
Always a boost for the morale! Thank you, it is sooo easy to get off-kilter @ times.

Now if I could just channel some divinity & complete several major tasks.... or just 1 ; )

Reminds me of "The Last Waltz" too, 'don't care, if the money's no good'

((I'd care a lot less were the dark money out of the way!)) Always a joy to read. thx

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

"...the inestimable Robert Hubbell..." I've just subscribed to his newsletter; indeed, a wonderfully written and well-sourced mental health curation. And looooove your Extra! Extra! Thanks!

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Jessica- thanks for all you do!!

Just wanted to share how you motivated a small group of us. We responded to the call to arms for National High School registration week. Short story (believe me it is a long one)Sent the email from YOU. Did the civic center.org training (amazing!) gathered volunteers including a student who handled on line media announcements and did it!

We were told we would get none, but got 7, and handed out some more QR codes. Confirmed 2 more with another link from Chop Wood, Carry Water. I would enclose some pics but not sure how.

We are now hoping to do the other High School in town.😉

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

I ditched my television two years ago and have not regretted it. It is much more productive to glean from the erudite writers on Substack, including: Heather Cox Richardson--Letters from an American, Lucian Truscott IV. TCinLa, Robert Hubble, and recently, Chop Wood, Carry Water. Ya'll carry on doing what you do best.

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Jessica, I donated to Arizona and at the bottom there was something about encouraging others to join. did I join by donating or is that another things? Thanks again! I'm going to post you on Robert and Heather's newsletters....more people need you! Blessings,

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