May 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Hi Jess! Great as always!

Ok I am a mom like you, in NC who is NOT very connected or tech savvy. I like many have just recently been made aware of the inside assault on our democracy.

I LOVE your content here, and wonder is there a way through Substack to organize State Sub-CWCW substacks.... eventually 50+ (DC and territories even maybe a oversees absentee)

of YOUR type content that is specific to the issues of that state for example???

Like under your CWCW can there be baby cwcw’s? That maybe fans like me could contribute to with guidance? Or more likely you know people who you already could collaborate with in purple swing states like mine that could steer it ?

It just would be cool to pull up National CWCW check off daily list, then scroll to state NC (example) and do that check list.

Food for thought. I just think what you have here is crucial for all pro-democracy lovers for the next 10 years +

Thanks for what you do

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There ARE ten CWCW sub-emails, including one for NC! I don't do daily actions in any of them yet, but I do send them out when there are electoral actions to take--they were all quite active last year and in 2020. You can find them all at the link below! You'll see each state comes with an accompanying resource doc--lots of those are out of date as they were for the midterms and haven't yet been updated for next year's elections, but the email lists are all active. Please sign up! And some day perhaps I'll have a staffer and I can expand what they do! I'm actually about to send out an NC email as I'm co-hosting a big fundraiser for NC next Tuesday night with Jamie Raskin and a couple of amazing activists and organizers. Stay tuned! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R9fi9jBVmVlWJUTQCNSyEg_PV0Z-WIHu7xCEOcyQ4ig/edit#

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Signed up. Thanks Jess

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May 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

I am not but I made calls for him so I am really feeling burned for the people of AZ!

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Yeah it's a super bummer.

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May 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Why doesn’t Mark Kelly support the assault weapons ban?

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I truly don't know. It's unfathomable. If you're a constituent--or even if you're not--I'd urge you to call and ask.

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May 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Today is the last day to text for Duval Dems 💙 before the election tomorrow.

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YES! Sorry i haven't been getting emails from them so haven't amplified their stuff much--I did sign up, but somehow missed being put on their email list.

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Awesome thanks. I will pray that staffer manifests soon for you!!!

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