Oct 7Liked by Jessica Craven

So much good news. It's funny how sometimes there is a unanimous Senate vote about something good like the WILD Reauthorization. I think some amount of elected Republicans secretly just want to do their jobs but are too cowardly to stand up to Trump so play along with MAGA. They will never be "good" people but if we can defeat Trump once and for all maybe they'll behave a bit more normal.

Second, I gave to MeckDems this morning but after watching the video I want to give more. NC has an incredible team this year! I just ordered some Blue Wave GOTV cards for NC that should arrive next week!

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Yes Iā€™m going to order more of those too!

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They are already sold out.

PSA for postcard writers - make sure you have enough postcard stamps for the postcards you are committed to writing. I am getting reports from friends who are writing postcards that their local post office was out of postcard stamps totally or only had rolls of 100. You can also order from USPS.com, but that may take several days even though they are sent out by priority mail.

With the 17 cent differential between postcard and first class stamps ($0.56 vs. $0.73), you want to make sure you have correct postage.

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Yep, stock up now. When I last purchased a roll of stamps in person the clerk commented on how many were being sold! Simon Rosenberg made interesting point that all of the postcarding efforts is the equivalent of a SuperPAC dumping millions into the campaign.

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Thank you! I'm in NC in the battleground county of Mecklenburg!

And it looks like you ordered your postcards just in the nick of time. As of this morning, the Blue Wave campaign is sold out.

FYI, if you are a postcard writing still looking to make a difference, here are some ideas:

Activate America (www.activateamerica.vote) has statewide Get out the Vote (GOTV) for AZ (English & Spanish), MI, Nevada (Spanish), OH, and PA. In addition, there are GOTV campaigns in competitive districts in CA, CO, NJ, NM, NY, and OR <-- AA requires no account set up; you should have script and addresses in minutes; no minimum quantity

Postcards to Voters aka Tony the Democrat (www.postcardstovoters.org) currently has campaigns for (1) Sherrod Brown in OH, (2) John Mannion (US House NY-22), (3) Kelly Semrad (for Orange County FL Board of County Commissioners), (4) Chris Deluzio (US House PA-17) and (5) FL VBM (Vote by Mail) Miami-Dade County <--- best for approved writers; new volunteers must submit a photo of a sample postcard

Postcards for Democracy (through Markers for Democracy, one of the sponsors for recent 24 hours in '24 postcard marathon) https://markersfordemocracy.org/postcards-for-democracy - focuses on down ballot races like state legislature (current campaigns for AZ, MI, MT, NY and NC), school board (NV) and city council (CA) <--- must be approved by a human being to set up account

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I've known for a while that NC is very important this year (which is why I've focused most of my volunteering there), but didn't appreciate until I saw the video how victory really runs through Mecklenburg County and how it underperformed in 2022, giving us a golden opportunity this year!

I'll also throw out that Vote Forward still has GOTV letters for North Carolina. Be aware that while the "social" campaigns are technically non-partisan, the underrepresented communities they target lean Dem, so it will help. https://votefwd.org/campaigns

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This has become a Sunday ritual. Thanks for pulling together, Jessica (and for ALL you do day in, day out).

And speaking of endorsements -- this is PRETTY AWESOME!!!


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Oct 7Liked by Jessica Craven

Thank you, Natalie, for sharing this link. Incredibly impressive and a very, very long list! So proud for the overwhelming support for our next president.

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Wow thatā€™s awesome! Does trump have a similar page?

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Was that sarcastic? If he did it would definitely have to be fact checked!

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Thanks for your wonderful posts. I love the way that Mike reads your posts! You can feel the love for you in his voice! I love when he flubs a line. That is so human. So natural. So normal. Don't edit that out. I really enjoyed the post when he called attention to your anniversary. How loving and wonderful to have someone in your life that shares your love and emotions, you are a wonderful couple. You both, give hope to my world. Carry on.

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Aw thank you, Sylvia!

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Oct 7Liked by Jessica Craven

ā€¦. went down a rabbit hole of data tonight from both the Kaiser Family Foundation & the University of Floridaā€™s election project.

We already know women represent a little higher percentage of the population than men ā€¦ but did you also know theyā€™re way more reliable voters?!? I am not sure the polls adjust for that ā€¦ or even if they DO adjust, Iā€™m not sure itā€™s enough for the post-Dobbs RAGE.

