If you or your contacts are interested, I am the invited zoom speaker for the LWV No. San Mateo County CA annual meeting on Saturday at 10 am PT. The League has said we may invite others to attend. My approach is to present a very quick history of voting rights in the Constitution / Congressional action up to VRA65 and then post Shelby Court/ current Supreme Court, leading up to a sufficient information about the Freedom to Vote : John R Lewis VRA so voters will be aroused to help defeat the filibuster. I have 45 minutes so this will be speedy and I will make the slides available to everyone afterwards. There should be time for questions. Link below

Alice Smith

Executive Director

National Voter Corps


Meeting ID: 863 3787 7834

Passcode: 432170

One tap mobile

+16699009128,,86337877834#,,,,*432170# US (San Jose)

+12532158782,,86337877834#,,,,*432170# US (Tacoma)

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I erroneously failed to send out the rSVP link. If you are interested in the LWV San Mateo Cty event please use this registration link.

Please register for the meeting using this link, and if you need any help to register, please let us know:

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.

When: Jun 4, 2022 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

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Talking points. The republicans are correct this is a mental health issue. Republicans mental health issue. How we can’t use that against them, shoot non violent holes in that empty argument is beyond me. Agreed, Abbott, Coryn, Cruz, the entrance republican senate plus 2 insane democrats… all mentally ill. Is human depravity a mental health issue, yes. Or had the entire republican party developed Narcissistic personality disorder?

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I took this action: to all the emails suggested for CloudFlare and Go Daddy:



To the executives of GoDaddy and Cloudflare:

Your customers might find The Gifford Law Center a rich resource to help provide safe gun laws, storage and protection to their families, children and community.

I would suggest your marketing staff review the links above and help promote as a public service announcement some of the actions proposed by Giffords and Everytown.

Alice Smith

a Grandmother and concerned citizen

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