These ten Dems voted with the Tyrant Felon's MAGAS to censure Rep. Al Green who showed great courage to speak truth to corrupt power.

No excuses. We don't have time for betrayal like this.

Al Green shows us how civil disobedience should be done relentlessly and these traitors have diminished the sacrifice. They might as well have handed the country to the Felon tyrant. They have very poor judgement.

Fair weather friends are no friends at all.

Shameful indeed:

Ami Bera-CA

Ed Case-Hi

Jim Costa-CA

Laura Gillen-NY

Jim Himes-CT

Chrissy Houlahan-PA

Marcy Kaptur-OH

Jared Moskowitz-FL

Marie Gluesenkamp Perez-WA

Tom Suozzi-NY

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Ami Bera (202) 225-5716 @bera.house.gov

Ed Case (202) 225-2726 @jahimes.bsky.social

Jim Costa (202) 225-3341

Laura Gillen (202) 225-5516

Jim Himes (202) 225-5541 @jahimes.bsky.social

Chrissy Houlahan (202) 225-4315 @houlahan.house.gov

Marcy Kaptur (202) 225-4146 @repmarcykaptur.bsky.social

Jared Moskowitz (202) 225-3001 @repmoskowitz.bsky.social

Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (202) 225-3536 @gluesenkampperez.house.gov

Tom Suozzi (202) 225-3335 @tomsuozzi.bsky.social

Hakeem Jeffries for not keeping his house in order (202) 225-5936 @hakeem-jeffries.bsky.social

Shomari Figures voted Present (202) 225-4931 @repscfigures.bsky.social

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Excellent. TY. I’ll spread around.

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They are disgraceful. There are some whose names I'm familiar with and have reached out to them in the past, or even supported their campaigns. Though none more disappointing to me is Tom Suozzi. I believed in him when he was my representative, and worked for his re-election last year; once for a special election last February, and then again for the November election cycle. And he's disappointed far too many times since. What has become of us???

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I’ve been thinking hard about this question since you posted it. It’s the essential question, isn’t it? I’m tempted by self-preservation avoidance to answer with the humorous “42” from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. However, depression jerks me back to consider the decades of “right wing conspiracy” that Hillary warned us about so long ago but was excoriated for. That incremental plan by the mega wealthy extremists only needed the outward connection to the populace when it was time for the final stages. Then “MAGA” and its sociopathic narcissistic sloganeer were plugged in. Until then, it was unending pressure on right to choose, and dumbing down of education, crushing opposition to unions, manipulation of fortunes through the investment markets, and unholy “business” conducted with unsavory American adversaries. There were so many cogs to the clockwork machinery of destroying America ticking away our time, bringing the whole Earth ever closer to midnight. What happened to us was a long term con no one would believe because it was very much like the fiction of a long movie. The plot was hidden monotonously by design so we barely noticed it. To mix metaphors, it was an adaptive virus.

So, that answer only assigns blame to the few who made themselves powerful in back room deals, and who then preyed on the sweet intentions of the populace. But that isn’t quite the full answer, is it? I mean we KNOW about it now. We KNOW it is happening for real because it is in our faces. It has come home to roost impacting each of our lives personally, painfully. Yes. We cannot deny there was a very real choice made and that enough of us KNEW OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN better than to let the killer virus of what they now coin “MAGA” take the power away from The People and install the tyranny of the few megawealthy Infectors. Too many of us CHOSE willful ignorance. Too many of us ALLOWED themselves to be infected with the soul-killing corruption (or choose a synonym: wicked, bad, wrong, morally wrong, wrongful, immoral, sinful, ungodly, unholy, foul, vile, base, ignoble, dishonourable, iniquitous, depraved, degenerate, villainous, nefarious, sinister, vicious, malicious, malevolent, demonic, devilish, diabolic, diabolical, fiendish, dark). That choice implies GUILT. I can’t stomach that part of inhumanity to humankind. Extending the consequences of what it does to every living innocent thing on Earth makes me weep and feel nauseous daily. That’s the what.

But maybe the real question is why. What is the motivation? From years of observation, I come back to my personal theory that really nice people cannot fathom why. They just can’t think like criminals or those who straddle that line between good and evil. Nice people simply can’t get ahead of the Project2025 types because they’re living by different guidance—connecting an entirely different set of dots. The fact that they can’t answer why or are entirely shocked is weirdly a good thing. But then I acknowledge that I am not one of the purely nice people. I’ve connected evil dots before and should have been doing a better job of it. So should many others who didn’t choose this evil virus. We bear a certain amount of guilt, elected politicians and laypeople alike. We need to answer the motivation and imminently figure out what we’re going to do about it. We each need to choose how to gum up the cogs until we can get a better watchmaker. That is to say, put forth and listen to activism leaders, assign roles, be relentless in fulfilling our individual roles, and work together under the guidance of the good principles to preserve democracy and the inalienable rights.

