I wrote an email to MSNB C telling them to change the caption HUSH MONEY trial to ELECTION INTERFERENCE. No reply yet.

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Thank you!

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Thanks, Jess, for emphasizing the point that the NY case should not be called, "The Hush Money Case." I was appalled that MSNBC had that across their screen every time I tuned in today, and the NYT had it on their online features. The "hush money"aspect is irrelevant as far as the crime goes - paying a porn star for her silence is not a crime legally. What is illegal is making the payment by disguising it as something it wasn't, in order to deceive voters and hide the payment as a business expense. The crimes are falsification of business records to skirt campaign laws. The underlying action was the hush money aspect, but that's like the cheap underwear under a fancy suit. "Hush Money" is clickbait - nothing more and nothing less, and it denigrates our legal process.

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I will quit calling it hush money if you quit calling her a porn star

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Apr 16Liked by Jessica Craven

Fair enough, it doesn't matter who she is or what she does. It's his actions that are alleged to have broken the law.

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Apr 15Liked by Jessica Craven

Thanks for the Ukraine script and calling tRump’s criminal case what it is: election interference.

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Sure thing! Thanks!

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Deathly afraid of Project 25 but it definitely is not Trump's baby, even though he will be forced to go along with it, joyfully, no doubt.

As I understand it, Project 25 is being backed by numerous 1%ers and whether Trump is, God forbid, elected or not it will be there for a future Republican president to deal with. As you well know there are multiples in the Republicant party who would relish a chance.

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Project 2025 is the manifesto written by the folks at the Heritage Foundation and by Leonard Leo. It’s obscene and disturbing as no one, unless you’re white, able-bodied, straight, and repressive is allowed in their “club”. It’s over 900 pages and I managed to peruse through a few of the pages before I found myself getting literally ill. We can never allow these people into our government again. It is a playbook influenced by Putin. We have Russian Operatives everywhere in Congress and in the government. they must be rooted out. Our first order of business is getting Trump convicted, indicted, and jailed.

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Did I say it was? if so, I apologize. No, he's not even capable of coming up with something like that. It's got billionaires and foreign interests written all over it. He's just the puppet.

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RemovedApr 16Liked by Jessica Craven
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