Jul 25, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

The “listen feature” is not provided anymore. Anyone why?

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Hmmm see if it comes back tomorrow. If it's not there I will ask Substack. Sorry about that!

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I figured it out! It was a glitch on my end.

Thank you for all you do!!!

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Jess, I need to ask you to remind us or tell me what to say to those who say

a. I have called my progressive/or whacko radical righ/centrist congressperson many many times. How can this still be useful.

b. How to impact ths Supreme Court?

c. How to impact the media that runs the opinion scoreboard but not the ideas scoreboard or track record scoreboard? Trump and supporters should be in the media for all that not for the most outrageous thing they each said today. The are not calling the circus a circus of distraction. Toddler behavior should be named.

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Oh and as for question a, how can it be useful to have an employee and give them absolutely no feedback on how they're doing their job? They work for US! If they're doing great we need to thank them and tell them what we'd like them to prioritize. If they're lackluster we need to push them. If they're awful we need to tell them we will be working to vote them out, so they don't become MORE awful. Our feedback is critical.

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Jess likely has brilliant suggestions.

Personally, I believe that helping to register Democrats (especially, but not exclusively in swing states) is the single most important step we can take.

Registering GenZ voters is essential...their enthusiasm seems to have cratered.

North Carolina is a crucial state and Democratic voter registration is lagging way behind Republicans.

The Florida Democratic party is emerging with new leadership. It needs massive help from us.

People who can must run for local and state seats, school boards, and volunteer as election workers.

Bottom line, I believe that any effective momentum will be a bottom-up effort. Others may disagree.

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I think all of that is exactly right. And as for how to help with the Supreme Court--I have a doc for that! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QDkTXDdzJ90VKz5SbQySzaFLUA6xhCwSvvuT0klS6MY/edit

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