Jul 28Liked by Jessica Craven

What a great edition. You do such good work in keeping us informed. So many good things happening. And that ABBA song! Wow. Thank you.

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Jul 28Liked by Jessica Craven

Omg FINALLY some action on the USPS front!! 🥳

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Yeah, apparently the Republicans have been blocking Biden‘s other Progressive nominee for months and months now. So Biden actually nominated two people and the other nominee is a Republican who is already on the board, but whose term is expiring so there’s some thinking that maybe he made a deal with the Republican leadership that he would give them that board member if they would confirm his two board members, but I don’t know.no one is quite sure how it’s gonna play out

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Maybe NOW DeJoyless can be booted out as head of the USPS.

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Thank you for more encouragement, Jessica — and that Marsh Family video had me shouting with laughter and crying tears of joy!

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Jul 28Liked by Jessica Craven

I had never heard of this group, but I emailed the YouTube link to all my friends and family who are Randy Rainbow fans!!

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Me too!

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It’s awesome right?

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28Liked by Jessica Craven

Jessica! You’re amazing. Great how you compile so much important news succinctly. Thanks! Best substack being published! And one of the few without a paywall of any kind. That’s why I am a paid subscriber ONLY to yours. Thanks!! 🙏

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I so appreciate that.

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Jul 28Liked by Jessica Craven

I've always been proud to be part of a movement of such empathetic, dedicated, hardworking people, but now it's grown so much and become even more energized, and it just warms my heart 🥹

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I agree.

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Jul 28Liked by Jessica Craven

KRISTIN LYERLY, OB-GYN, for Congress in Wisconsin's 8th District:


Regarding the item about the port of Green Bay, Wisconsin receiving over $10 million from the Infrastructure Jobs and Investment Act, here's some important info:

Green Bay is in the 8th District which was formerly represented by Republican Mike Gallagher, who resigned his seat in March. Mr. Gallagher was one of the "traditional Republicans", a serious legislator comfortable working with Democrats to address our country’s challenges. The Republican candidates running to succeed him are far more closely aligned with MAGA extremists. (The primary is on August 13.)

The 8th District has been reliably Republican for many years, but an upset this year is not beyond reach. The 8th district includes Wisconsin’s third and sixth most populous cities: Green Bay and Appleton. Both voted 51% - 48% for progressive Janet Protasiewicz for Supreme Court last year. Also, the district went for Obama by 54% in 2008.

Democrats didn't even field a candidate in the 8th District last cycle. But this year Kristin Lyerly, an OB-GYN pro-choice activist will be the Democratic candidate. With access to abortion winning majority support even among Republicans, Dr. Lyerly could possibly flip the seat.

Should she be elected, Dr. Lyerly would be the only pro-choice OB-GYN in the House.

To help support Kristin Lyerly’s campaign, visit her website:



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Yes yes yes I second all of this! And Kristin’s fundraising is strong and she’s running a great campaign. I believe we’ve got a shot!

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Jul 28Liked by Jessica Craven

Jessica, your list of things to Celebrate this week is so long, it took me ages to get through with all the links….and that’s GOOD! Thank you, thank you, thank you for all you’re doing and sharing with us!

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I’m so glad!

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Jul 28Liked by Jessica Craven

I was blown away when Red, Wine & Blue got 40K + participants on a Zoom call to hear Heather Cox Richardson talk about Project 2025 the week before last. But that was on RW&B's schedule for I don't know how long - I definitely had it on my calendar for at least a week.

But to get that many women on a call that started a mere 6 hours (I think) after Biden made his historic announcement and then endorsed Kamala Harris?? That is truly mind blowing!! And it should absolutely scare the living daylights out of the Republicans!! (And I'm all in for THAT!! 😊😊😊)

Also hitting your 100-day fundraising goal in 100 minutes?💥💥💥 HOLY MOLY!!

I have to admit that I was very concerned that many of the Democrats pushing for Biden to step down were also going to push for a replacement candidate other than Kamala Harris. Infighting at this point of the election cycle would have been a disaster IMO. Plus it would have rightfully alienated women, especially non-white women. I am so relieved that the Democrats coalesced around the VP!!

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I think we all are!

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Me too! I don't know if Biden planned it this way, but he clearly deliberately waited till after DT had made his overconfident VP choice. And then Biden may have waited another week to ensure that there wouldn't be time for the Dems to self-destruct in chaos and would have to coalesce around Harris, whom, after all, Biden picked and who has learned a LOT from Biden. She's so much more confident, experienced and authentically herself than she was in 2019!

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Shared that brilliant video with everyone I could think of. Thx so much for another great newsletter. Great news about USPS Deming is fabulous. Are we any closer to sending DeJoyless to the Dead Letter Office?

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I answered that same question above in the comments we really don’t know exactly what will happen yet but fingers crossed.

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Ah, someone else besides me who calls him that.

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29Liked by Jessica Craven

--->>> "joy-driven <<<--- 🤗🤸‍♀️🎉🌈

"President Biden nominated Florida’s Val Demings to be a new Postal Service Board of Governors member!" Dejoy be degone!

The Politico article on Justice Kagan is a must read. Thanks for the link! https://www.politico.com/news/2024/07/25/elena-kagan-supreme-court-ethics-reform-00171317?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Jul 28Liked by Jessica Craven

Thank you, Jessica! 💙🇺🇸💙

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Jul 29Liked by Jessica Craven

I am practically tripping over myself doing the happy dance!

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Our grandson for a few months worked for the totally rudderless USPS in LA and tells the episode of DeJoyless ordering the removal of hundreds (thousands?) of sorting machines to an open air storage area, later deciding to re-install, but unfortunately for him in his brilliance it was too late and it had rained. What an idiot! Cost taxpayers millions to purchase new ones.

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He’s the worst.

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Another fun video - "Put a woman in charge", original Keb Mo audio, visuals for Harris campaign.


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Jul 28Liked by Jessica Craven

"Exhilarating" is the word for this past week! Thank you, Jess! 💕💖

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I copied the link to this one to share with friends.

Great things in motion

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