Our county in Oregon started a Neighborhood Leader program, we have leaders in 100s of neighborhoods. Each leader is responcible for from 25-40 neighbors they get literature and information to each Democrat. We are winning in our county, things have changed
This is so inspiring! Am a frightened, old lady who needs to be with fellow, like minded, members of my community so would love to know where some local get togethers are. Need this for my sanity! Have just finished 200 postcards to be mailed Oct. 15 and would love to do anything else within my limitations.
I enjoyed the interview with you, Robert and Drew. What Mecklenburg County has accomplished is amazing. If you can’t go there, donate like I did. They have increased their base astronomically. We still have thirty days. What are you going to do to make a difference and show your support for Kamala-Walz team.
Thanks for the dose of hope. I donated! Hearing the stats about winning the presidency if we win NC was something I needed to hear today. I knew it upped the chances by a lot but 🤯.
I'm doing my usual GOTV texting this weekend. Additionally, I was SO impressed with the video above that I decided to create an email with the link to the video to and send to anyone I know with NC connections. Not a huge group - 14 people - I am copying it here with the hopes that others will also reach out to folks you know who care about winning NC. Thank you Jessica - SO MUCH - for encouraging us to dig in there.
"I am writing y’all because you’ve either lived in NC, gone to school there, have friends and contacts in NC, live there now, or just plain care about turning NC BLUE in this election up and down the ballot. As someone who went to camp there for years as a kid and later attended grad school at UNC, I’ve maintained a long love for the state through thick and thin Please join me in doing whatever you can to help get out the vote there - and especially in Mecklenburg County.
"I follow Jess Craven daily because I trust her commitment and her knowledge about the election all over the country up and down ballot.
She is a huge fan of supporting NC, and especially Mecklenburg county. This link takes you to an interview with the Mecklenburg Dems chair, and has two links imbedded - one to donate, and one to volunteer. I'm planning to share with everyone I know who used to live in NC, as I did, or knows folks there. I'm convinced we can make a big difference by engaging there. In addition I've been supporting the NC Dems (the only state Dems I send money to) and through them have found a few on-the-ground groups to support as well. I'm so impressed with these young committed folks. I especially like Down Home North Carolina https://downhomenc.org/about-us/ a multi-racial kick ass rural organization." I will post the video on social media as well.
Thanks for the focus on NC. I’m linking many of your recent articles about NC - “is it worth it?” On emails I’m sending out to our writers who are asking about sending postcards there. We’ve removed addresses to western NC and are sending 600k cards to the unaffected parts of NC! All hands on deck. If you want to do something easy to help GOTV for NC - help us reach voters by sending postcards from https://shop.bluewavepostcards.org/ — is also texted for Debbie in FL this morning and when blue wave is done - working on some vote forward letters. Foot on the gas!!!
You are amazing! Thank you.. we are all finishing so strong! I texted with field team 6 yesterday and we sent over 1.5M texts in 2.5 hours - we ran out! They have over 10k testers! The enthusiasm- the focus - the “we are not stopping until we cross the line” is amazing. Everyone - chef’s kiss! This movement is incredible.
And I am hoping that the flood and catastrophe from Helene in western NC will soon be recovering. This is a big worry for the election in the state of NC. Great work and encouraging report on the state of voting in NC. Glad that support is happening for the state.
I wanted to share a Facebook post and my comment on it as I see the tragedy in NC as a way to put the lie to trump divism ( I know that’s not a real word, but it should be). I truly think that is where dems need to hit him hardest his divide and conquer is working too well we need to point it up as the most in American of ideas. Americans pull together in hard times (just like we are doing in NC) and the whole world is having hard times right now.
I just watched this on Robert's Newsletter. What a great, smart and enthusiastic person Drew is! My hopefulness has just grown immensely :) Thanks Jessica for keeping us inspired!
That video was so inspirational! thanks for sharing, but i did watch it earlier today on Robert Hubble's Today's Edition newsletter--nice to see the three of you major activists together!
