Jun 30Liked by Jessica Craven

Not related to the great info here, but much on my mind: a study that says 75% or more of the population is not familiar with Project 2025. Wondering if there are groups tabling, for instance, at farmers markets and community fairs during the summer, with (for instance) Ask me about Project 2025 and have a ready hand-out for what it represents, and 5 talking points?

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Yeah we are all trying really hard to get the word out — farmers market tabling is a good idea!

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Jun 30Liked by Jessica Craven

Send people to the new website Biden put online a week ago all about Project 2025.


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Jun 30Liked by Jessica Craven

Try this link for easily accessible info to counter Project 2025.


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We've been posting about it on our neighborhood FB groups AND Next Door! Word is getting out.

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I wish President Biden was a good debater. I know he’s a good president. He tamed Covid. He passed infrastructure when Trump could not. He outmaneuvered McCarthy on the debt ceiling. His CHIPS and IRA have brought manufacturing jobs and factory investments to the USA, and have accelerated progress toward a clean economy — an economy that The Economist magazine describes as “the envy of the world.” His record speaks for itself.

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Jun 30Liked by Jessica Craven

I am hoping those of you out there will think the following two election out- reach statementsre effective enough to spread out into the ether. It could be more eye-catching with better fonts and layout but I think its simplicity is its strength







please pass this on to those who are wavering


Do you remember what you learned in kindergarten?





It still matters. Vote your values

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please share far and wide especially to those thinking of not voting or voting third party.

This is a quieter hopefully more disarming approach which hopefully will direct people away from their partisan corners and contemplate what kindof world they want live in and leave to the next generation. Please share. It can’thurt and it might help.

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Hey people.! If people decide to share my idea with others please let me know, okay. ? It would be good if it went viral. Giving what we are facingi in this election Ithink this “statement” gets to the heart of the matter. Why we should vote at all and shy we should care who gets elected. thanks.

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Jun 30Liked by Jessica Craven

That video from Phyllis Randall is AWESOME!

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Isn’t it amazing?

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How do we share that fantastic video?

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Jun 30Liked by Jessica Craven

Biden's team must roll out a new communications strategy for the next 5 months.

Biden's not capable of effectively communicating the risks of MAGA, explaining Project 2025, or even delivering a coherent vision for the next 4 years.

There's a strong anti-Trump coalition, but it won't be sufficient if there isn't a tsunami of messaging around the 3 points above.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

Agree, but with 4 months out this is on all of us. We are all part of”Biden’s Team”. Project 2025/ is already underway and THAT is what needs to be conveyed to voters.


Andra Watkins,a NYT best-selling author who “escaped” Christian Nationalism decades ago, has read and dissected the almost 1000 page Project 2025 manifesto.she has great talking points.

https://project2025istheocracy.substack.com/ From the Biden campaign: https://joebiden.com/project2025/

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Jun 30Liked by Jessica Craven

No, I'm sorry.

Communicating the dangers of a 2nd Trump term is NOT on the electorate.

Biden has a global bully pulpit that he's avoided like the plague.

Democratic leadership has no coherent messaging about anything.

Short of firing the entire campaign staff, which I would do in a second, an entirely different strategy needs to be rolled out.

Biden surrogates need to be out every day, not Democratic strategists gaslighting on MSNBC. They need to be on local news, podcast, social media...talking about Project 2025, Trump's plans for a 2nd term, and Biden's plan for a 2nd term.

If they can't do this, Democrats will lose.

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Jun 30Liked by Jessica Craven

I agree. Whoever is advising and "managing" the President did a terrible job! DUmp them all before the next debate. He needs to memorize SOUND BITES, like :

"Rigged trials? 12 citizens picked by your own lawyers found you were a felon. 34 times." "You love Putin. You admire Hitler. You think the Charlottesville Nazis were "good people. No wonder you want to be a dictator."

Get it?

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Yeah those are good.

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Jun 30Liked by Jessica Craven

Love Phyllis’s take on the debate!! Thanks for including that and the photo with many of our heroes!! Wow, how cool to meet all of them in person! Thanks Jessica for spending so many hours on an airplane in order to bring us this news!

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It was a delight!

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Jul 1Liked by Jessica Craven

Comments about what Biden‘s team should be doing are not helpful. And statements to the effect of, if they don’t do this, we’re going to lose, are also not helpful.

We have no control over what Biden‘s team does or doesn’t do. We *do* have control over what *we* do. And how we work to get the vote out For all of the elections in November.

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Jul 1Liked by Jessica Craven

At the water cooler.

Person 1: jeez did you see Biden at the debate?

Person 2: Yeah, but did you hear the other guy.

Watch Biden, but listen to Trump.

The choice couldn’t be clearer.

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I ditto all the comments already posted here. Saving the best (subjective opinion) for last of what teachers can do about posting the 10 Commandments in their classrooms is so awesome. Thanks for sharing it with us.

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Of course! I loved that one!

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Jul 1Liked by Jessica Craven

Just continuing to nerd out and say again how awesome it was to see you in real life at the Network NOVA summit. It really is “Up to Us,” and with bright people like you at the helm, we feel hopeful and empowered and ready to go. Thank you for all you do!

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Se thank you, Kate. What a magical weekend. And it really was a pleasure to meet you, too.

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Jul 1Liked by Jessica Craven

Thank you Jess and Mr. Jess 💙 these posts are incredibly helpful to me

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Aw thank you!

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With 61% of us supporting DEI, let's see if we can get 61% of us to begin a nationwide boycott of Tractor Supply, who publicly announced they will do away with any and all DEI initiatives. It's their choice; let's make them feel the pain of their misguided decision!

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I've never shopped there, but I like the idea for those who do!

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We have them here in Ohio, and I’m already posting the plan!

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Someone in one of my local FB groups posted about this. He didn't leave a comment, just posted their letter. So I asked him what his thoughts were and he said this. "As a straight white male farmer that supports DEI and the LGBTQ community in very conservative ***** County Texas I will be using other suppliers from now on. There are more of us out there than they think.

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I've gone to Tractor Supply's social media accounts and told them I now know what businesses in Germany were doing while Hitler was murdering the Jews. I told them to grow a spine.

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Susan, you just moved up to the top of my "Hero for the Day" list!!

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now I've noticed they curtailed comments. lolol. so I'll mail them a letter.

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AWWW, did we hurt their widdle feewwings?? AAWWWW!!

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LOLOLOL . can't take the heat

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Jun 30Liked by Jessica Craven

Thank you Jessica for the amazing list and VIDEOS! And for getting it to us with all your travels! YOU ROCK!

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Thanks, KC.

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Jun 30Liked by Jessica Craven

Thank you for the good news and the smiles!!

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Jun 30Liked by Jessica Craven

Thank you for this newsletter and for your enthusiasm, confidence, and hard work. It’s much appreciated. Onward. Biden 2024!!!

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Thank YOU, Mainer!

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Jul 1Liked by Jessica Craven

o matter what the week, Extra Extra! puts a smile on my face. Especially loved Phyllis Randall, bookmarked it to share!

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Yay! And it’s on YouTube—I posted the link in the comments above—so you can just share it there.

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