I’m accepting that I’m not smart enough to answer WHY. We need to recognize the tested leaders among us. I saw Rep. Al Green. I’ve seen Rep. AOC. Rep. Stansbury stands out. Rep. Alexander Frost. Rep. Jamie Raskin. Marc Elias. There are a few others. I wish these specific leaders would meet, discuss, and direct us. Communicate through the networks we’ve created outside of the mainstream media as well as those canned interviews on “progressive” MSM network shows. The plans need to coalesce for more effective power to combat the creeping crimson crud that is destroying the good. I hope enough of us listen and choose to do our part. That willful ignorance part scares me. The answer to WHY terrifies me because that’s the part that needs to be crushed and I don’t want it to turn out to be “human nature.” I want to believe in goodness prevailing.

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Why aren’t people messaging “why should the rich get any tax cuts at all? They are just hoarding wealth and not creating jobs or contributing to the economy “

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Every Dem should have WALKED OUT in protest WITH Rep Green! Instead they sat there mute and stone faced?? Are they as spineless as the Republicans?!

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Thank you for all your hard work and insightful information.

I'm a life-long Democrat and proud liberal. Newsom was voicing what is true. That ad about trans surgery helped sink the Harris campaign. There was no come back. To keep shaming and accusing us of transphobia when 90% of us believe the same is getting old.

I do not care one bit about someone's lifestyle choices or gender assignments. I judge people on character and behavior. Post puberty males should not compete in women's sports . It's science. Before puberty, boys and girls can play any sport together. If a 17 year old 6'2, 200 lbs boy decides to transition to female , that's fine. Hormones cannot undo post puberty physical changes. In most sports there's a big disparity in size therefore boys and girls teams.

If dems let trans issues and celebrities take over again..we'll never win again.

OK, rant over. Go ahead and shred me.

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For the record, I am very socially liberal, very pro- female, and have a transgender relative that I love and respect. I am also a retired physical education teacher for all grades. I eventually taught anatomy and physiology to adults. The testosterone in men allows for advanced muscle development, thus stronger, more dense muscle mass. Men inherently have more red blood cells than women which allows for more oxygen carrying capacity so their endurance is enhanced. So post puberty, if a man transitions to female these advantages don't go away. That's just anatomically and physiologically the facts. It is not a biased or prejudice thought. I think transgenders should play in intramural and co- ed sports and enjoy being active as much as any one else. But realistically on the highly competitive level i e. Olympics etc., especially in individual sports, it gives an unfair advantage to the transgender athlete. Women can devote their life to training hard and being the best in their sport but can never achieve what men are capable of just due to the differences in what nature has established. I don't say this to offend anyone.....that's just the scientific facts.

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So true. And this comment I’m about to make will probably trigger some. 3 yrs ago I got a beautiful male Labrador puppy. Based on my reading and expert advice, I did not neuter him till 20 months so his testosterone would contribute to sound joints and mature muscle development. After castrating him at 20 months, (meaning he no longer has any testosterone circulating )….his powerful haunches and deep chest and mature musculature DID NOT GO AWAY. I wish all trans people the best….i could care less about anyone’s lifestyle…I don’t care what bathroom you use. But looking at sports where cisgender women train really hard for some accomplishment, it just doesn’t seem right not to look squarely at this one aspect of the debate.

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I came here to say same, exactly. Now I don’t have to, so thanks! Never did understand how it’s fair for a transgender woman (post puberty) to compete in womens sports, sweep every event in a meet, and then for everyone to think that’s cool. Newsom said nothing wrong, was just honest. I would hardly call his words a “betrayal”

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There is a movement to send Trump postcards of our disapproval on March 15, the "Ides of Trump."


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Thank you for this link, Anna. A friend sent out a missive about it, although it didn't note the sponsoring organization of the action. This detail is something that interests me. And I like to vet the organization as well before participating. That is, as much as I am able.

Having received word about the March 15 postcard action, then and now, I wondered if it's something that Jess would promote in her Chop Wood, Carry Water. All in her spare time and energy, of course!

Earlier today, I received an email from Force Multiplier, an all-volunteer-led organization that I hold in high regard. FM's email subject line read: " Force Mutiplier: Defend Democracy Now." In the "take action" section, one of the recommendations is to "subscribe to Jessica Craven's Chop Wood, Carry Water." Sounds good to me!

