Hi, all, and happy St. Patrick’s day!
It happens to be my birthday, as well. I’m wildly uninterested in the whole birthday thing—just ask my family—but this year I’m shamelessly exploiting it to try to raise money for the Movement Voter Project’s Wisconsin fund. Ha! I suppose that’s the nature of an organizer—everything becomes an opportunity to move the needle on one’s goals! I know I’ve already asked you to give to this fund if you can, but if you want to “buy me a cup of coffee” for my birthday feel free to put that money here instead.
After all, as I said on my Instagram post this morning, “All I want for my birthday is a functioning democracy and reproductive freedom.” Not too much to ask, is it?
No. It’s not.
And because of you all I know I’ll get it. It’ll take time, but you’re a force that can’t be beaten.
The best birthday gift of all is being on a team with you. ❤️
Call Your Senators (find yours here) 📲
Hi, I'm a constituent calling from [zip]. My name is ______.
I'm calling to ask that the Senator vote no on the Congressional Review Act resolution S.J.Res.11 that would strike down critical EPA truck pollution rules. The toxic air pollution from trucks harms our health and contributes to the climate crisis. Americans overwhelmingly want our air to be cleaner. In fact the American Lung Association just released new poll results this week showing that 74% of American voters support the EPA’s setting stricter limits on particle pollution. Would the Senator like me to send them this polling? (You can see it here.)
Call Your House Rep (find yours here) 📲
Hi, I'm a constituent calling from [zip]. My name is _______.
I’m calling to say I oppose H.R. 734, the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, which seeks to amend Title XI to exclude transgender youth from its discrimination protections. I’m sick and tired of watching Republicans pick on trans people. It’s no more than bullying and it’s very destructive.
[If Democrat add:] I want Democrats to do everything in their power to protect the trans community from these attacks.
[If GOP add:] The GOP needs to stop kicking a group that is already down and start presenting solutions for America’s pressing problems. Show you can govern or you’re going to lose in 2024. We are tired of identity politics.
Extra Credit ✅
Let’s call the Senate Armed Services committee at (202) 224-3871 and say:
I’m calling because I understand that Fort Hood officials are investigating the death of Private Second Class Ana Basalduaruiz, whose family said she complained to them about sexual harassment at the hands of not just one but several soldiers. This is the same Texas base at which Army Specialist Vanessa Guillen was killed in 2020. Something deeply troubling is happening at this base. Women there are not safe, and it’s not OK. Will the Committee investigate this pattern of abuse, please?
Get Smart! 📚
Next Tuesday, March 21st at 1PM Simon Rosenberg will be hosting the next monthly showing of his most important presentation, With Democrats Things Get Better. If you haven’t seen this you really should. It's a 30 minute long data-filled look at the performance of the two American political parties since the end of the Cold War, and it’s VERY eye-opening.
You can learn more about the presentation and RSVP here.
Spread the Word! 📣
President Biden’s Plan to Lower Prescription Drug Costs Is Working As Another Company Caps Price Of Insulin!
Thanks to the leadership of President Joe Biden, more Americans across the country will no longer be forced to pay astronomical prices for the life-saving insulin they need. This month, all three of the largest insulin producers, representing about 90% of the U.S. insulin market – Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk, and Sanofi – made the decision to dramatically reduce their insulin prices, heeding President Biden’s call to lower costs and building on the progress Democrats made with the Inflation Reduction Act in capping insulin costs for seniors on Medicare, which all Republicans in Congress voted against.
Read President Biden’s statement here and uplift this tweet.
Save the 🌎!
Y’all, a huge coalition of environmental groups (including Third Act, Elders Climate Action, 350.org, Sierra Club, Hip Hop Caucus, Stand, Green America, Union of Concerned Scientists, Sunrise Movement and more) are asking people to sign their Banking On Our Future Pledge, to let Bank of America, Chase, Citibank and Wells Fargo (the primary funders of the fossil fuel industry) know that we don’t want them using our deposits to fund the ongoing climate catastrophe.
As part of their campaign they are staging a National Day of Action on Tuesday, March 21. They’ve already confirmed over 80 protests around the U.S. where supporters will march on branches of these banks. We’ll clearly state that if the banks don’t stop their dirty banking we will move our money to alternative, more environmentally positive banks.
Especially in light of Biden’s Willow decision, please join this action if you’re able.
Win Races—Textbank! 🗳
On Tuesday, March 21 and Wednesday, March 22 from 12 – 5pm ET please join Stand Up America to text Wisconsin voters in support of Judge Janet Protasiewicz for the Wisconsin Supreme Court!
Don’t worry if you’ve never done something like this before. You’ll get training on how to use their texting tool, and their platform provides you with scripted responses and a list of voters to text.
You’ll need a laptop, computer, or tablet. While you can use a cell phone, we don’t recommend it.
Win Races—Postcard! ✍🏼
Activate America is putting out a last call to request postcards to elect Janet Protasiewicz, the pro-choice, pro-democracy candidate, to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
The last day to request lists is this Saturday, March 18th, and the cards need to be mailed by March 22nd. The sooner you request lists, the more likely you are to turn them out in time to make a difference.
To request a list, click HERE.
Resistbot Letter (new to Resistbot? Go here! And then here.) 💻
[to all 3 reps] [H/T] [Quick send text SIGN PUTUNQ to 50409]
I am writing to ask for your support of the Richard L. Trumka Protecting the Right to Organize Act of 2023 — also known as the PRO Act. Its bill number is S. 567 in the Senate; it has yet to be given a number in the House. This bill will restore workers' rights to negotiate for safer working conditions, better benefits, higher wages, and protection against discrimination.
For decades unions have been under attack resulting in a level of wealth inequality not seen since the Great Depression.
The PRO Act would remedy some of the damage done to our labor rights. Passing this legislation would help restore our middle class. I call on Congress to pass the PRO Act and help us build an economy that works for all of us, not just the wealthy and well-connected. Thanks.
OK, you did it again! You helped save democracy! You’re amazing.
Talk Monday. Have a great weekend!
I seldom respond to requests for donations online, but yesterday your post motivated me to support Janet’s WI Supreme Court campaign. I bought a steak yesterday so I’ll pass on the coffee today. Grin. Happy birthday anyway, and thanks for all you do!
RE: H734, For anyone who is really short of time my group, The Downtown Nasty Women, created a resistbot petition to tell our reps to oppose H734 (The Federal Trans and Intersex Athlete Sports Ban). As Jessica noted above, if passed, HR734 will stipulate that Title IX compliance requires banning transgender and intersex girls and women from participating in sports. Text Sign PVDOJS to 50409.
Also donated and happy birthday, big fan of MVP and Jessica Craven!