In all this political banter across the airwaves and on line, I'm hearing nothing of the need to ABOLISH the so-called "Electoral College!" Why isn't this being discussed? Are plans being hatched? This ludicrous antiquated attempt to narrow the odds of conservatives losing to the much more prevalent people like US has just got to go by the wayside, banished to the hallowed halls of history, nevermore to darken justice and place someone in office who lost by several million votes! Just think, if Gore were president instead of Bush, or Hillary instead of Mr. T.? We shouldn't take this lying down! Are plans being written? Is this important item on the Agenda? Sure hope so!
Oh I’m completely on board with that am I think a lot of people are. In fact Mike Podhorzer wrote a great post about it last week. Look it up—he has a Substack.
Thanks, Jessica. It was a great video and so inspiring! Also, it’s a very interesting model. I’ve made a donation and signed up to do some phone banking for Meck County.
This is a great, great interview..I have a close friend in Charlotte who ran for a state house seat as a Democrat in 2020 and list because of exactly the turnout problem Drew described. We're all holding our breath that grassroots action will turn the tide in what should a Democratic NC!
Drew is amazing. Donated after watching this. Hope this talented and well spoken man is offered greater opportunities. His attitude is wonderful and contagious!
Jess, thank you for sharing this interview about North Carolina's Mecklenberg County. Young Drew Kromer woke up to see all the sabotage that the nefarious GOP used to distort North Carolina electoral results. Then, better yet, he learned exactly what democracy-loving North Carolinians and their out-of-state allies have to do to take back the state!
You and Robert Hubbell are right: Listening to Drew Kromer is a shot in the arm as we continue our march through these last key weeks!
Thank you Jessica and Robert!! I had already donated and volunteered to phone bank for Meck County when I watched your video with Drew. Wow, am I inspired!!! I've just sent it to a bunch of friends, encouraging them to do the same. Thank you, as always, for being guiding lights for us all!
Our county in Oregon started a Neighborhood Leader program, we have leaders in 100s of neighborhoods. Each leader is responcible for from 25-40 neighbors they get literature and information to each Democrat. We are winning in our county, things have changed
That is so incredible!
I’m in Portland, which county are you in?
This is so inspiring! Am a frightened, old lady who needs to be with fellow, like minded, members of my community so would love to know where some local get togethers are. Need this for my sanity! Have just finished 200 postcards to be mailed Oct. 15 and would love to do anything else within my limitations.
Where do you live, Caroline? I’m sure we can get you connected.
I enjoyed the interview with you, Robert and Drew. What Mecklenburg County has accomplished is amazing. If you can’t go there, donate like I did. They have increased their base astronomically. We still have thirty days. What are you going to do to make a difference and show your support for Kamala-Walz team.
I agree! Let’s DO THIS!
Thanks for the dose of hope. I donated! Hearing the stats about winning the presidency if we win NC was something I needed to hear today. I knew it upped the chances by a lot but 🤯.
Yes it would be an absolute game changer.
I'm doing my usual GOTV texting this weekend. Additionally, I was SO impressed with the video above that I decided to create an email with the link to the video to and send to anyone I know with NC connections. Not a huge group - 14 people - I am copying it here with the hopes that others will also reach out to folks you know who care about winning NC. Thank you Jessica - SO MUCH - for encouraging us to dig in there.
"I am writing y’all because you’ve either lived in NC, gone to school there, have friends and contacts in NC, live there now, or just plain care about turning NC BLUE in this election up and down the ballot. As someone who went to camp there for years as a kid and later attended grad school at UNC, I’ve maintained a long love for the state through thick and thin Please join me in doing whatever you can to help get out the vote there - and especially in Mecklenburg County.
"I follow Jess Craven daily because I trust her commitment and her knowledge about the election all over the country up and down ballot.
She is a huge fan of supporting NC, and especially Mecklenburg county. This link takes you to an interview with the Mecklenburg Dems chair, and has two links imbedded - one to donate, and one to volunteer. I'm planning to share with everyone I know who used to live in NC, as I did, or knows folks there. I'm convinced we can make a big difference by engaging there. In addition I've been supporting the NC Dems (the only state Dems I send money to) and through them have found a few on-the-ground groups to support as well. I'm so impressed with these young committed folks. I especially like Down Home North Carolina https://downhomenc.org/about-us/ a multi-racial kick ass rural organization." I will post the video on social media as well.
Fantastic thank you!
