I really appreciate the work you do! But in your item about truck pollution rules, the draft letter says that hydrogen combustion will contribute to pollution. Could you please explain this more? Hydrogen combustion produces water, but is there some auxiliary reaction that is polluting? I am reluctant to sign a petition I don’t understand.


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So I didn’t write the letter--this is the one time I forgot to credit my source, which was, in this case, the climate action now newsletter. But my understanding is that hydrogen is only really a clean energy source in a very small fraction of the cases in which it is used. Unless it is processed with Hydroelectrolysis it is actually generating carbon, one way or another in the process of being used. I can try to get more information for you on this, but I just sat through a long meeting about it at my California democratic party environmental caucus meeting, and the general thrust of it was that hydrogen should be an option of last resort and only used when electricity cannot be. So about 5 to 10% of the time.

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