“The sun himself is weak when he first rises, and gathers strength and courage as the day gets on.”
- Charles Dickens
Hi, all, and happy Tuesday!
I include the above quote as a friendly reminder of your power.
I know some of you feel that your lone efforts are insignificant against the tide of evil and greed that faces us. The darkness, as it were, feels too vast to overcome. But what I’ve found is that my strength has grown over time—especially as I continue to take action.
I promise: you will find this as well. You already contain spectacular power—and you will only gain in strength as you “rise” on this path.
Never, ever stop believing in what you are capable of. If you haven’t yet seen it, that’s only because the day is young.
Act, and find your light.
Call Your Senators (find yours here)
Hi, I'm a constituent calling from [zip]. My name is ______.
I’m calling again to say that I want the Senator to vote yes on the Respect For Marriage Act when it comes up for a vote this week. [Remember, repetition works. They don’t know if you called on this subject yesterday. All they record is how many people call in a given day on a given subject. We want to keep those tallies high!]
I also want the Senator to co-sponsor and actively support S 1141, the Judiciary Act. Americans have utterly lost faith in the Supreme Court. It must be expanded. This is a top priority for me—and for anyone who supports democracy. Thanks.
Call Your House Rep (find yours here)
I want the Congressmember to co-sponsor and actively support HR 2584, the Judiciary Act. Americans have utterly lost faith in the Supreme Court. It must be expanded. This is a top priority for me—and for anyone who supports democracy.
I also want the Congressmember to vote to pass HR 1808 the Assault Weapons Ban. This is hugely important. Thanks.
Extra Credit ✅
I’m sure lots of you read the recent Judd Legum article about the five giant corporations who have made large contributions to anti-abortion politicians even after they knew Roe v Wade would be overturned. It’s pretty enraging. We will take some time to write each one in turn.
Let’s start with CVS. You can either:
✍🏼 Compose your own email and send it to Violetta.ostafin@cvshealth.com and karen.lynch@cvshealth.com
✍🏼 Use my click-to-send email template (this is easier) here. It will autopopulate a pre-written email in your mail program which you can adapt as wanted. Please change the subject line, add a few sentences, sign your name and city, and generally personalize it so they know real people are writing.
Stop Disinfo! 📣
The Talk Radio Project's (TRP) dozens of intrepid volunteers call into right-wing talk radio stations that are flooding rural audiences with disinformation. The volunteers inject much-needed fact-based conversation. The TRP is now gearing up for expansion into several 2024 swing states.
This unique initiative needs more administrative volunteers to support current and anticipated callers.
Can you squeeze in an hour or two each week to help with a task?
Recruitment of callers: Responding to inquiries, reviewing applications, organizing interviews
Training & assignment: Arranging for training and caller team assignments
Research: Identifying talk radio stations/hosts and progressive grassroots groups in target states
Progress monitoring: Tracking the number of volunteers and calls made
Join a zoom to learn more about the Talk Radio Project from its co-founder Mike Lambert. Mike will describe what each of these tasks entails and answer all questions. (Curious? Come learn more…joining does not imply an immediate commitment.)
Wednesday, July 27th, 7-8 pm ET. Register here.
Win Races! 🗳
Want to help us win in Arizona? Want to try a phonebank to the nicest people you’ll ever talk to?
VoPro Pros needs help recruiting vote location observers for the August Primary!
With a handful of days until ballots are mailed for the August 2nd Primary, they are looking for recruitment phonebank volunteers to help them re-engage 2016, 2018, and 2020 vote location observers. They have one phonebank left, and it’s tomorrow:
Wednesday, 5:30 - 7:30pm PT
Sign up here.
Resistbot Text (new to Resistbot? Go here! And then here.)
[To your HOUSE Rep] [H/T] [Quick send text SIGN PNUHJM to 50409]
I am emailing today to ask you to cosponsor HR 7398, the Prohibit Wildlife Killing Contests Act of 2022. This legislation would require federal land-management agencies to issue regulations within one year to prohibit organizing, sponsoring, conducting or participating in wildlife-killing contests on more than 500 million acres of public lands.
Thousands of foxes, coyotes, bobcats, and even sometimes wolves are killed every year in wildlife killing contests held around the country. Even family pets are not safe. More than 20 dogs have been killed across the United States and Canada because they were mistaken for coyotes. These unsporting events are not in keeping with "fair chase" hunting principles and serve no conservation purpose.
Eight states have already outlawed these contests within their borders, including Arizona, California, Colorado, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Mexico, Vermont and Washington. Now it's time to ban these horrific events on federal public lands across the country.
I'm counting on you to support the Prohibit Wildlife Killing Contests Act and help save countless animals from needless pain and death and protect our public lands for all of our enjoyment and appreciation–not just those entitled few who participate in these contests. Thanks.
OK, you did it again! You helped save democracy! You’re amazing.
Talk tomorrow.
Actions done! Thanks. Quick note, Senator Schumer's office told me that Sen. Baldwin is whipping GOP votes to try to get to 60, right now it looks like there are 5.
Hi, Jess, I love your newsletter, thank you for doing this. I have a campaign to get the FDA to lift the restrictions on prescribing abortion medication here: https://chng.it/yrnDnmzv. We need more outreach to Sec. Bacerra at HHS who is pulling together a memo for President Biden of actions they will take. Lifting these restrictions will greatly increase the number and type of clinicians incorporating abortion services into their practices. Could you ask your community to reach out to the Secretary? I'm happy to talk about this more. You can see more about me at www.allisonfine.com. Thanks!