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As reported in Newsweek and elsewhere, someone asked Elon Musk's A1 chatbok Grok this question: “What is the likelihood from 1-100 that Trump is a Putin-compromised asset? Use all publicly available information from 1980 on and his failure to ever say anything negative about Putin but has no issue attacking allies.” After scouring the public record, Grok gave a detailed response which concluded, "I estimate a 75-85% likelihood Trump is a Putin-compromised asset, leaning toward the higher end due to the consistency of his behavior and the depth of historical ties.” While we don't know that Trump is a Russian asset, we do know that Trump's actions are identical to those of a Russian asset. We should be shouting this question from the rooftops: Why does President Trump behave like a Russian asset?

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Would love to share a link to that article if you have it....

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How about Jamie Raskin for speaker?

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Yes!! I think he would be the perfect choice.

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First I cancelled my small recurring donation to Marie Gluesencamp Perez, my rep and one of the ten, for now. Then I sent that amount to Al Green. Next, I called Rep. Green and thanked for his actions. After that, I called Rep. Perez and let her know that I was livid, that I had moved my donation to Al Green, and that I would be looking for signs that she won't sit and accept rump's lies.

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As a daughter of a deceased wartime Air Force veteran who proudly devoted 20 years of service to this country, I am appalled at how they are chainsawing away the federal jobs that our brave veterans were doing and how this will ultimately limit the services all veterans receive. My father is rolling over in his grave. Actually, I am appalled at EVERYTHING they are doing.

I would love to see the veterans who voted for Trump (as well as the ones who didn't) start a big bonfire and throw their red maga hats and other maga paraphernalia into the fire. Now that would make for GREAT TV! So to all veterans, organize a group protesters and go for it!

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I took time out of my day today to call every single one of the 10 who censured Rep. Green! I shared that I just turned 65 and finally got some health care and that today they were on the wrong side of history. I shared that the democracts are lost and out of touch and need to take a lesson from Rep. Green, he knows what it means to stand up, cut off the Orange Agent's oxygen and made some "good trouble." It felt SO good calling them. My script, "I am not your constituent, but I am an American and today you were on the wrong side of history, you should be ashamed. Eight years of obstruction for President Obama, and Mitch McConnell refusing Merrick Garland, should have taught you all that bi-partisanship is over and we are now owned by Musk." I shared that the dems have been lost for some time and that the only reason they got my vote this year was in an attempt to save our democracy. Say their names...over and over and over. It takes about 30 minutes of time but it's worth the call to wake them up. I put in each name and contact in my browser and went down the list. Time to go spend some time in the fresh air. #wakeupdems

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I have made it a point that when I send emails or make calls to ask when the town hall will be since none of them have had town halls. Today I reminded them that they work for us and if they don't stop the co-presidents then Congress will be one of the things he gets rid of. I know they aren't listening but I feel better for reminding them they work for us.

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Over 400 unanimous consents in the Senate? absolutely horrifying. And how many of those were for nominees like Rubio?

If there unanimous consent in the House? If so, how many times has that happened since inauguration?

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On Gavin Newsom: I was considering him as someone who could be a spokesperson, like FDR was, to go on the media every day to speak against Trumpism. Then I read about his attack on trans athletes and had to go back and revise my Subscript for today. "The Democrats need one person to go on TV, YouTube, and X every day to fight Trumpism. As Trumpism moves to initiate 21st Century Nazism and an American police state we need our version FDR Fireside Chats." https://halbrown.substack.com/p/the-democrats-need-one-person-to

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And just to add to the betrayals.... he starts a podcast and his first guest is Charlie Kirk.

And he ordered state employees RTO 4 days a week.

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According to SFGate yesterday, he sided with Edison and PGE in citing solar assistance as adding to the rise in utility costs. Too much has gone to those who can afford solar, according to him. Why not make solar more available then? Lawsuits against big electricity companies are the biggest part of the rise in cost. Sue Big Oil, I say. They’re causing climate change. Join Minnesota (I think?) in their suit.

What happened to the guy who defended Biden and debated DeSantis? What did Trump threaten him with after the fires? Newsom’s lost me.

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Jess - I think we need to plan some good old fashioned Civil Disobedience!

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I appreciate the resistbot letters! Been emailing them to my Congress Critters - all Repugs. But, they are getting through to their offices. Have received some mealy mouthed responses which tells me someone in their offices at least is aware that what is going on isn’t acceptable. So thanks for putting the drafts out there.

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That poster collection is awesome!

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