Hi, all, and happy Tuesday.
Last week Mj told me over dinner about a friend of theirs—I’ll call him Sam—who is experiencing bullying at school. Mj and Sam are both 13, and both in the 7th grade. Bullying at this age isn’t uncommon, but the bullying that Sam’s getting is particularly disturbing because it’s focussed on his sexuality; Sam is gay.
Mj informed me that Sam was being called homophobic slurs, receiving threats, and being regularly taunted. The 7th grade boys bullying him even follow him to his car after school, threatening to “jump him.”
“He’s terrified,” Mj added.
When I asked what Sam’s parents were doing about it Mj told me they “were just sort of whatever.” This, I think, is teen speak for their being uninvolved and perhaps a bit on the fence about their son’s sexual orientation.
As for the school? Sam, out of fear of retribution, hasn’t reported the behavior to anyone there, but he did claim that teachers had overheard students using the slur on him and done nothing. (Yes, I’ve called to report this.)
So Mj and their friends decided to take matters into their own hands.
“I’m going to be late for pickup after school this week,” Mj told me. “We’re going to walk Sam to his car every day.”
And yesterday they commenced to do just that. Not because they’re tough. Not because they want to fight. But because they love their friend. It wasn’t just Mj, either. Apparently “everyone” showed up—all of their friend group—gay and straight, male, female and nonbinary. Sam got to his car safely—in fact (big surprise) the bullies were nowhere to be seen.
It’s a heartbreaking situation, but in the midst of it I find reason for hope. These kids inspire me. They aren’t waiting for grownups to step in. They aren’t abandoning their friend to his fate. They are banding together to protect him.
It’s a metaphor we could all grab hold of. At a moment when nearly every marginalized group—and particularly the LGBTQ community—is under vicious attack, we each have the ability to “walk someone to their car.” And we should. Every. Single. Chance. We. Get.
After all, when enough of us show up, we can take on anything. Also? When we turn out in force the bullies simply disappear. That’s how they roll.
Just ask Sam.
Call Your Senators (find yours here) 📲
Hi, I'm a constituent calling from [zip]. My name is ______.
I’m calling to ask the Senator to publicly condemn the Republican attacks on transgender Americans. The language coming out of CPAC this weekend made me sick. The Republican war on transgender people should have no place in a free and just America. [Feel free to share your personal connection to this issue.] Has the Senator already made a statement? If so where can I find it? [If yes thank. If no add:] It is absolutely unacceptable to sit on the sidelines while one of the most marginalized communities is our country is being bullied, tormented, and erased. I want the Senator to make a statement supporting trans Americans and condemning these attacks right away. Thanks.
Call Your House Rep (find yours here) 📲
Hi, I'm a constituent calling from [zip]. My name is _______.
I’m calling to ask the Congressmember to publicly condemn the Republican attacks on transgender Americans. The language coming out of CPAC this weekend made me sick. The Republican war on transgender people should have no place in a free and just America. [Feel free to share your personal connection to this issue.] Has the Congressmember already made a statement? If so where can I find it? [If yes thank. If no add:] It is absolutely unacceptable to sit on the sidelines while one of the most marginalized communities is our country is being bullied, tormented, and erased. I want the Congressmember to make a statement supporting trans Americans and condemning these attacks right away. Thanks.
Extra Credit ✅
More on Walgreens! Let’s call:
Rosalind Gates Brewer, Walgreens’ CEO, at 847-315-2500. You’ll get an operator, and instead of asking for Customer Care ask for the CEO’s office. I spoke to her Executive Assistant.
I said:
My name is ____ and I’m calling from [city, state]. I calling because I am very upset about Walgreens’ decision to stop selling abortion pills. Why is your company playing politics with my healthcare? I will not be shopping at Walgreens or any of its subsidiaries* until you reverse this decision, and I'm going to encourage everyone I know to do the same. Thanks.
* Duane Reade, Boots, Alliance Healthcare, No7, NICE!, Sleek MakeUP, and Botanics.
