Thanks for raising the visibility about the possibility of a national strike. A national strike should absolutely follow if we have a government shutdown. We cannot allow the private sector to continue operating - we'd be playing right into their hands.
Delighted to know that there are others that feel the same way. Jessica and Scott are great cheerleaders for the cause of sanity in government. Never give in never give up and never, never give out.
Thank you so much. You motivated me to find out who my congresswoman is, and to make a phone call. The person on the other end of the phone listened tirelessly and I thanked her and told her I was grateful for her being willing to be in public service.
If you use the 5 Calls app, you choose the issue you want to call about, and it automatically gives you the names and phone #s of the elected officials to call, as well as a suggested scripts. I get confused, too, which is why I use 5 Calls.
I subscribed to get Jessica's daily letters because for the topics for the day she tells you who to call. is also helpful. Put in your zip code, select a topic and they tell you who to call. I like jessica's because she will let me know what is important right now, for example the budget vote.
Thanks for raising the visibility about the possibility of a national strike. A national strike should absolutely follow if we have a government shutdown. We cannot allow the private sector to continue operating - we'd be playing right into their hands.
Are you going to post where demonstrations will be taking place?
Delighted to know that there are others that feel the same way. Jessica and Scott are great cheerleaders for the cause of sanity in government. Never give in never give up and never, never give out.
Don't subscribe to Starlink. Musk owns it.
I just watched Scott's interview with Andra Watkins. He is inspiring.
Thank you Elaine!
Democrats in Congress need our support. Call them!
I call my rep daily - sometimes multiple times a day
The Repulican Politicians are cultivating their own demise.
Love Jessica’s explanation of Project 2025!
I just called all 3 of my democratic senators!
Thank you Scott and Jess !!
Fantastic discussion. So glad I am now acquainted with Jessica Craven-Passing on the word!
Yes to National Strike!!
Thank you so much. You motivated me to find out who my congresswoman is, and to make a phone call. The person on the other end of the phone listened tirelessly and I thanked her and told her I was grateful for her being willing to be in public service.
I’m embarrassed to say this but I get really confused between when I should call my congressman vs my senators.
You can call your Rep and 2 Senators :)
If you use the 5 Calls app, you choose the issue you want to call about, and it automatically gives you the names and phone #s of the elected officials to call, as well as a suggested scripts. I get confused, too, which is why I use 5 Calls.
Thank you, I just got 5 calls today otherwise I’ve just been blindly calling all 3 reps 😅
Don’t be embarrassed. Use and they will tell you! Or subscribe to my newsletter! Chopwoodcarrywaterdailyactions.Substack.Com
I subscribed to get Jessica's daily letters because for the topics for the day she tells you who to call. is also helpful. Put in your zip code, select a topic and they tell you who to call. I like jessica's because she will let me know what is important right now, for example the budget vote.
Thank you 😊
You guys are so wonderful! I so appreciate everything you do. Thank you, and god bless you! Xx
Thank you so much for all your hard work!!! I’m with you💪🏼🙏🏼
Jessica is amazing! Her energy is contagious