Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by Jessica Craven

I previously shared these tips I came up with a while back, and I think it would help not just myself but all of us to keep this advice in mind, no matter what happens in November or afterward:

Stay in the day.

Do not stress about what may or may not happen in the future.

Know the danger but don't keep constantly reminding yourself of it.

Know that the political situation will drastically change between now and Election Day, quite possibly for the better.

Know that there are many more people working harder than ever to save democracy (and succeeding) than there are working to destroy it.

Finally, to add to Robert Hubbell's closing comments in his blog this past Monday and Tuesday:

Democracy dies only when people stop fighting for it.

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This is great, Chris! Thanks for posting!

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You're very welcome and thank you so much, Jessica! It's very hard but I am trying my best to stay on an even keel and to not lose hope. I should refer to this list every day. We all should. It's a lot better than worrying and freaking out about P2025 and every other evil plan by TFG and the GQP.

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Jun 14Liked by Jessica Craven

I am totally into the t-shirt idea! I just ordered my 3rd t-shirt design and it's the best one yet! It has a background of an American flag and the text reads: elect the wise old man who stutters and not the demented old man who lies. I should have it in time for the fourth of July

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Jun 14Liked by Jessica Craven

💙 this, Kathleen !! Also love that your walking billboard includes the American flag.Let’s take back our flag !🇺🇸 We fly ours every day,right side up of course.😏



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Jun 14Liked by Jessica Craven

I hate how they have abused the flag and hope to wear the new shirt on July 4th!

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Jun 15Liked by Jessica Craven

I would be afraid for my life if I wore a Biden Harris T-shirt. I live in Chandler,Arizona right next to Gilbert, Arizona which has a lot of openly MAGA residents. In 2020 I was fearful but I did place a Biden/Harris yard sign in my front yard along with state candidates, CUSD school board candidates and a congressional candidate, who lost to Andy Biggs. Yes, I am in the dreaded CD5 of Arizona. I'm debating whether or not to put a Biden/Harris yard sign in my front yard for this year's election.

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Jun 15Liked by Jessica Craven

Oh, and by the way, I was the only house that had candidate's signs in my yard for the entire stretch of my street.

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I get it. It's hard when you live in a super red area and I don't blame you at all for being nervous.

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Jun 16Liked by Jessica Craven

I understand what you are saying. I live in mike Johnson's district. I would be afraid to put signs in front of my house or stickers on my car because I think people would vandalize my property. I am not so worried about wearing the t-shirts. I have made a few t-shirts that my husband has told me I cannot wear though.

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Good one! Where did you order it from?

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I ordered it from Custom Ink. I like the quality of t-shirt and they are very fast.

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15Liked by Jessica Craven

If I might ask, where you you find that T-shirt?

OK, just saw you already answered that Qustion

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That's a good one!

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Jun 14Liked by Jessica Craven

Meanwhile, SCOTUS justices received 24/7 security details, courtesy of taxpayers.

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Jun 14Liked by Jessica Craven

Well with the bump stock ruling this morning we see the court is not just against women s rights but against human rights too.

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Jun 14Liked by Jessica Craven

Hi Jessica,

I love your content. I even called 2 senators today about the ban on Pride flags in the military.

As someone with Dyslexia and ADHD, could you or one of your followers come up with a top ten talking points about Project 25? I want to learn more, but can't make it thru articles with more than 500 words. I mean I can, but difficult and literally will have to read it 5 times to make it stick. Thanks for all your work.

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Jun 14Liked by Jessica Craven

In the comments on Andra Watkins substack, I found this helpful link for talking points easily kept on your phone. https://bigstageteleprompter.online/content/J8EhYqjwuA

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Here is a quick review of project 2025. It is a hateful 900 page road map to turn our country into a christian national dictatorship. https://www.change.org/p/stop-project-2025-protect-our-rights-and-choices At Healthcare Advocacy - we have had some actions to push back against it from a medical POV.

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Did you see the video I posted a couple of days ago?

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Jack, Andra Watkins, who has read and dissected Project 2025, makes it easy with her talking points.⬇️

How to Tell Your Friends About Project 2025


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Oooh I hadn't seen this piece yet. Thank you! Great take on it!