[H/T and cool graphic to share]
Get Smart! 📚
The Freedom to Vote Act is back, baby!!
We all fought so hard for the Freedom to Vote Act in 2021 and 2022. While we didn't get over the finish line, we made a ton of progress - and the struggle's not over. Later this month, Congress is re-introducing the FTVA in both the Senate and the House. To find out how we can keep the flame alive, join the movement call on March 9, hosted by Declaration for American Democracy! One of the speakers will be Rep. Sarbanes, who led the original fight in the House.
Sign up for the movement call here.
Spread the Word! 📣
POTUS has released his budget plan to extend Medicare for the next generation in a new NYT op-ed.
And this tweet:

Give 💰!
Y’all know how much I love the work Focus for Democracy does. Please consider joining them on Thursday, March 9 at 5 pm Pacific/8 pm Eastern for their third and last briefing on the upcoming Wisconsin Supreme Court election, this time supporting top-tier organizations turning out the vote in Wisconsin.
This election will decide whether the court is controlled by the same extremist faction that came within one vote of overturning Wisconsin’s 2020 election results and giving the state’s 10 electoral votes to Trump. Can’t happen!
Click here to register.
Win Races—Call! 🗳
I’ve signed up to make calls into Wisconsin with Center for Common Ground today at 3PM PT. We’re calling mostly Black voters in Milwaukee—folks who have been the direct target of voter suppression efforts—and making sure they have all the information they need to vote. These calls are easy, important, and much-needed. Are you free to join me? Use this link to sign up.
Win Races—Write Letters Postage Paid! 🗳️
Are you interested in writing Vote Forward letters but stopped by the cost of stamps? Or is your printer broken? Vote Forward has you covered! If a book of stamps or all of the supplies you need to write 20 letters would make it possible for you to write to voters this month, request your materials by the end of the day on Wednesday, March 8 and they’ll send it to you gratis!
If you have the supplies you need, you can always write letters without requesting a letter kit! Visit your dashboard to get started. WE NEED YOU!
Win Races—Write Postcards! 🗳️
Reclaim Our Vote, a campaign of the nonpartisan Center for Common Ground, is postcarding for the critical April 4th Wisconsin Supreme Court race. They’re reaching out to 230,000 Black and Hispanic voters across the state. They have over 2/3 of their addresses assigned so far but would love to reach everyone in their target universe!
Writers must use Reclaim Our Vote postcards, a key part of their strategy. Many regional organizers have them, and they can be ordered (see below) if not. Cards are being mailed between March 14-24 (as late as March 27 if mailed from Wisconsin) so as not to arrive too early (lost or forgotten) or too late, and they urge Early Voting, which starts on March 21.
Learn how to postcard with ROV
Resistbot Letter (new to Resistbot? Go here! And then here.) 💻
[to all 3 reps] [H/T Rogan’s List] [Quick send: text SIGN PHKSQY to 50409]
I’m writing because I’m alarmed that, in a time of horrific gun violence and mass shootings, gun manufacturers are increasingly following the lead of the tobacco companies and marketing their products to children. This has been exemplified by Wee 1 Tactical’s JR-15, an AR-15 for kids that has been marketed with logos depicting a skull and crossbones with a pacifier and images depicting children shooting the weapon. Horrifying!
Members of Congress led by Senator Ed Markey have introduced the Protecting Kids from Gun Marketing Act, requiring the Federal Trade Commission to create a rule to prohibit the firearms industry from marketing to kids. I’d like you to sign on to this legislation right away. It’s an absolute no-brainer and the bare minimum we can do to protect our kids. Thanks.
OK, you did it again! You helped save democracy! You’re amazing.
Talk soon.
Made the call to Walgreen's Executive office....and it felt great to speak to a "real" person to be able to let them know, they have lost me and my friends as customers .
What an incredible show of solidarity and support. I saw the movie Witness (with Harrison Ford) for the first time a few years ago and that scene when everyone shows up is so powerful because showing up in life is everything and it can often stop wrongdoing in its tracks. Deeply appreciate that Mj and their friends understand this too.