting was included in Robert Hubbells substack, I copied it and sent it to my physical therapist who spoke of feeling hopeless. I just forwarded todayโ€™s post from you which is much easier to read and has direct links to the organizations. You rock and a loving bow ๐Ÿ™‡๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ!

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Jun 10, 2023ยทedited Jun 10, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

This is all great. One thing I often don't see mentioned when the "stop eating beef" conversation comes up... Suggest a local, sustainable, organic meat processor. I know I'm fortunate, but one of the (few) perks of living in Indiana is that three miles away from my house is just such a place. I don't feel bad about eating beef from them, because I actually know the name of the farmer who bred my beef, and I know it's guaranteed to be grass-fed organic.

ETA: That said, I don't eat a lot of beef from them, either, because you do pay for that guarantee!

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Thanks so much, Jessica. We've had a compost heap for over 30 yrs and I was amazed at first that there was no smell (as long as you don't put proteins in it.) We've also been recycling for longer than that. But having the information you shared about paper products is awesome! I could never have pulled that together on my own. Arming people with the knowledge and resources as you have will encourage many more people to participate. I'm sending the "issue with tissue" to my family. Who knows, hopefully they'll get the bug too.

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Jun 10, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Climate Action Now app is simple and direct. Tell your friends. Itโ€™s the least they can do after ignoring this crisis!

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Jessica Craven, the coolest gal in town!

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Jun 10, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Nifty. Add fascist flames, destroying democracy. Add water, which will be more valuable than gold, soon.

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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Downloaded the Climate Action Now app, and created subscriptions for Who Gives a Crap and Dropps (and cancelled my Amazon subscriptions for those products!). We're a big household, so it's a good stress test for the cleaning products! I'll keep you updated. Thanks for the push in the right direction!

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Jun 10, 2023ยทedited Aug 12, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Become aware of the suffering of intelligent, loving animals subjected to factory farming: cows, pigs and chickens. It's easy to give up meat when you think about this. Do the research. Look at Instagram posts of interactions between these animals and other species, including ourselves. They absolutely have physical and emotional feelings that humans conveniently ignore when these animals have become wrapped up cuts of meat at the store. We can do better.

Senator Cory Booker, a vegan, is working on bills to change these horrifying conditions. We don't have the right to exploit these beings who share the planet with us.

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Jun 10, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

We can never have enough of a good thing, Jess! Let's make these resources and ideas easily available to everyone! We can all share on our other social media accounts to reach more people. Also, check out Citizens Climate Lobby!

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

A friend & I did extensive research. Most of the people with whom we came into contact were not informed at all as to what was in their product. Polyvinyl alcohol IS a micro plastic. It is the thing that adheres the soap to the paper. So far, all of companies that produce laundry sheets use it!๐Ÿ˜ฉ Some of them say that itโ€™s not plastic!! Haha

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

I hung up a clothesline a month ago, and I couldn't be happier. And we're changing TP! Gaaa! Virgin forests?!?

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Jun 10, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

This is great. ๐Ÿ™

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I will forward this to everyone I can! My wife and I are 80 and 78, respectively. We do just about everything recommended here and have been activating for actions by citizens, big business and politicicans to wake up since at least 2006, thanks to Al Gore's efforts to wake up the world. I love being WOKE up.

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Who cares about climate change? The answer is: almost nobody. Very few people are willing (or open-minded enough) to adopt the greatest opportunity to sequester carbon. Animal farming is the biggest contributor to greenhouse gases and has the largest impact on reducing carbon sequestration. If everyone would stop supporting animal farming today, nothing else is needed to REVERSE climate change. It's all about carbon sequestration. Glen Merzerโ€™s book, FOOD IS CLIMATE (https://www.glenmerzer.com/), makes this very clear (Watch his interview at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckMvxXF20FI.)

That's right. #3 on your list far outweighs all the other ideas combined. (Really. Read the book.)

We have solar panels, 2 EVs, we recycle and compost. We have no lawn. But all that just SLOWS DOWN climate change. It doesn't reverse it.

If you donโ€™t want to give up the taste of meat, eating plant-based meat alternatives is a significant step. Even if it doesnโ€™t taste exactly the same, itโ€™s the ONLY way to do your part to save the planet.

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Sharing this in Substack format was a brilliant idea. It's easier to read and access. I've added it to my Facebook page.

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This is right up your alley - completely unrelated to your post but a source of joy. Hot off the press from Scientific American.

Find The Mine

Researchers are developing a drone-based machine-learning technology to make identifying land mines safer and faster than with traditional methods. A drone flies over an area thought to be mined, collecting a large volume of images. An algorithm, trained on the visual characteristics of 70 types of land mines, cluster munitions, and other unexploded ordnance, processes the images into a map, with resolution down to a fraction of an inch. The model can then recognize and map explosives more quickly and accurately than a human reviewing the same images. The system has a reported detection rate of about 90 percent.

Why this matters: Land mine detection technology has not advanced much since World War II. The majority of demining is done by hand, with human deminers scouring contaminated ground inch by inch with handheld metal detectors. The researchers hope their tech might speed up the process in places like Ukraine; by some estimates the country has about 67,000 square miles that could harbor mines and other explosives.

What the experts say: With the new system, โ€œyou can scan wide areas of land and try to figure out where the highest density of contamination is,โ€ before sending in humans to defuse the mines, says Jasper Baur, a Ph.D. student in volcanology and remote sensing at Columbia University who is co-developing the new technique with colleagues.

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