May 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Excited about Increasing Youth Voter Reg !

My Fl Rep sponsored a recently passed bill allowing 18 -years-old to own assault rifles.😡

During debate a Dem legislator said: ➡️ “The blood of people — not hunters, or animals or whatever … but human beings will be on your hands,”

Sounds very similar to the “lack of decorum” Montana legislature used to silence Rep Zooey Zephyr…

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Indeed it does. And it's true.

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100% Thank you as always - so appreciate the list of wins which I always circulate on social media and to my community bc I think our biggest challenge is overcoming the sense (intentionally perpetuated by the media and unintentionally perpetuated by low information folks) that we haven't made progress when we have made so much in just two years. And when we considered how deep in the hole we were when Biden took office, the progress is truly historic. So a million thanks Jess!

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You're welcome! I, too, believe that spreading this good news is more than just a feel-good exercise. People *literally* don't know it's happening if we don't share it.

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Love that word "ineluctable"!

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It's such a good one!

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May 2, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Listened to What

The Gerrymander? Great job.

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Thank you!

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May 2, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Jessica keep it coming!!! Your CIVIC ACTION CHECKLIST is presented so positively and NO ONE on the major channels and pods that I know of cover Every Citizen Actionable Items! Get up with MeidasTouch and NoLie BTC or on Pod Save America. At least Brian understands how much this can help!!!! Check out his interview with Media Matters and how Brian’s subs have consequentially pushed the discussions in the board room over carriage fees at FOX with the www.unfoxmycablebox.com sign up that Brian has highlighted. https://youtu.be/TD6UpqIm_nM

Looking forward to your podcast too! Thanks

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Dan Pfieffer has this newsletter on his recommended publications list. (:

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Re youth, I wonder what you think of NextGen America and other nonpartisan groups that work to get out the youth vote. I would love it if they just switched to being for Democrats.

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Young people support Democratic policies at an overwhelming rate. I'm not worried about the nonpartisan thing, as they know that these folks, once registered, will almost definitely vote our way.

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Afternoon, Jessica!

I have been checking the bills that you have put forth to see whether my reps have cosponsored them or not. Do you think it is necessary for me to ask my Dem reps to support a particular bill they have already cosponsored? Rather than calling them, I have been contacting them via email. I get prompt feedback, so I'm sure it's not too late to correspond in this way.

Also, FYI, I am writing postcards for one State Senate Democrat in Virginia who is up for re-election. Interestingly, I am reaching out to registered Black women voters who usually do not vote in primaries.

Thanks for your hard work. Will be listening to your podcast soon!

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Excellent! You must be writing with postcards to Virginia? As for emailing them yes, that's fine! I always contact them about the bills even if they are co-sponsoring just to let them know I want them to keep pushing but either way works!

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Yes, postcards to Virginia is my go-to for a while. I am more wanting to get our state House in the majority again.

I am watching with interest Jennifer McClellan, newly elected to the U.S. House of Reps for District 4 (not my district!) I supported her run for Governor last year, but as U.S. Rep, she is proving to be a powerhouse so far, in my opinion.

I do thank my reps for cosponsoring when they have; remind them to cosponsor when they haven't. I think that shows my support for their support LOL!

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I've just written to R. Hubbell and want to ask you the same thing. A petition has been showing up on my email about the NRA stating they are exempt from taxes as they are registered as a Social Welfare entity. Do you know if this is tru? As if so why aren't all the anti-gun people (include me) and Democrats using this as a tactic against the gun lobby.....why isn't everyone enraged? Help

jean Mensing

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Dear Jessica,

I am just amazed every day at your energy, enthusiasm, and helping all of us to find a way to work toward bringing back democracy! My suggestion is (if it’s not too difficult) is to put a note letting us know how soon some of the bills we’re calling our sens. and reps. about will expire. I many times would like to make the calls but can’t do it right away. Then I’m not sure if my call would be relevant a day (or two or three) later. I’m just now always sure how urgent the calls need to be. Thanks for considering this and a million thanks for all you do!! ❤️


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Nothing moves quickly in Congress so unless I specify in the script that the vote is about to happen it's fine to call even several days after I publish. (: And thanks!

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