Aug 19, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

I just love, love, love your newsletters - probably bc they echo every thought and word I try to amplify to the world. It feels like sunshine in my mailbox every day. Thank you!

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Thank you for all you do with this work, Jessica! So many of us are concerned about messaging and that we are way behind the other side in our use of persuasive communication. We not only need powerful messaging, but the kind of grassroots communication that can reach the 1/3 of voters who are independents (or independent thinkers) and who will decide the election. I've decided to help by creating short, shareable materials that focus on facts and get information to people who need it.

There’s a video on the dangers we face, as well as short, shareable pieces to share either by e-mail or social media channels, with facts that challenge prevailing assumptions and misinformation. The goal is to get these independents to understand the true value of the “blue” agenda. I've gathered these items at my website www.magenta-nation.com. The links are on the home page.

There will be more short pieces to share in the coming weeks, and I’m interested in hearing from people about how you might use them, any feedback on the materials, and any connections you may have to organizations or networks that might be interested in sharing them with their members. Please do let me know here in the comments or at joy@scottpublicrelations.com

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