I heard the Republican candidates claim their rallies had more attendees. Somebody should tell them that flies don't count.

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Thank you for including the Resistbot for Armenian refugees, Jess. I appreciate it.

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Of course! So important!

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11 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs agoLiked by Jessica Craven

Shame on CNN! Today, they were showing polling information that showed Trump and Harris were virtually tied with emphasis on Trump's numbers. This is unacceptable bull-pucky and I completely disagree. I am with you, Jessica, that Kamala may be the underdog right now but from what I am reading and seeing, SHE HAS THE MOMENTUM! Why CNN and our other msm continue to broadcast a negative narrative against Harris and siding with Trump still blows me away.Shades of 2020 when the polls were completely skewed wrong about Joe Biden and his win.smfh.

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It doesn't matter. Screen it out and do the work. (:

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I second texting with Gavin Newsom! It's super easy and self-driven, so you can pop on and get replies when you have a few spare minutes. It's made my nursing sessions with my baby feel very productive 😊

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Finally, recognition that in Missouri, we might replace Josh Hawley with a strong D candidate Lucas Kunce. Missouri was once purple; let’s get at least back to that situation.

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Take nothing for granted! Forget the polls and work like hell to get all Democrats elected.

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I disagree that Democrats up and down the ballot have lots of money. That is true for Kamala, US Senate races (although there is always Osborn the Independent in Nebraska who could use funds -no Dem in the race and a number of Democratic strategist think Osborn is worth funding https://secure.actblue.com/donate/osborn-for-senate-1 ). There are also a very small # (essentially a handful) of Congressional candidate who need money. And many state legislature candidates are hurting badly as are some of the community organizing groups that do some of the most important get out the work. All the enthusiasm for Kamala has directed more money to Kamala and up ballot and less to lesser known candidates and groups. A great way (maybe the best) to give to state legislative candidates is through The States Project (their PAC has a different name): https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pacforamericasfuture?refcode=grbutton Movement Voter Project's PAC arm is a great way to give to some of the best groups on the ground: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/mvpac?refcode=mvpsite-donatepage

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Welcome to the newsletter, Anne! Thank you for saying all of this. I tout those very orgs, as well as Run For Something, pretty much ad nauseum. In fact readers of this newsletter have raised 100,000s of dollars for all of them! Hard agree that they are still the best place to give money. I say it regularly. And I didn't mean to imply that downballot races don't need money still. Just trying to give folks a little Monday Motivation. (;

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Suggestion - suggest that your local library order “Abortion: Our Bodies, Their Lies, and the Truths We Use to Win” as well. If they do, it will both add more orders AND get the book on the new book shelves of libraries across the country.

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Even if we are ahead, even by a dozen points, we should not stop going for the gold every minute of every day. We have to fight and work hard to the very end of this election. We need to blow it out of the water, to leave no stone unturned, to leave no doubt in anyone's mind exactly who has won this election, across the board and up and down the ticket. If you need to, stop reading substack articles, and news papers and watching TV and other media for the next 42 days. Put your head down and put your whole heart into this, the race of our lifetimes. Go Team CWCW!!

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Thank you for supporting Janelle Stelson in PA. I've donated to her campaign, recognizing that her voters -- in the middle of PA -- will not only flip insurrectionist Scott Perry out of the House, but also help Harris win the state!

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Vote early, and PLEASE share this very short and easy-to-understand piece with all of your MAGA friends and family. It has a good chance of at least convincing them not vote for Trump which would be tremendous. 🙏💙


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