In the 2020 presidential election , average turnout in the U.S. was 67% ā€¦. But WOMEN averaged 68.4% while male turnout averaged 65%. ( Note ā€” the highest turnout state was Minnesota w/ nearly 80%. Lowest was Arkansas w/ 55%. Wisconsin did better than that in the ā€˜22 MIDTERMS!! )

Speaking of 2022, the turnout rate in Wisconsin was about 61%. But FEMALE turnout was 63.2% ā€¦. male was 58.4%

Do we think this will make a difference this November?!? Why isnā€™t anyone talking about just how much better women are a VOTING ( sorry guys)

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Yes I think it will. I think itā€™ll make THE difference.

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Oct 7Liked by Jessica Craven

Good work on NC project, Jessica!

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I mean, Robert Hubbell is the one who really got that out widely. His list is much bigger than mine. But weā€™re all thrilled at the outcome!

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You two make good partners in your search for "good trouble"!

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Oct 7Liked by Jessica Craven

Thanks for the good news. A nice thing to wake up too. Keep up the good work.

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Thank you!

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Why not to vote for Trump and to vote for Harris.

Trump cannot be trusted. He often lies, expects loyalty from others but does not return loyalty, and is greedy. Look at what he did to Mike Pence. He lacks love for what is good, sensible, and righteous. He uses government for his own benefit rather than as a trust for the people.

Harris won the debate. You could see and feel her strength, confidence, power, intelligence, experience and fearlessness; and you needed to see and feel Trumpā€™s madness, ugliness, cowardice and venality. She not only won the rhetorical debate. She also won the television part of it too, from her attempt to shake his hand at the beginning to her crushing him in the split screens throughout the debate. Harris as V. P. presided in the U. S. Seante and was a good partner for Biden. There she showed strength, smarts, and ability to work with others.

Trump is too old to be president again. By the end of the term, will he be able to do what is required? Will he select the assistants needed for our country? How many competent leaders has he selected in his business career?

Trump was born not only with a silver spoon in his mouth, but also with a silver sugar bowl and a silver cream cup. He and his sister inherited a 250-million-dollar fortune in the 1960s. As a young man he was jet-sitter and night-clubber. He owned a gambling business that he ran broke. His companies filed 6 bankruptcies. His T. V. career pictured a person texted by writers and following a false script. He never lived up to the script except by being a womanizer. He does not understand the middle class and doesnā€™t relate to us. Money and personal power are all he cares about.

Donald Trump was convicted in civil court of sexual assault of a woman, of being a fraudster in business, and convicted in criminal court as a felon by the N. Y. courts and juries. N. Y. citizens and courts know him best. After all, he lived there the longest and they heard the evidence in fair impartial trials. He had the best lawyer money could buy and the lawyers selected the judge or helped select the juries. His companies filing bankruptcy many times meaning creditors, sometimes including employees and others, went unpaid. The charity with his name and controlled by him was closed because it violated the rules for charities in N. Y. The University with his name had to settle a case for fraud. When he first ran for president, he bragged he was a rich man and would not be asking for donations. However, his campaigns have asked for money and he has even spent some of the political donations for legal fees on his criminal charges.

Donald Trump is also a traitor using help from the Russians in the 2016 election and has wrongfully kept and hidden national-classified-security records. What did he intend to do with our records? Due to his false claims, the 2020 election is the first time we have not had a peaceful transition of power in our country. After his encouragement many of his supporters attacked the Capitol and others wrongly claimed to be selected electors when they were not. They sought to negate the votes of the majority of our voters. Shame on them. We Biden voters are the ones who should be mad, not Trump supporters. Vice president Mike Pence could have been hung by Trumpā€™s fans on January 6th. Trump calls those who attacked ā€œHerosā€ when they became misguided criminals due to being misguided by him.

Those facts are on top of Trump being impeached twice and not being convicted by two thirds majorities in the U. S. Senate, although a majority did each time vote for his conviction. Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney voted for his conviction. Former V. P. Dick Cheney and his daughter, Liz, have said they will vote for Harris for president. The widow of former presidential candidate John McCain accepted an appointment from Joe Biden. Their son became a Democrat. Many former Republican foreign relations officials have said the will vote for Harris.

