
Sorry I forgot the darn CBS link! It's here https://www.cbs.com/showfeedback/

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I can't get the link to work. It won't submit.

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Sep 30Liked by Jessica Craven

I don’t have the bandwidth to listen to any more of Donald’s hate rants. They make my stomach hurt and waste my precious time and energy. Just mailed 90 postcards for Ruben Gallego and I’m going downstairs and write twenty more to get out the vote in Ohio. We are going to defeat Donald.

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WHOOOOOO! Love the attitude here!

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30

My comment on Jay Kuo’s post today:

Contacts for CBS News Executives:(Paramount owns CBS)


I follow Scott Dworkin and encourage others, especially those on social media ,to share his links/hastags..He has a massive online campaign calling out the media and last week generated over 2 billion impressions.📣 https://open.substack.com/pub/dworkin/p/time-for-the-press-to-stop-working?r=fqsxl&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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Thank you. I was just looking for links!

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none of these look like they have anything to do with the news, which seems telling. I see lots of links to entertainment and ph0tography. I'm honestly not clear who to write.

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I started with Exec VP of Comm and will probably include others.It takes minutes and at least it made me feel better !For those not aware,they are offering a “novel approach” to fact-checking.(was able to read NYT article despite dumping them mos ago) NOT acceptable!

“ A QR code — the checkerboard-like, black-and-white box that can be scanned by a smartphone — will appear onscreen for long stretches of the CBS telecast. Viewers who scan the code will be directed to the CBS News website, where a squad of about 20 CBS journalists will post fact-checks of the candidates’ remarks in real time.”


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I think Jessica accidentally left out the link for contacting CBS News; I believe this is the correct one: https://www.cbs.com/showfeedback/

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Thanks so much. Here's what I wrote: "I am extremely frustrated with your decision not to live fact check the VEEP debate tomorrow evening. I mistakenly thought you were journalists and not merely a source of entertainment. RESPONSIBLE Journalism is founded upon FACTS and the commitment to accurately inform your viewers. Please reverse your decision. Fact check the candidates in real time. Honest matters to me. It should to you as well." I also posted on the CBS facebook page as a comment beneath stories about Walz and Vance. I am happy to post elsewhere if folks have ideas! It make not make a difference but it feels important to make our voices heard!

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Yes it is thanks! Sorry, everyone!

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thanks, Rick - it turns out to be a very unfriendly web site. I chose "contact us", and eventually got a place to put comments, but some of the categories were inappropriate. I persevered ... hopefully it will get to the right dept.

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Thanks! I doubt this will make a difference but we persist.

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I wrote, "I expect journalists to uphold the truth. By not live fact-checking the vice-presidential debate, CBS is platforming and helping to spread pernicious lies."

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I can't submit

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Hi Molly this is Jessica's husband Mike, and I too had a frustrating time trying to submit my comment. After four tries with three browsers, I never could get it to work. Frustrating. So it goes with tech...I relieved the frustration with writing Vote Forward letters. My pen didn't once ask me for a captcha verification.

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Called my congressman (R) and told him how bad it looks for Rs to have voted down more emergency relief funding & he'd better get his @$$ back to DC and fix that (I said it nicer than that), and fired off an email to CBS News. Thank you for the prompts as always, Jessica!

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Amazing thanks!

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Sep 30Liked by Jessica Craven

Hey all: Just wanted to let folks know that Markers For Democracy and our sister groups are co-hosting a screening of a short film Oscar-nominated film tonight. It's about a single mother in Arkansas who has to travel across state lines to access abortion care. Details in the Mobilize link.


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On the CBS News page, I couldn't find Special Reports, so this is what I wrote to Face the Nation:

"I am disgusted that a company with your illustrious history of newscasting has decided not to fact check the Walz/Vance debate, knowing without a doubt (because Vance himself admits it) that Vance is a liar. You will do a huge disservice to the viewers by not confronting and refuting the lies and pretending this election is a horse race when it will decide whether we remain a democracy or fall into an autocracy led by a mentally ill, aging man whose running mate is as vicious as he is. You should confront Vance with the horrific implications of Project 2025. You should honor the legacy of Walter Cronkite, Dan Rather and other of your renowned journalists of the past and reconsider your decision to not fact check.

I chose Face the Nation because there was no option for the debate. I hope whoever reads this passes my comment on to the responsible parties."

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Sep 30Liked by Jessica Craven

Is anyone else having trouble giving feedback to CBS News?

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You can't copy and paste. You have to write the comment. https://www.cbs.com/showfeedback/

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This link isn't working in my browser. I did follow the list of email contacts someone else provided above, and will try to contact the exec VP, but concerned this will not get through in time...

