Aug 26, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

I am a paid subscriber. I do not need a perk to be so. It would not offend me that content may go to people who are not paid subscribers (you have to figure that out).

But I do just want to offer a comment that quality information is never "free." The internet has gotten people into the habit of thinking that information just materializes without them having to work or pay for it. Not so. And our democracy is the worse for the fact that our information ecosystem no longer financially rewards good journalism. Consider paying for a subscription, people. Please.

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

Hi Jess, I agree with all these good people below. I will pay for your service no matter what. I would like to think that the folks who don't "subscribe" are simply not affording it right now. And I happily support their feeling the love every weekend. This is democracy. We all pull together for the good of all. And Jan F is right; YOU are the perk. Thank you thank you. I can't imagine how exhausted you must get. But I am SO grateful for what you do! Carry on!

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

As a subscriber, I would be happy for you to make your excellent messaging available to all. Would feel like I'm "investing" in the greater good that way, rather than just paying for something that benefits me as an individual. I say, spread your good word as far and wide as possible! Maybe let the people know that if they are able to pay to subscribe they are supporting access to others?

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

I'm not a paid subscriber for the perk, I'm here to support your great work & I find so much value in your weekday emails!

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

Dear Jessica,

Judging by the generous comments below, I'm definitely with "my peeps" as a subscriber to your galvanizing daily missives! As several people have already said, receiving and reading Chop Wood, Carry Water IS the perk. Thank you, thank you!

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I agree with the previous post. I don't care at all about having special perks; I chose to be a paid subscriber because of the value of CWCW for me and for my Resisters' LIst. Please send the good news to everyone because it really helps keep morale up. Thank you for all that you do.

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hi Jessica, I subscribe in order to contribute my bit to support the great work you are doing. Keep doing the work, that's all I want.

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No perks needed for this subscriber! Share it all! And thank you for your work.

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

I am happy to support without a perk but would love an occasional Q&A thread.

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

Extra Extra for All!

I do not need anything special as a subscriber.

Thanks for everything you do to help rally the troops to save our democracy.

You make it easy to take action one day at a time.

Grateful from Maine

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

Hi Jess, I agree with all these good people below. I will pay for your service no matter what. I would like to think that the folks who don't "subscribe" are simply not affording it right now. And I happily support their feeling the love every weekend. This is democracy. We all pull together for the good of all. And Jan F is right; YOU are the perk. Thank you thank you. I can't imagine how exhausted you must get. But I am SO grateful for what you do! Carry on!

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I will never ever understand how Americans could let the most dangerous man on earth appoint 3,that's three supreme court justices.The only thing we can do is increase the number of liberal judges immediately or RUN for our lives.Trump has single handly destroyed America,WE must put him in prison or we will lose our democracy and country !!

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Aug 27, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

Ditto what she said (Susan Ackerman). It defies comprehension that you, who does more in a single day to inspire, motivate, and educate than anyone, should need to offer perks. But that's our world...the one you are striving to save. You don't have more to give, Jess. Let's all take up the banner and get CW, CW more subscribers.

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Aug 27, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

I am in agreeance with everyone else. I am here to support you, in getting all of this information out.

I am a mom of 4 and I stay extremely busy every day with homeschool, laundry, gardening/food prep and really just running a household. I look forward to the end of the day when I can sit down and open my email to see what action I can take.

I don't really have time to do the calls but I do try to do everything else, plus postcarding, and learning about activism through zoom classes while I do housework.

It's really invaluable because I literally don't have time to go and search this stuff every night. You led me to postcarding and I will tell you that it has been the most healing thing for me and it has sparked my creativity again. Plus all of the people I have met so far in Markers for Democracy have been helpful and all of this gives me so much hope. I was becoming very depressed.

Because of you, I am finding my people every day. And I thank you. 💜

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I agree with the other comments! I subscribe to a few newsletters, but my limited income does not allow me to pay for all of them. I happily - happily - pay for a subscription to this newsletter because it is not simply an essay or opinion piece, you put in SO MUCH WORK in making it possible for us to easily take action and get involved. I really appreciate everything you do. I love the good news digest and it is a breath of fresh air to receive it, so I'm happy if you decide to share it with everyone. What you already do is worth every penny of a paid subscription and there's no other "perk" needed.

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You are our special perk! Think you do enough without adding anything extra to your plate. Keep doing what you are doing and we will keep spreading the good news for you.

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