May 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Thank you! I don't know why I couldn't find it! I did look!

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May 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Yes thanks I don't know why I couldn't find it earlier.

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Here’s Jeff Jackson’s take. He’s a freshman Representative from NC (Dem). https://jeffjacksonnc.substack.com/p/crunch-time-on-debt-ceiling

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Saw that. Good one. I love him.

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Amen! We absolutely will look back and marvel at what we confronted during this challenging time and how we rose to the occasion. Our country is at war - not in the way Ukraine is or Europe during WW2 - but this is the greatest internal challenge our country has faced since the Civil War. We will prevail. (I also remind myself that most of us 40-70 yrs old have lived a relatively (on a national level) uneventful, peaceful life. We were so fortunate and probably didn’t realize it. I was in a restaurant in Montreal last October and I just stared at all the people who looked so comfortable and worry-free. (I’m sure they weren’t completely worry free, but I’m sure they were not worried about the stability of their democracy.) Anyway, fight on we must! ❤️

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I think about that often these days.

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I just sent this letter to the 10 top executives at the three corporations providing material support to building Cop City in Atlanta (where I started my civil rights work in 1966):

My son is a police officer; I care a lot about good police training.

I am contacting you today because your organization is providing insurance to the Atlanta Police Foundation, and they’re attempting to build a police training facility that is perpetuating violence in the center of where the civil rights movement was born, Atlanta, Georgia.

The community has been speaking up against the construction of Cop City for years. They’re trying to cut down a forest to build a police militarization facility for police to train in urban warfare. On January 18th, police murdered forest defender Tortuguita who had been organizing tirelessly to #StopCopCity.

I am demanding that your company cut ties with the Atlanta Police Foundation and stop providing material support to this project that is violating human rights, destroying families, and is opposed by the vast majority of Atlanta residents.

Recently, 23 individuals in Atlanta were arrested and charged with domestic terrorism, bringing the total to 42 total charges that could carry 30 years in jail. These most recent arrests occurred after police violently raided a music festival near the proposed site of Cop City, revealing the lengths they'll go to repress the massive groundswell opposing this project.

By continuing to insure this dangerous project, you are aligning yourselves and your business reputation with state-sponsored police oppression, environmental destruction of the Weelaunee Forest, and the murder of 26-year-old activist Manuel "Tortuguita" Páez Terán.

You need to do what is morally right, and leave the contract.

It is hard to build a solid reputation for safety, accountability and fairness between police forces and the public they serve.

It is fairly easy to damage or destroy it when even a few cops misbehave. This project is a huge mistake, and will do untold damage - and your company will be strongly identified with the failure and the damage. Please do what's right and end your support now, before it's too late.

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Incredible! Thank you for sharing!

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Just made my calls. Thanks for keeping us informed and motivated. My ghoul of a rep Laurel Lee (R, FL) just sent out this survey. It would be a shame if people took it to tell her debt negotiations should NOT include cuts. https://iqconnect.house.gov/iqextranet/EsurveyForm.aspx?__cid=FL15LL&__sid=100019&__crop=14342.8191858.5056009.7436860

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I did it!

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023

I feel your pain, Robin .My Fl Freedom Caucus Rep, since 2008, has never voted to raise the debt ceiling.He sends similar surveys , although not as simplified.

Off topic, but kind of not as Matt Gaetz spouts he/Repubs are a “hostage” of the debt ceiling

debacle.My sign for abortion ban protests: Banning Abortion=More Baby Gaetz😂 ( credit hubby for witticism)

I just answered Rep Lee’s survey. No prompts/exclusions to exclude those not in district.

Let’s all respond!

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Jess, congratulations on your North Carolina fundraiser with Jamie Raskin pulling in $150,000. That is an awesome number anytime, but especially impressive in the off-season of an off-year!

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