I seldom respond to requests for donations online, but yesterday your post motivated me to support Janetβs WI Supreme Court campaign. I bought a steak yesterday so Iβll pass on the coffee today. Grin. Happy birthday anyway, and thanks for all you do!
RE: H734, For anyone who is really short of time my group, The Downtown Nasty Women, created a resistbot petition to tell our reps to oppose H734 (The Federal Trans and Intersex Athlete Sports Ban). As Jessica noted above, if passed, HR734 will stipulate that Title IX compliance requires banning transgender and intersex girls and women from participating in sports. Text Sign PVDOJS to 50409.
Also donated and happy birthday, big fan of MVP and Jessica Craven!
3/17/23 Happy Birthday, Jessica, you're doing incredible things! I will make phone banking 30 minutes per day minimum to Wisconsin one of my goals. Have an aging cat, Pedro, aged 14, with not only IBD but also now probably hyperthyroid. We paid a $300 visit yesterday to his cool Bernie-loving vet yesterday. (Last year we paid close to $2,000 for his initial flare of IBD, and he's been on prednisolone since. Probably will be on a thyroid med also. Until they stop eating, stop interacting and are in obvious pain, I don't put animals down. Once they start to suffer it's time to let go. Have 4 more felines to go through this end-of-life process after Pedro, it's part of the job, 3 were street cats, 2 from a colony I sterilized and released and maintained for 9 years until hip surgery fall of 2021. All died off shortly thereafter under care of staff at nearby business.
We have a heroic woman who trapped and neutered and released thousands of ferals here in New Mexico, Jayne Sage, on her own dime. She received a grant in 2012 for a few years from Petsmart Charities and Best Friends and then was able to create a 301(c)3 non profit, thestreetcathub.org.
So much for cats!
Replaced internet modem for one that is fully charging. T-Mobile has good customer service, but there modems are cheap, made in China, and apparently only last a short while. Mine only lasted a year and a half. Went to T-Mobile 2021 after pure disgust with using AT&T hotspot device for 3 years costing about $200 per month until it stopped working and no customer service, then tried regional provider, CenturyLink, which shouldn't even be in business. Finally a former neighbor advised T-Mobile. Don't have proper indoor wiring for Comcast.
Such an inexcusable and spotty (and overpriced) internet infrastructure here in the USA. Hopefully can use Hubdialer again in future phonebanks.
Happy weekend, everyone! Was going to a war protest with the Party for Socialism and Liberation but decided instead to go to a Yoga class at the gym. I'm trying to support the PSL party , but they don't like that I'm involved with the Democratic Party and am running for precinct chair again for the Dems. Seems to be all-or-nothing and this is a recipe for disaster.
The problem with all the marginal parties here in the USA is that though they have great ideas, we don't have a system that will accommodate them.
Once again, quoting Thom Hartmann, these outside groups on the left need to join the Democratic Party to make it stronger and better. Multiple parties do. not. work. in the USA, they are magical thinking. We are not France or Canada!
I will never forgive Ralph Nader for causing Gore to lose in 2000, our world would have been a different place with a Gore win back then.
Yeah, Nader really hurt us. To put it mildly. Thanks so much for all of your wonderful service to cats. I have one I adore--I'll have to get his picture out there soon too! (:
Happy St. Patrick's day & a very big happy birthday wish to you Jessica,,,,I knew their was something about you the very first time I met you ,,it is the luck of the Irish.,,,how uncanny,,i was just thinking last night about the money coming in and giving a donation to your cause, like I mentioned earlier,,and now Im reading this ,,.it's 1:49PM here in Santa Clarita,,the mail hasn't arrived yet,,but I know the money is traveling as fast as it can ,you shall receive very shortly,,thank you for all your work ,and awareness .best,RM
I seldom respond to requests for donations online, but yesterday your post motivated me to support Janetβs WI Supreme Court campaign. I bought a steak yesterday so Iβll pass on the coffee today. Grin. Happy birthday anyway, and thanks for all you do!
You're the best, and THANK YOU!
RE: H734, For anyone who is really short of time my group, The Downtown Nasty Women, created a resistbot petition to tell our reps to oppose H734 (The Federal Trans and Intersex Athlete Sports Ban). As Jessica noted above, if passed, HR734 will stipulate that Title IX compliance requires banning transgender and intersex girls and women from participating in sports. Text Sign PVDOJS to 50409.
Also donated and happy birthday, big fan of MVP and Jessica Craven!
ooh thank you so much. I may actually use that to do a Tiktok! And thanks for donating! Yay!
