Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

We (speaking collectively) are glad you are taking a day off for self-care, even if it feels foreign to you and please do not feel like you are shortchanging us by missing a newsletter or two! You are human like the rest of us and life happens. Feel better soon! :-)

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Yes, you need to take care of yourself! Our current political environment is a health hazard itself it's so stressful.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Your family and friends are right to tell you to take a sick day and take care of yourself. Listen to those who love you and get better soon!

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

"Chicken broth not only provides valuable nutrients to help your body fight disease, cold, and the flu, but hot liquids like chicken broth help mucus move, clear airways, and ease nasal congestion. Hydration. As a fluid, chicken broth helps to keep your body hydrated." (web MD! :)

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven




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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Welp! It's a perfect day to bundle up and drink lotsa hot whatever 😉

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Like everyone said ... take good care of yourself, Jess!

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No worries! Please heal thyself. I concur on the chicken soup and lots of liquids - Whatever floats your boat.

Your contributions have been enormous. So I think you have a huge karmic credit balance. Rest.

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

I believe that our cats wish we were invalids. They don't get that their tender, loving care gets us well faster! Feel better soon, Jessica.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Self-care is important! We all need time to rest and rejuvenate!

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Please take good care of you, Jessica; we need you! I know it's hard to turn off the brain about things we really care about - but please - "rest effectively," as long as it takes! Blessings

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If there’s ever a good time to get sick, it’s before a weekend, so please take advantage of that and rest and get better.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Feel better! Rest up!

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

We all need to pace ourselves for the next 20 months - yes, 20 months. We especially need our political mavens like you to stay well. You, of course, maintain a furious pace we can only admire and to which we aspire. You keep us motivated. No pressure!

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Ditto to all the comments encouraging you to take care!

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Dear Jessica,

Something I always tell family and friends is the same thing we all hear whenever we take a plane flight, and that is to put your oxygen mask on first before helping others. Because, if you don’t, you will be of little use to them.

Please take time to care for yourself, not only right now, but every week, because none of us knows how long this work is going to continue. As Robert Hubbell says, it is a marathon not a sprint. Each of us needs to set aside time each week, preferably several times each week, to just let go, to go watch the sunset, take a bath, watch a funny comedy movie, not just a tiktok, (laughing is so healing), to slowly eat a meal, savoring each bite, to take a long walk, hopefully in nature somewhere, To go to bed early and without watching any TV or cell phone stuff for an hour or two beforehand. I’m trying to give inexpensive or no cost ideas. And if you can spend a bit of money get a mani pedi, or a massage. Regularly. If you have one, get in your hottub daily. I could go on with ideas, but I think you get the idea.

Care for yourself first, so you have the ability, time, and energy to care for the world. I would rather have your column only 5 days a week and know that you are healthy and strong, and able to be with all of us at the end of this road so we can all celebrate together, than to have you working yourself into illness trying to give us something each day. And I’m sure your family wants the same for you as well.

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