If you go to protest seriously consider face covering to thwart face recognition software. We can’t be too careful.

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And to protect yourself and others from all the sicknesses out there.

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Well, tomorrow will be in the low 20s in Concord NH with a strong wind making it a wind chill of about 0Β°, so it makes sense anyway!

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Yes! There's a protest in Evanston, IL tomorrow, and it's supposed to be a brisk 9 degrees -- so yes indeed, there are multiple reasons for protesters to cover their faces! πŸ₯Ά

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Thank you for some good news!!!

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Of course!

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[Updated Sun. 2-16-25] Nixon's "Saturday Night Massacre"--where two lawyers resigned in protest--became famous as part of Tricky Dicl's own forced departure. Trump now has his own enhanced, explosive "Thursday Afternoon Massacre" where not two but seven DOJ lawyers resigned in their protest against dropping the quid pro quo criminal action against NY Mayor Adams. This week's heroes ("Lighthouses in the Storm" h/t Armand Beede@Blue Note) are: Danielle Sasson, John Keller, Kevin Driscoll, Rob Heberie, Jenn Clarke, Marco Palmieri, and Hagen Scotten. They resigned after Acting deputy Attorney Emil Bove issued a directive to drop the Adam's case.. These heroes in pursuit of justice and the rule of law are now included in the lionhearted below fighting against authoritarianism, Trump cruelty, and for pre Trump/Musk. democracy.

Numerous undaunted truth-to-power fighters have been added per viewer's inputs and recent Trump and DOJ actions. Besides upstanding lawyers and law-abiding honorable (present and former) judges, here's a growing list of Profiles in Courage men, women, and advocacy groups who refuse to be cowed or kneel to the force of the Trump/Musk intimidation.]

These heroes in pursuit of justice and the rule of law are now included in the lionhearted below fighting against authoritarianism, Trump cruelty, and for democracy--pre Trump/Musk.

I'll begin, again, with Missouri's own undaunted Jess[ica] (à la John Lewis's "get in good trouble") Piper. Then, in no particular order, Heather Cox Richardson, Joyce Vance, Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, Karen Pence, Pope Francis (re cruel migration treatment) , Ruth Ben-Ghait, Dan Rather, Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell, Chris Hayes, Robert Reich, Jim Acosta, Jen Rubin and the Contrarians, Steve Brodner, Brian Tyler Cohen, Jonathan Bernstein, Simon Rosenberg, Rachel Coyle, Jessica Craven, Sharon McMahon, Scott Dworkin, Ron Filipkowski!, Anne Applebaum, David Frum, Susan H. Glassser, Jane Mayer, Lucian Truscott IV, AOC, Jasmine Crockett, Chris Murphy, Elizabeth Warren, Tim Snyder, Harry Litman, Jay Kuo, Robert B. Hubbell, Ben Meisellas, Steve Schmidt, David Pepper, Judd Legum, Kristin Du Mez, Jeff Tiedrich, Josh Marshall, Paul Krugman, Andy Borowitz, Rich Wilson, Jeff Danziger, Ann Telnaes,­͏ ­͏Juan Cole, Will Bunch, Cher, Kevin Costner, Jon Hamm, Bennie Thompson, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Rebecca Gordon/TomDispatch, The Dean's List/Dean Obeidallah; American Bar Association, Blue Missouri, Indivisible, Sunrise Movement, Third Act, Democracy Forward, Public Citizen, Democracy Index, Democracy Docket, Democracy Now, ACLU, America, America/Steven Beschloss, David Pepper/ Saving DemocracyThe Action Network, The Freedom Academy et al. (Suggestions welcome.)

And, as Joyce Vance says, "We're in this together"--or via Jess Piper, from rural Missouri: "Solidarity." FIGHT BACK! WE ARE NOT ALONE, WE Grow BY the MINUTE--Every Time Trump/Muck tries to destroy our Democracy.

( Google any name above for more info if you are unfamiliar.)

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Love that National Treasury Employee Union (NTEU) made the news letter. They have also been encouraging calls and emails to senators and representatives. NTEU represents employees all over the nation. (Not just DC). They also represent customs and boarder people.

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The whale that spat out the guy on the raft was a humpback whale, not a killer whale or orca.

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Corrected it in the online version. Thanks for flagging!

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I don’t think a killer whale would have burped him up.

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Oh Jesus that’s right I knew that too! I forgot to correct it in the draft. I’ll do it now.

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Jess, thank you!! You manage to lift me up.🌻🌻🌻

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This actually does feel like good news. Much needed. Thank you

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Of course!

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I love all the good new, especially about being spit back out of a whales mouth! Thank you doing all the work to compile it. Let’s go out and show our stuff tomorrow!

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Boy, it was cold, but thousands of people marched from union square, down broadway to Washington square park. The avenue was jam packed with creative signs and good cheer. Good for us and everyone who braved the cold to march.

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Thank you for the good news!

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Your Sunday issue keeps me going! Thank you.

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Trump Suggests No Laws Are Broken if He’s β€˜Saving His Country’ This headline in the NY times misuses the ' symbol. It should read Trump Suggests No Laws Are Broken if He's Saving "His" Country. In our country of 350 million Americans, Trump has broken hundreds of laws broken.

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Can we just refuse to pay taxes until they fund the agencies and programs which were put in place through legal means already?

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I think many are doing just that.

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Erin, I plan to try to withhold annual Federal income tax this year because of the wrecking-ball-policies of this maladministration. And thanks to Jessica Craven I’ve made more phone calls etc! Hopefully, I’ll be able to go to a planned rally 2/17. 🀞Praying it’s not sheets of ice here in Falmouth, MA 🀞

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Okay, so do you know the rules about that, and how can we get away with that - in protest - without getting thrown into jail or fined or something?

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The War Resisters League has been guiding those wishing to withhold war taxes since 1923 https://www.warresisters.org/war-tax-resistance/

They work with the National War Tax Resisters Coordination Committee


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I think that most of elon's contracts are through the defense budget, right?

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Excellent question!

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I recommend talking to your local tax attorney to know the rules around this. I personally will be paying my taxes super early (for me anyway). It sucks but I'm going to resist in other ways....

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You are holding my life together. Thank you!

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This was a very uplifting (and needed) post! Thank you.

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You're very welcome!

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If you live in Seattle, in or near Ballard, welcome to join us: A small group standing with signs on Saturdays at noon to 1, thru at least Mar 8 at Bergen Pavilion, Market & Leary. Not organized, 2 of us just met thru NextDoor. We thought there might be very few of us, but word of mouth turned out at least 17. Lots of enthusiastic response from walkers and drivers, plus many of the passing bus drivers! Thanks to those who have been inspiring, at least in me, the idea of starting at whatever level. "Little snail, slowly, slowly, climb Mt Fuji." ~Issa

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Thank you so much for all

Of the hard work you do to provide us with action steps and uplifting news. I so appreciate you!!

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