Sep 17Liked by Jessica Craven

Not at all sure how this would work, but given that Springfield had to cancel their cultural festival I would love if an online version could be created that all of us across the country could attend to show our support. A virtual way that there could still be a safe gathering, the performers could perform or share recordings and the vendors could sell merch or gift cards. Donations or an entry fee to be distributed to community centers/orgs.

It just feels important for that community celebration to happen some way.

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OMG THAT IS A GREAT IDEA. I want someone to put this together so much.

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Sep 17Liked by Jessica Craven

Live in Cincinnati; committed to go to Springfield (1 hr+) 1x week to eat and buy items.

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Oh I would definitely do the same if I lived nearby! Lucky you!

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Sep 17Liked by Jessica Craven

Oh, I’m first, never get to be first! Ha Ha…love your Substack, all the suggestions, the motivation. Penzey’s is the greatest, and found out they have a store in Phoenix. Carry on…all of us!

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They also have a store in Tucson, which had to shut off their phone for all the hate calls the Felonious Con inspired. So I went and bought ALL my holiday baking spices! BEST cocoa powder - both Dutch process and natural, which makes dark chocolate!

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Oooh good to know about the cocoa!

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You're first!

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Sep 17Liked by Jessica Craven

Penzeys is an amazing spice company and I’ve shopped with them for decades. They have supported so many people over the years so I hope we can support them as well. Off to call my (hopefully soon to be defeated) Representative about the SAVE Act.

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Just ordered more spices from Penzeys!

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Thank you, Claudia!

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Sep 17Liked by Jessica Craven

Penzeys spice is an amazing company! I've been buying my spices from them for 40 years, exclusively. They are always kind and helpful in their brick and mortar stores and mail order is prompt. They also engage in many helpful community activities such as sending out blankets to anyone who needs a hug and sending spices to victims of natural disasters. Please support them! Not only that but their spices are out of this world.

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Wow! We are definitely new converts!

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You can buy spices at penzeys.com and send Bill, the owner of this family-owned business, words of support at bill@penzeys.com. As I said in my earlier comment, I've been a huge fan for decades

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They do a lot of good for their community. I've been buying most of my spices from them online for about a decade now. The shipments are fast, and the glass jars of spices are packed securely in sturdy boxes. Bill Penzey writes the emails and sounds like a very thoughtful and caring person.

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Sep 17Liked by Jessica Craven

I bet there are all kinds of artists in the area, from elementary school through senior centers and two colleges in the area. What about gathering folks together (so there could be some protection in numbers) to design and then paint a mural? I realize that takes a lot of planning, from figuring out what building or wall or street or . . . to use (and getting permission to paint it!) to designing and then painting. Plus, such a plan needs lots of support -- food, water, transportation, materials, etc. -- but boy, it would be nice gesture. And would bring lots of people in the community together. Especially since their Culture Fest has had to be cancelled!

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That is a lovely idea.

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what a beautiful and heartfelt idea!

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Sep 17Liked by Jessica Craven

Thank you for the link to the Haitian support center in Springfield. I’ve been wondering what we can do to have some counter balance to the terror they are experiencing.

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Sure! I know they need donations for a new space.

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Jess, I’m all in on all of your good works listed in this post: helping the Haitian people, and supporting Penzeys, which I already do. I love their spices and the video clip at one of their stores is precious.

I’ll help out in any way I can, starting with writing to my representatives!

Thanks for your hard work!

Paula De Manuel

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Thank you, Paula!

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Sep 17Liked by Jessica Craven

what about our own postcards of love for the Haitian community in Ohio?

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Oooh good idea!

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Jessica Craven

Idea for Springfield: during the pandemic, commercially-made signs sprung up in front of the schools in my community, They were simple words but powerful and there were only about 6 different ones. I can only remember these ones: You matter. You are loved. Choose joy. Signs could go in any public space, such as a park,, or on a business or residential lawn. Perhaps, one of your readers knows more about these signs, as they were probably in other communities too.

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I wrote to my idiot GQP MAGA congressman, Juan "I Love Project 2025" Ciscomani. I ain't holding my breath, but my opinion was voiced.

I hope to vote him the hell out of office in November.

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Thank yOU!

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Sep 17Liked by Jessica Craven

Really appreciated this suggestion: https://www.haitiansupportcenterspringfield.org/

I donated and wrote to my immigrant rights colleagues and other activists encouraging them to donate. Sorry I don't have other ideas.

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That's great thanks!

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Sep 17Liked by Jessica Craven

Was at my nearby Penzey’s on Sunday to purchase what I needed plus some gift cards and the ugliness is not in person, it’s via the phone. Terrible. Penzey’s staff are so wonderful and the store such a nice place to shop. And yes, to supporting the Haitian community center. So good more people are helping them. Tomorrow, phone calling, tonight more postcard writing. We can do this!!

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Yes we can!

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I am part of a nonprofit called I'm Your Neighbor Books that promotes more welcoming and belonging in our communities through shared picture and middle grade books featuring immigrant and refugee protaganists. Actions could be as small as seeking out any of these books in your own library and sharing them with your people (https://imyourneighborbooks.org/community/haitian-haitian-american/), to posting/sharing the books with others and esp. with teachers, to sharing info about our larger Welcoming Library program with schools and libraries - the traveling collection is available to borrow for free for 4 weeks, to helping to fundraise for your own school communities to buy a WL collection specific for your region, to helping bring WL resources to Ohio. Learn more at https://imyourneighborbooks.org/ and reach out for any additional info! We believe books can change conversations, challenge stereotypes, promote welcoming, belonging and increased cultural understandings!

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This is great thank you!

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This is the link for our Welcoming Library program which is specifically aimed at schools and libraries: https://imyourneighborbooks.org/welcoming-library/ across the Country.

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Sep 18Liked by Jessica Craven

Yay Penzey's!! My family has been using their spices my whole life. My mom stopped some years ago because she's very Republican and she was offended........which just makes me all the more determined to give them more of my money 😁 seconded that the cocoa is great! So are their spice blends, many go great on things like chicken and fish. One of my favorites is the Trinidad (lemon/garlic).

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We are going to order the cocoa!

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Sep 18Liked by Jessica Craven

Bill Penzey's "About Republicans" is great! Thank you, Jessica, for the link.

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Sure thing! Someone forwarded it to me, so just passing it on.

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