Unfortunately, Elise Stefanik is my representative. I just called her office and spoke with a very nice young man - Drew. I used your script - thank you - and then asked Drew if his grandparents were still alive. Yes, he has 1 grandmother. I asked him if he's asked her what she thinks about Social Security and how she would feel if it disappeared. Drew hasn't asked her about it, but he talks to her every Sunday. I said he now has something to talk to her about this Sunday!

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Today I made a donation to Al Green and called his office and left a message thanking him. I then left a comment for Newsome expressing my disgust at his interview with Charlie Kirk that included throwing the trans community under the bus. I did some email organizing with a local activism support group of 100 a friend and I started after the election. I walked at the dog park - ahhhh. Tomorrow I'll attend the rally at my state capitol.

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Protesting at Tesla Showroom tomorrow in Corte Madera, California.

Calling for Wisconsin Judge this Sunday and next Sunday.

Ordered 400 Postcards for Wisconsin Judge but haven’t received them yet.

Must track them down.

Posting on Facebook and Instagram.


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Marching in Cape May, NJ tomorrow for International Women’s Day, women’s and LGBTQ rights! My friend and I just made our first posters. Feeling empowered. Stop SAVE!

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Hey Jessica~ Like your mom, I called Mike Lawler also (a few times now about different things, but most recently re SSA being in peril and staff cuts) and the female aide told me that she knew nothing about any staff cuts pending. I told her that whether she "knew" about it or not it WAS happening and that brave people who work there were making it known. Then I told her that Rep. Lawler was making a lot of constituents VERY angry by his lack of courage to stand up against this and numerous other travesties occurring on his watch and that if he didn't do something I was going to do everything in my power to spread the word and keep him from gaining re-election! Thank you for all you do to help us fight the good fight!

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I had a call today with Senator Sheehy’s (MT) legislative corespondent, he reached out to me since I call daily! He parroted everything the republicans have been saying. He said MT voted for Trump and Sheehy so he’s doing what we elected him to do. I pushed back on everything. I kept him on the phone for a 1/2 hour. Told him I’m calling the Senator out on all the things, Medicaid, Medicare, veterans being fired (he’s on the veterans committee), national park firings we have Glacier and Yellowstone, our parks bring in a lot of revenue. Gaslighting left and right but I did not back down. Thank you Jess for giving me courage, I don’t even need scripts anymore. I call them liars right on the phone and hit back with facts. I also called all the dems that voted to censure Rep. Al Green, I call out my own party too. I got one person otherwise I got voicemails and full mailboxes. Of course I called Rep. Greens office and left a message telling him he is a hero for standing up the truth and for us, we’re in this together!

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Jessica, as a long-time personal-injury lawyer, I have to tell you that talking on the phone (even hands-free) while driving is very dangerous. Some studies have said that it is as bad as driving drunk. And, no, it is not the same as conversing with someone in the car (which can be distracting). A person in the car picks up on cues from the surroundings, and from you. The person you are speaking with on the phone does not. So, please, either pull over or wait until you get where you're going. We want you and yours to be safe and healthy. And that goes for all who might read this.

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As a healthcare provider who reads a lot of studies, I can confirm that studies universally show that driving while talking on the phone, even hands-free with speaker or earpiece, is distracting and dangerous. There are studies that show that people attempting to multi-task while also talking on the phone do much worse and are less productive than non-distracted people. One of the more memorable studies to me was of subjects assembling a chair from its components while either on a phone call or not - the ones on a handsfree phone call not only took longer to assemble the chair but also made mistakes which made it take even longer to complete the assembly.

Interestingly, there are studies that show that even drivers who are not on the phone are similarly distracted when one of their passengers is talking on a phone. The brain activity measures differently because the listener is attempting to figure out what the other side of the conversation is.

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Join the Movement to Send the White House Pink Slips : You Are Fired

On March 15th, mail Donald Trump a postcard that publicly expresses your opposition to him. We are vast in numbers and will bury the White House post office in pink slips, all informing him that he’s fired.


Mail your messages to:

President (for now) Donald J. Trump

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20500

[I am sending mine on March 14 as our post office doesn't send out on Saturday, March 15.]

Sample Text:


You are fired for:

• Promoting Russia

• Abandoning Our Allies

• Shredding Our Constitution

• Selling out Our America to billionaires

Pack your stuff and get out.

The American People

(wearing gloves might be a consideration to keep your fingerprints off the cards!)

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How do I get a postcard? I’m not sure I am understanding correctly.

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Each of us has to get our own postcard(s), write your own message about why you'd fire him, and put it in the mail on March 15th. Does that make sense?

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Yep! 😁

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Stood up for science in Maine

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Rise and Resist in NYC had a great week! First we shut down the Tesla Showroom in the west village: grhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvFIB6Ti6SY

Then we showed up at our weekly FOX NEWS Plaza demo (TRUTH TUESDAYS) where our numbers went from 30-40 activists to almost 500! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEroR5og7zg

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Lawler is SUCH a snake! I am so mad for your mom's sake. OHHHHhhhhhh. I am mad. Lawler thinks he is going to be NY's next governor. He cannot be rewarded for being a snake! Anyway, your shoulder, Jessica: I have the same and I have only been saved of late by dry needling. A suggestion just in case.

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Thank you. I’m making calls and filling out petitions. I even did a protest by myself on the street corner on Hywy 1 in Pacifica. Another woman joined me and we felt the power of two. I will keep fighting.

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My mind is blown and I'm sure you're probably pinching yourself regularly that you now have 100K subscribers here, not to mention your large following (probably 20K easily) on Resistbot, and other social media (sorry I don't use tiktok and rarely get on IG).

For Resistbot users, text FOLLOW JESSCRAVEN101 to 50409, or to @Resistbot on Apple Messages, Messenger, Instagram, or Telegram

I know you have this link at the end of every newsletter but I'm pasting it here for anyone who hasn't noticed how you can be further supported by your readers.


I hope you are somehow finding time to rest!!! take care of yourself. We the People need you more than ever, but remember your family comes first.

Thank you for this community of activists.

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Am participating in Tesla showroom demonstrations and will participate in Santa Rosa’s International Women’s day March. Earlier this week i donated directly to the Ukrainian Government at: https://u24.gov.ua/

You can choose to support medical care, rebuilding or military efforts.

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You are so brilliant and so cool, Jessica. And you give the bad news (or the instruction to us) with a light touch and a smile!

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Going to a rally I'm Washington Square Park tomorrow. Will be doing phone banking and postcarding for Weill and Crawford all weekend.

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