Thanks for the focus on NC. I’m linking many of your recent articles about NC - “is it worth it?” On emails I’m sending out to our writers who are asking about sending postcards there. We’ve removed addresses to western NC and are sending 600k cards to the unaffected parts of NC! All hands on deck. If you want to do something easy to help GOTV for NC - help us reach voters by sending postcards from https://shop.bluewavepostcards.org/ — is also texted for Debbie in FL this morning and when blue wave is done - working on some vote forward letters. Foot on the gas!!!
YesSs I ordered some of those bw cards. I’ve probably ordered 12k from them by now.
You are amazing! Thank you.. we are all finishing so strong! I texted with field team 6 yesterday and we sent over 1.5M texts in 2.5 hours - we ran out! They have over 10k testers! The enthusiasm- the focus - the “we are not stopping until we cross the line” is amazing. Everyone - chef’s kiss! This movement is incredible.
And I am hoping that the flood and catastrophe from Helene in western NC will soon be recovering. This is a big worry for the election in the state of NC. Great work and encouraging report on the state of voting in NC. Glad that support is happening for the state.
I wanted to share a Facebook post and my comment on it as I see the tragedy in NC as a way to put the lie to trump divism ( I know that’s not a real word, but it should be). I truly think that is where dems need to hit him hardest his divide and conquer is working too well we need to point it up as the most in American of ideas. Americans pull together in hard times (just like we are doing in NC) and the whole world is having hard times right now.
I just watched this on Robert's Newsletter. What a great, smart and enthusiastic person Drew is! My hopefulness has just grown immensely :) Thanks Jessica for keeping us inspired!
That video was so inspirational! thanks for sharing, but i did watch it earlier today on Robert Hubble's Today's Edition newsletter--nice to see the three of you major activists together!
In all this political banter across the airwaves and on line, I'm hearing nothing of the need to ABOLISH the so-called "Electoral College!" Why isn't this being discussed? Are plans being hatched? This ludicrous antiquated attempt to narrow the odds of conservatives losing to the much more prevalent people like US has just got to go by the wayside, banished to the hallowed halls of history, nevermore to darken justice and place someone in office who lost by several million votes! Just think, if Gore were president instead of Bush, or Hillary instead of Mr. T.? We shouldn't take this lying down! Are plans being written? Is this important item on the Agenda? Sure hope so!
Oh I’m completely on board with that am I think a lot of people are. In fact Mike Podhorzer wrote a great post about it last week. Look it up—he has a Substack.
Thanks, Jessica. It was a great video and so inspiring! Also, it’s a very interesting model. I’ve made a donation and signed up to do some phone banking for Meck County.
Fantastic! Honestly I sat and talked to Drew for an hour and a half the first time we met and I was completely convinced. It’s really exciting.
Yay! Thank you!
A most inspiring story, glad you decided to share!
Sent in a donation!! Good for Drew and his enthusiastic team!
Thank you!
This is a great, great interview..I have a close friend in Charlotte who ran for a state house seat as a Democrat in 2020 and list because of exactly the turnout problem Drew described. We're all holding our breath that grassroots action will turn the tide in what should a Democratic NC!
Yes Merrill I agree! I have a great feeling about it!
Yeah inspirational. I'm going to sign up to make calls in NC😄
Drew is amazing. Donated after watching this. Hope this talented and well spoken man is offered greater opportunities. His attitude is wonderful and contagious!
Yes Bill I agree! Thank you!
Jess, thank you for sharing this interview about North Carolina's Mecklenberg County. Young Drew Kromer woke up to see all the sabotage that the nefarious GOP used to distort North Carolina electoral results. Then, better yet, he learned exactly what democracy-loving North Carolinians and their out-of-state allies have to do to take back the state!
You and Robert Hubbell are right: Listening to Drew Kromer is a shot in the arm as we continue our march through these last key weeks!
Yessss I’m so glad everyone else enjoyed it as much as I did! 🙌
Thank you Jessica and Robert!! I had already donated and volunteered to phone bank for Meck County when I watched your video with Drew. Wow, am I inspired!!! I've just sent it to a bunch of friends, encouraging them to do the same. Thank you, as always, for being guiding lights for us all!
Yay!! Thank yoi!