
"We traffic in hopeful actions..." Sounds scandalous. I love it!

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Ciao Jessica - would it be possible to add information in your "Adopt Ohio" briefing sheet for US citizens who are living abroad? Our deadlines a bit different for the State Special Election. You can direct people to the Vote From Abroad site here: https://www.votefromabroad.org/states/OH The details are as follows: Ohio citizens living or studying abroad can register using the Vote From Abroad site by July 10, if already registered, must request their overseas ballot (always using Vote From Abroad) by August 1. Their completed ballot must be returned BY POSTAL MAIL and received by August 12. There is also an option to return the completed ballot by Courier service, in which case it must be returned by August 8 at 7:30pm. Thanks for all you do!!

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Added thank you so much!!

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