Jul 5, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

Jess- Bravo for keeping up your energy & sharing it with us! We all need to draw a line in the sand & GOTV for candidates who will support democracy ! The impact of ALL of voices together is greater than one at a time. Dr. Joy

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Yes yes yes!

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Jess - motivating email & god quick actions. Yay

Please send polling data on changing opinions.

Janet Luongo

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I'd need an email address! Please send it to hijesscraven101@gmail.com

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

My CWCW day 10 (tardy): I called my House Rep about assault weapons ban after hours left a message. I signed opposition messages to S's & R and POTUS re Chad Meredith, and tried calling Durbin after hours but was unable to leave a message. I registered for Focus on Democracy information session.

I chose not to call my Senators about climate, assault weapons, and universal background checks this time. Maybe I am feeling like they cannot accomplish anything currently, and it seems a bit like beating a dead horse. If that's so, the horse will still be dead tomorrow, available for more beating.

I also did not join the Sierra Club Election Protection Team, feeling a need to do some research before making any commitments.

Thanks for reading my comments. This post is for my own benefit, to make public my intention to keep chopping and carrying as many days as I can.

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I love it. Please know, no one is going to do everything in this email. I try to offer options. Saying no--or "I'll do it later" is fine! And I love your updates!

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Love what your doing. Please send to me the data you reference above. Thanks.

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I'd need an email address! Please send it to hijesscraven101@gmail.com

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The July 5th call to House Reps included a request for the Congressmember to work to repeal the 2002 Authorization for the Use of Military Force Against Iraq. I mentioned this in my call to my representative, Rosa DeLauro, 3rd District of Connecticut. Rep.

Today I received an email from Rep. DeLauro that mentioned that house bill H.R. 256, a measure to repeal the 2002 Authorization, passed the House earlier this year, and is now awaiting consideration in the Senate. Rep. DeLauro also noted that as Chair of the House Appropriations Committee, she "supported" an amendment to the annual defense spending bill for 2022, but the amendment was not included in the final spending bills for 2022.

I am not entirely sure what to make of this. I cannot imagine H.R. 256 being a hot topic in the Senate, which still seems to me a bit of a graveyard. Supporting an amendment to the annual defense spending bill might be window dressing. Rep. DeLauro sounds passionate about the matter, and I have no reason to distrust their sincerity.


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Here is what to TELL your Senators and Senators MANCHIN, SINEMA, COLLINS, MURKOWSKI .

“Stop blocking H.R. 5746 The John R Lewis Voting Rights Act. No Filibuster - Debate and vote!”

H.R. 5746 corrects the US SUPREME COURT decisions crippling the Voting Rights Act and ENDS 19 State Legislatures' new barriers to voting and compromising vote integrity. Chief Justice Roberts said Congress needs to act under Article 1.4 of the Constitution or else States are Sovereign on election law. So Congress must ACT. Our zip-codes should not determine the times, places or manner of voting; federal standards for elections. H.R. 5746 does just that.

Background: The US House of Representatives passed H.R. 5746, the John R Lewis Voting Rights Bill, but in the Senate, 52 Senators invoked the FILIBUSTER, preventing the voting rights bill from getting to the floor of the Senate.

Voting rights deserve a simple majority vote by the Senate, not 60 votes to pass election laws. Already there are 3 exceptions to the filibuster: • “Budget Reconciliation” (federal government funding) measures • Federal executive nominations approval (2012) • Supreme Court nominations (2017). Voting Rights should also be exempted from the Senate's filibuster!

Action Requested:

By email/letter: https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm

By phone: 1-202-224-3121. TTY: 1-202-225-1904.

Or Tweet:

TELL your US Senators : VOTE on HR5746 - NO filibuster for Voting Rights: https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm

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