Here is the email that I sent:

Dear Board of Supervisors –

It has come to my attention that you are considering not certifying the Cochise County election.

I will readily tell you that I am a resident of neither Cochise County nor of Arizona, so you may decide to ignore me entirely. But that would be missing the point entirely.

The point is that we live in a democracy, and that democracy extends to the nation far beyond Cochise and Arizona. If you allow this travesty to occur the impact will be felt across the country, and the political and economic ramifications will be felt by everyone in your jurisdiction. It would be unwise to put your county on the map for all the wrong reasons.

This is not a threat; the threat is from the anti-democratic individuals in your jurisdiction. You will have them and yourselves to blame if you allow them to hijack your democratically fair election.

Please consider your constituents and choose fairly and wisely.


Richard Gopen

Bridgewater, MA 02324

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That's a good letter! Thanks so much for posting it!

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Done! KBinAZ

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Some kind of “Good Faith & Fair Dealing” baseline agreement needs to be struck between the Dems and GOP to avoid this kind of hateful self destructive politics. I want a robust opposition party and differing points of view are valuable but not this bogus obstruction and denialism. How can we govern ourselves otherwise?

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Just wanted to let you know, the link doesn't actually work. But I still copied your wording and sent my own message, adding bold text to "This is unacceptable". Thanks for posting this!

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I’m so tired of these people trying to undermine our election processes

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Mine bounced as well. Something is wrong with the address for the county.

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No it's the right address. I think too many people writing at once may have either filled up their inbox or broken their server. I made a Tiktok also LOL.

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Mine bounced,

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Interesting. I think we may be breaking their server as it's the right address.

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Done. E pluribus...

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Done and asked 5 more to also participate

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Thank you.

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What are their reasons for not wanting to certify the election results?

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