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Jun 15Liked by Jessica Craven

Not sure if this has been posted here, but Democrats in Congress have formed a task force to combat and stop Project 2025: https://huffman.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/congressional-leaders-form-task-force-to-counter-project-2025-and-defend-democracy

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Yes! I'm putting it in EE today!

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Thank you, Jess.for including the Private Equity action from Healthcare Advocacy.

I was shocked about the bump stocks - I still remember the Las Vegas shooting that toook so many lives so quickly. BTW - today in Healthcare Advocacy I posted the link for the roll call vote on the Defense Authorization spending - it discriminates against trans people, denies time off for abortion care and so much more. I called my rep to complain about her deceitful behavior voting for it (she claims to be a Democrat). Here is the link if anyone reading this wants to take a similar action. https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2024/roll279.xml?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Thank you, Alan! There is just so much to keep track of!

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Jun 15Liked by Jessica Craven

I made my evening calls to my elected officials, and I actually spoke to someone from my congressman‘s office and lethim know my position on these issues. Thank you, Jessica, for keeping us going.

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Thank you, Luci! Your patriotism is inspiring!

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Jun 14Liked by Jessica Craven

Love coming to this substack to do easily & quickly find action items AND doing them!

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Thank you, Cassie!

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Jun 16Liked by Jessica Craven

Attention all postcard writers! I received an email from Blue Wave Postcard Movement about a new high priority campaign in Wisconsin:

We’re putting our Ohio campaign on hold for a hot minute to get cards to Wisconsin ASAP. The Presidential election, US Senate majority, and US House majority all hang in the balance this year, and Wisconsin will play an important role. We are urging unregistered Wisconsinites to register now so they can vote in the August 13 primary and the general election in November.

An initiative on the primary ballot would limit the Democratic governor’s ability to distribute federal funds allocated to the state. This could include disaster relief funds, Social Security, and Medicaid. A lot is at stake!

Please order Wisconsin Postcards here:


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Yes! I sent this out to the Ohio list!

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Everyone should check out That's Another Fine Mess. TCinLA has reposted Michael Tomaskey's article from New Republic arguing that the Silent Majority are now mostly not Republican and his presentation brings nearly as much hope as Jessica's work.

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Jun 14Liked by Jessica Craven

Thanks for the consistently good information. I often follow up on issues you've outlined and have shared your site/material with the local Dem. party and other contacts. Two things:

1. Something that would help me betw. now and Nov. is a concise list of Biden accomplishments that can be used in discussion with those who don't or are wishy washy in support of his re-election. If something like this (conside, bullet points) exists elsewhere I'd love the link.

2. I read the material by Andra Watkins on Project 2025. I live in Florida (enough said). One thing that bothered me is the use of the term Christo-fascism. Not everyone who is a Christian is a fascist nor do we support the kinds of actions being taken by Right Wing Republicans...Christian or not. That kind of baiting, stereotyping and denigration is a real turn off. And it turns me off to those who promote causes I care about. I don't want to be associated with it and I'm an open person. Imagine how it defeats the cause when read by those who already hold an opposite position.

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I think Christo-fascist is meant to refer to one type of Christian. In fact I'm certain of it. It's not meant to be an aspersion of all Christians.

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I called my Senators and my House rep and left messages with all of them at how horrified I am by the bumpstock ruling. The SCOTUS is out-of-control and are trying, literally, to get Americans killed.Shutting down Dobbs has resulted in women's lives being taken and now this. Meanwhile the Christo-fascist branch of this Court is thumbing it's nose at all Americans with their lawless acts and senseless and dangerous rulings. The mifepristone ruling was a meager bone thrown to us to get us to the election.After that, all bets are off.I never thought that I would see the day when this court is so corrupt and vile.

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Yeah, it’s bad. No question.

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I try not to be a fraidy cat and not to overthink this stuff but it gets a bit dicey on days like today.Once again, I appreciate the tools you provide and use them many times.

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Totally. Decision days have become quite harrowing.

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Thanks for the boost!! That's so exciting!

There's more background on what we're doing at Bldg Bridges to build the blue vote w absentee voters is here -


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