He was a terrible president, more interested in increasing his own wealth than in the nationā€™s welfare. His transactional presidency meant those who could pay enough received what they wanted and everyone else suffered. His Washington hotel, other hotels and his adult children benefitted.

He conned Christians to believe he was their ā€œsaviorā€ in political matters. They should have paid closer attention to his past, his words, and his actions. He called opponents vile names, promoted hate and showed bad behavior.

Donald Trumpā€™s campaign sought, accepted, and benefitted from help from Russians in his 2016 campaign. In 2016 he promised to build a wall across our southern border and that Mexico would pay for it. He was president for four years. Most of the wall was never built and, of course, Mexico was never going to pay for it. Some of his former advisors promised to build a wall with private donations and promised they would not benefit themselves. They lied and were later convicted.

At his campaign rallies, he and others said Mrs. Clinton would ā€œgo to jail.ā€ However, neither of his two Attorney Generals nor his FBI Directors found anything that allowed her to be indicted, tried, or sent to jail. He pardoned many from his 2016 campaigners or followers after they were convicted.

He sought to weaken NATO and had his supporters delay funding from Ukraine while they fought a vicious war Russia had started. His actions regarding North Korea accomplished nothing and now North Korea provides ammunition and weapons to Russia in their war against Ukraine. Will western Europe and America be attacked next by Russia?

During his first term as president, he had a steady overturn of top officials and many of those did not perform well. Some of the best now do not endorse his election. He defamed those in his own party and strangers/immigrants who sought work and a better life for their families here.

While president, he did not place his businesses into a true blind trust since they were run by relatives who could regularly consult him or he could order them to take actions. He used family members as officials and they benefitted through relations they developed while he was in office.

His leadership failed during the CO-VID epidemic leading to more deaths than there should have been.

His actions against Iran allowed the situation to become worse and not improve, letting the nuclear threat worsen.

His traffics here on Chinaā€™s imports increased costs for American consumers, led to delays, and led to China not purchasing American tobacco, soybeans, and grains, hurting farmers. His plans for future traffics would, in effect, tax our consumers more and lead to international trade wars.

His tax reductions greatly benefitted the richest Americans while increasing the standard exemption for most people thus removing the use of deductions for churches and charities. Additionally, the law helped developers more than the common citizens.

He wants to change the federal civil service system of employees so all employees will, in effect, be political employees only loyal to him rather than being competent employees loyal to our nation.

Donald Trump is an over-privileged, foul-mouthed, self-centered, angry and lying bully who desires to be a dictator, demands the worse from his MAGA followers and seeks to avoid accountability for his actions. He is the opposite of who people of faith and patriots should seek as president.

Overall, he was a poor president, not even an honest leader. Trump lacks traits needed by a servant leader.

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Please post a list of all the former MAGAs who have publicly announced for Harris/Walz

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Jessicaā€”do you have any ideas about reaching out to The Weather Channel? We are in Florida as hurricane Milton comes close and all I see on TWC are very deceptive ads against Amendment 4 (reproductive rights) and laughable ones against Amendment 3 (marijuana initiative). Many thousands of people are tuned into the station and I want to register our displeasure esp the completely misleading ad on Amendment 4. Thanks for your guidance and absolutely great and uplifting posts!!

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John Kacich, Adam Kinzinger, leading athletes and Bruce Springsteen all lending their voices - wow!

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I have about 500 postcards from ā€œpostcards from swing statesā€ going to Texas (technically not a swing state). My postcard group canā€™t handle this amount and I would like to send them to a group who can complete them. They are GOTV with a social. persuasion message. Iā€™ll pay to send them. Anyone interested?

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Yes! Email me at hijesscraven101@gmail.com and I'll give you my address. One request, though: can you bundle them for me with scripts and addresses and 20 cards per bundle? It would really help me out.

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Removed (Banned)Oct 7
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I blocked this fucker quite a while ago. He needs to go back to maga land.

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I reported him. Iā€™m so tired of these a-holes. Just letā€™s get on with a world where they hide under rocks or just go away forever!

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I reported too!

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Blocked him permanently. (:

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19 hrs agoĀ·edited 19 hrs ago

Yay!!!!!!!!! And another one bites the dust!! Thanks Jessica. :-)

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