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I can't choose a category so I can't submit

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Thank you so much - done by both of us here

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You have to even type in your name and email address. No autofill at all is allowed

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Here's what I wrote to CBS:

Dan Rather used to say that CBS News does its job "without fear or favor". I read that CBS News will not fact check tomorrow's VP debate. That decision smells to me like "fear and favor". Please... Do better. Do your job. Even ABC managed to check a few facts during the presidential debate. Can CBS not even match ABC?

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I just sent this to CBS News:

If ABC can do live fact checking during their debate, why can't CBS? Aren't you supposed to be journalists? Checking facts is Journalism 101. Failing to do this means you are willing to disseminate lies and disinformation on an equal footing with facts and truth - is this really what CBS has come to. My wife was a long-time CBS News employee (with Bill Moyers) and assures me that CBS didn't used to be so careless about the truth.

Please do your job, and fact check the debate tonight in real time. Anything less is journalistic malpractice, and it should be beneath your standards.

Failure to do so will seriously damage your integrity in the eyes of viewers.

Thank you.

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put this comment in the Boston Globe x 2 today.


1. Russian and Ukrainian attacks cease. All Russian arms and military personnel either return to Russia (borders 1991) or surrender to Ukrainian forces, including Russian forces in Crimea and Moldova. All Ukrainian arms and military personnel either return to Ukraine or surrender to Russian forces. All mines are removed and destroyed by whomever placed them. NATO and Russia will avoid weapons threats to each other.

2. Russia is guaranteed unfettered commercial access to the Black Sea.

3. There will be free flow of goods, people and money throughout Russia, Ukraine, and Moldova. The requirement for being in this free trade zone is a birth rate below 2.1/1000 and falling, which it is for all 3.

4. There will be no WOWOD (Weapons Of War Or Destruction) move between or into or out of any of the three RUM nations.

5. NATO and each of the RUM nations guarantees the borders and sovereignty of each RUM nation and the terms of this treaty.

6. Russian pays $340 billion, and US, UK, EU, Ukraine also fund a special NATO committee to rebuild infrastructure damaged in RUM since 24 Feb 2022.

7. All sanctions are ended: All people may resume commercial interactions with RUM without interference from any nation in NATO. EU, UK or RUM.

This is too good for all involved to pass up.

This plan leaves President Putin in a world minus his perceived 'threats' and territorial conquests but with a new and very beneficial trade zone which may be so attractive that former "Soviet" states and EU states may want to join. It has never been US foreign policy to invade or harm the Russian Federation, only to restrain Russian Imperialism.

We hope the Russians, Ukrainians and Moldovans thrive economically so long as thriving is not translated into military aggression.

Such a treaty tends to move Putin personally out of his Tsarist/Soviet mindset. He has lived 30 years in a "wild west" transition from Stalinist Communism where every pitchfork was owned by the State toward a democratic republic political structure and a free market economy where everything was up for grabs.

Future amalgamation with the EU becomes a more open option as EU already meets the falling birth rate provision.

President Zelensky should approve as well, seeing an end to destruction, a vast reconstruction, no loss of territory, and greatly enhanced economic opportunities. Putin will not see "conquest" in such a scheme but will see enhanced Russian "influence".

The United States and UK and EU should see a greatly reduced threat from Russia. The drain on resources and money drops dramatically as an opportunity of enhanced commerce grows. All results in a reduced likelihood of war over Taiwan.

Rewrite to President Biden:Dr. Dykers, former student of Dr. Hal P. Ford, former Chief of the Far Eastern Desk, State Department. Taught him to write "Position Papers" for State Department. Familiar with Hans Morgenthau, Henry Kissinger, General Milley, et al. Asks you to evaluate the following Peace Plan. The key concern now is inside Xi's head as to when and IF he will invade Taiwan.

Knowing that PEACE could be a framework within which all could function would persuade many former Soviets to abandon Putin's propaganda and no longer support the invasion. Putin not allowed to gain territory from aggression, must have a face-saving exit to prevent more destructive aggression and closer alliance with China, N. Korea, or Viet Nam.

The RUM (Russia, Ukraine, Moldova) concept is new. RUM presents a way out of territorial disputes and into functionality that does not cascade into new dysfunctions for China and Taiwan.

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deletedSep 30
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Not at all surprised by that endorsement.

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deletedSep 30
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I've been reading the Times for 50 years and while I have been disappointed in their journalism of late, there is absolutely no way that they would have endorsed Trump or stayed silent.

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deletedSep 30
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