Sep 30, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

Thanks to you and your encouragement, I have gathered friends from my community who have prepared 400 VoteForward letters (so far) urging people to vote and by Monday we will have sent off 400 Blue Wave postcards urging people to register to vote. Keep the faith!

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Oct 1, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

Remember Kansas and upstate New York? The pundits were fairly screaming that the Far Right would carry Kansas and that the mainstream Republican would win New York, hands down. Oops. The same geniuses who made those "predictions" are saying the same things now. I trust the mass media as far as I can throw it.

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Oct 1, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

Amen! No matter what, we keep doing the work because what we do today will shape the future and thankfully, there is so much we can do.

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Sep 30, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

Hello! I am wondering about Senator Padilla's office. I have called so many times and never spoken to an actual person and they are still teleworking because of the pandemic... I am wondering if anyone else has ever reached a staffer in Padilla's office?

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