Just want to say in addition to your wise counsel and well researched information and action items, I’m always impressed by your writing. I can’t believe you do this every day and make it seem so effortless even though I know it’s a lot of work and commitment So, as always, TYx💯!
I've been texting with Movement Labs for years. They have more campaigns than anyone else I text with and it's easy to just check in on substack and start texting, once you've done the training that Jess spoke about. I also recommend Black Voters Matter, SURJ, and NextGen Organizing for frequent opportunities.
Jessica keeps pushing us to keep doing the little things that keep the pressure on for our ultimate goals. Personal example; When i first started practice in 1964 there was a cigarette machine right at the door to our hospital emergency room. First have it moved away from the door. Took a few years to have it removed entirely. Several nudges and major battles until the culture changed enough that we had no smoking in the hospital then the entire campus. Persistence pays, even for the antiabortion cabal. Love, Doc
The two Supreme Court hearings this week prove, once again, that this court has become one of the biggest dangers to American Freedom and Democracy. The discussion about Trump’s immunity was a travesty and a farce, but it was so predictable based on hundreds of their previous decisions. Of course, we should urge them to change their position and allow Trump to go on trial, but the MAGA members of this court have repeatedly proven that even though they were confirmed to their positions by very questionable means, they now feel that with lifetime appointments they are not accountable to anyone. They have become arrogant, isolated, extreme and corrupt. Many of their decisions, ( often 5-4) during the last six years have deprived Americans of their rights, and thousands have suffered and died as they quibble over the meaning of words.
We can easily anticipate that unless We the People stop them, they will find a few words that allow them to choose who wins the elections in 2024, despite who the voters choose. This is corruption at the highest level! Write to your legislators, news sources, friends, relatives, neighbors, and even your enemies, and tell them to express how we have lost all trust in this court, and if this continues as they are, we will firmly and peacefully find ways to defy their outrageous and repressive rulings.
Just want to say in addition to your wise counsel and well researched information and action items, I’m always impressed by your writing. I can’t believe you do this every day and make it seem so effortless even though I know it’s a lot of work and commitment So, as always, TYx💯!
Why thank you!
I've been texting with Movement Labs for years. They have more campaigns than anyone else I text with and it's easy to just check in on substack and start texting, once you've done the training that Jess spoke about. I also recommend Black Voters Matter, SURJ, and NextGen Organizing for frequent opportunities.
Yes agree on all of the above!
That should have read “slack“ in my comment above. I have to dictate everything and I make so many mistakes. I apologize
Jessica, I really appreciate the Resistbot prompts!! My house rep ALWAYS responds (Senators not so much). Thank you.
So glad to hear it!
Jessica keeps pushing us to keep doing the little things that keep the pressure on for our ultimate goals. Personal example; When i first started practice in 1964 there was a cigarette machine right at the door to our hospital emergency room. First have it moved away from the door. Took a few years to have it removed entirely. Several nudges and major battles until the culture changed enough that we had no smoking in the hospital then the entire campus. Persistence pays, even for the antiabortion cabal. Love, Doc
I love this, John.
The two Supreme Court hearings this week prove, once again, that this court has become one of the biggest dangers to American Freedom and Democracy. The discussion about Trump’s immunity was a travesty and a farce, but it was so predictable based on hundreds of their previous decisions. Of course, we should urge them to change their position and allow Trump to go on trial, but the MAGA members of this court have repeatedly proven that even though they were confirmed to their positions by very questionable means, they now feel that with lifetime appointments they are not accountable to anyone. They have become arrogant, isolated, extreme and corrupt. Many of their decisions, ( often 5-4) during the last six years have deprived Americans of their rights, and thousands have suffered and died as they quibble over the meaning of words.
We can easily anticipate that unless We the People stop them, they will find a few words that allow them to choose who wins the elections in 2024, despite who the voters choose. This is corruption at the highest level! Write to your legislators, news sources, friends, relatives, neighbors, and even your enemies, and tell them to express how we have lost all trust in this court, and if this continues as they are, we will firmly and peacefully find ways to defy their outrageous and repressive rulings.