Aug 24, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

Just wanted to send a heartfelt thank you for all you do. You have buoyed me! I’ve been in quarantine with covid & everyday I would read and carry out your recommended actions & it was healing!! 💙🌊

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Aug 23, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

Great Piece today from Dan Rather. Educational. Deeply thoughtful.

Here: https://steady.substack.com/p/blowing-the-anti-woke-dog-whistle?utm_source=email

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Aug 23, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

Thank you for an another great edition! I just went to sign up for the State Power Series talk and it says that it is actually on August 30th one week from tonight.

If people are looking for another great event to attend this week, Dahlia Lithwick, senior editor at Slate and host of the podcast Amicus (who will appear on the State Power Series talk NEXT week) is going to speak with Alejandra Gómez co-executive director of LUCHA tomorrow night at Flip the Vote's 2nd event in their series The Supreme Court is Broken and Grassroots Organizing is the Remedy. You can sign up for that here: https://www.flipthevote.org/events

Alejandra Gómez is so inspiring! Please read this old but still amazing article that explains beautifully how grassroots organizing is critical to GOTV and how organizations like LUCHA helped flip Arizona in 2020 and will help us win in 2022 and 2024. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/21/opinion/sunday/latinos-arizona-battleground.html

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Aug 23, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

I understand the need to earn some money from your labors, so my following comment is not about the fact that you have "free" followers, such as myself -- and "paid" subscribers, who get extra goodies. A friend who is a paid subscriber mentioned to me (and forwarded to me) that you posed a "Celebrate Accomplishments" list. It's a great list -- but it should NOT be behind a paywall. That is equivalent to your stating that "Only those who pay me get info that is uplifting." Many people who are left-of-center are feeling demoralized and anxious -- and their batteries need recharging. It's so important that they get to read really Good News rather than only things that are disturbing. In this instance, please consider sending your wonderful "Celebrate Accomplishments" to all your followers. We need people to be energized and motivated. (And thanks for all the great work that you do.)

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I was so impressed with the Working America presentation last night ... They are doing another one on Sept 7th. I was completely persuaded by the data that canvassing is the most effective way to open dialogue, which leads to exchange of opinions, and election participation. Personally, I am going to stop most of my individual contributions and support Working America. (Thanks, Jessica for the lead to them!)

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