Great, will send the text right now. Also called Armed Services Committed and left them a strong message about female soldier harassments and murders.
Thank you!
3/17/23 Happy Birthday, Jessica, you're doing incredible things! I will make phone banking 30 minutes per day minimum to Wisconsin one of my goals. Have an aging cat, Pedro, aged 14, with not only IBD but also now probably hyperthyroid. We paid a $300 visit yesterday to his cool Bernie-loving vet yesterday. (Last year we paid close to $2,000 for his initial flare of IBD, and he's been on prednisolone since. Probably will be on a thyroid med also. Until they stop eating, stop interacting and are in obvious pain, I don't put animals down. Once they start to suffer it's time to let go. Have 4 more felines to go through this end-of-life process after Pedro, it's part of the job, 3 were street cats, 2 from a colony I sterilized and released and maintained for 9 years until hip surgery fall of 2021. All died off shortly thereafter under care of staff at nearby business.
We have a heroic woman who trapped and neutered and released thousands of ferals here in New Mexico, Jayne Sage, on her own dime. She received a grant in 2012 for a few years from Petsmart Charities and Best Friends and then was able to create a 301(c)3 non profit, thestreetcathub.org.
So much for cats!
Replaced internet modem for one that is fully charging. T-Mobile has good customer service, but there modems are cheap, made in China, and apparently only last a short while. Mine only lasted a year and a half. Went to T-Mobile 2021 after pure disgust with using AT&T hotspot device for 3 years costing about $200 per month until it stopped working and no customer service, then tried regional provider, CenturyLink, which shouldn't even be in business. Finally a former neighbor advised T-Mobile. Don't have proper indoor wiring for Comcast.
Such an inexcusable and spotty (and overpriced) internet infrastructure here in the USA. Hopefully can use Hubdialer again in future phonebanks.
Happy weekend, everyone! Was going to a war protest with the Party for Socialism and Liberation but decided instead to go to a Yoga class at the gym. I'm trying to support the PSL party , but they don't like that I'm involved with the Democratic Party and am running for precinct chair again for the Dems. Seems to be all-or-nothing and this is a recipe for disaster.
The problem with all the marginal parties here in the USA is that though they have great ideas, we don't have a system that will accommodate them.
Once again, quoting Thom Hartmann, these outside groups on the left need to join the Democratic Party to make it stronger and better. Multiple parties do. not. work. in the USA, they are magical thinking. We are not France or Canada!
I will never forgive Ralph Nader for causing Gore to lose in 2000, our world would have been a different place with a Gore win back then.
Weekend and birthday cheers, Diana Everett
Yeah, Nader really hurt us. To put it mildly. Thanks so much for all of your wonderful service to cats. I have one I adore--I'll have to get his picture out there soon too! (:
Happy Birthday, Jess!! I just donated to MVP. Thank you for all you do!!
You're awesome. Thank you so much, Cindy!
Jess, You are our pot oβ gold! Donated and weβll toast you tonight minus the green beer. Cheers to Jess and MVP !
You're the best. Thank you!
Donated. Happy Birthday!
Thanks Jason!
Echoing the comment that the Rosenberg link does not work
Try this https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_TJFBcauNSNS-yWNA4FETRw
ππβ€οΈπΎπ₯³ Happy Birthday Jessica!
Thanks Karen!
Just sent $100 to Movement Voter Project as token of appreciation for all you do.
Omg you made my day thank you!
Happy birthday! π
Just got you a couple dozen cups of 7 Eleven brewed coffee. Not sure how that translates to Starbucks as I will not buy coffee there.
Go Wisconsin!
Neither will I, and THANK YOU!
When they stop their union busting, Iβll start getting Starbucks again.
Happy belated birthday!!!
Happy St. Patrick's day & a very big happy birthday wish to you Jessica,,,,I knew their was something about you the very first time I met you ,,it is the luck of the Irish.,,,how uncanny,,i was just thinking last night about the money coming in and giving a donation to your cause, like I mentioned earlier,,and now Im reading this ,,.it's 1:49PM here in Santa Clarita,,the mail hasn't arrived yet,,but I know the money is traveling as fast as it can ,you shall receive very shortly,,thank you for all your work ,and awareness .best,RM
Happy Birthday, just gave $50!
Nancy thank you!
Hi, Ann. Just sent it out to the whole list. Hope you got it!
Try this https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_TJFBcauNSNS-yWNA4FETRw
Oh rats. Iβll post it here when I get home.