Jessica: I think we need to stanch the bleeding. :-)
I must also disagree with the idea of boycotting tonight's spectacle. The GOPhers will have staffers sit in the vacant seats, so the House chamber will look full. A better, though more difficult tactic would be for Democrats to stand and turn their backs on Trump when he starts to lie (i.e., after the first 10 seconds or so). I realize that it's probably too late to organize this, but maybe for future occasions.
I have mixed feelings about Dem boycott. Great idea about them turning their backs. Dems could show strong presence and disfavor but not being there may leave too large a void.
"Ideally, Democrats should boycott the whole event. Even sitting in the well of the House as if this were just another president addressing just another Congress legitimizes Trump’s coup.
"Democrats should not signal to a nationally televised audience that what we’re living through is normal."
For Democrats that do attend, he has a list of "good trouble" actions.
I like Bob Reich. I worked on his campaign when he ran for governor of Massachusetts. But he's wrong here. As I noted, if Democrats boycott, their seats will be taken by Republican staffers so the place will look full--actually, it will be full. Democrats could walk out when Trump starts speaking, which would be dramatic, or stand and turn their backs, which would be even more contemptuous and dramatic. My preference, as I said, is for the latter.
they've contrived every single thing to showcase him, including the "assassination" attempts. I really can't stomach watching their clown show. Last Friday's orchestrated attack on President Zelensky was the last straw for me. Their efforts to insult our intelligence have gotten so old.
We are healthcare worker who are deeply concerned about the current assaults on our public health system and healthcare worldwide. Silence is complicity.
With other healthcare workers in Middlebury, we have been circulating the following "Healthcare Letter of Concern," and asking Vermont and New Hampshire healthcare workers and students who agree, to be a signatory with a simple email response to sign. ( )
The response has been gratifying. We need to circulate this letter in a timely fashion. I hope individuals and organizations would send this out for healthcare workers to consider.
We hope to reach a wide range of healthcare workers, including researchers, nurses, providers, social workers, psychologists, administrators, staff, health educators, PTs, OTs, care givers, healthcare students, etc. Anyone involved in health care and science.
Thank you for your advocacy and consideration.
My best,
Jack Mayer, MD, MPH
Middlebury, VT
Indivisible, Middlebury
VT & NH Healthcare Letter of Concern
We are healthcare workers concerned about the consequences of the Trump administration’s attempts to restrict or eliminate critical healthcare programs. We believe that the following issues are of paramount importance for our population’s health. By signing this letter (with a simple email response to ), Vermont and New Hampshire’s healthcare workers are expressing our deepest concerns about these issues:
1) NIH funding of scientific research is the foundation of our efforts to control and combat significant ills in America. NIH funding is the lifeblood of scientific research. These funds cannot be turned on and off like a spigot. Science and scientists suffer.
2) WHO membership: It is the WHO that protects us against pandemics and other world-wide health crises. Though not without its challenges, on balance, WHO provides critical, integrated knowledge and responses to health crises.
3) Vaccines are our lifeboats in a microbial sea. Loss of trust in vaccines and the elimination of school vaccine mandates will allow parents to opt out of vaccine programs and lower our herd immunity. This will increase the likelihood and seriousness of outbreaks of infectious diseases like measles, which we are already experiencing.
4) We call for healthcare facilities to be a safe space, free from fear of ICE apprehension and deportation. Vermont’s dairy industry depends on our migrant workforce, some of whom are undocumented.
5) USAID is a vital force for good in the world. It extends assistance to countries recovering from disasters, ameliorates poverty, and engages in democratic reforms. USAID feeds starving children and works to prevent infectious diseases such as polio and epidemic diseases. It deserves our support.
6) Protection of vulnerable populations such as LGBTQ+, immigrants, and BIPOC.
7) Fully funding the CDC to carry on its lifesaving public health initiatives. Censorship of communication and information must end.
Abusers often rush to move as fast as possible to do as much harm as possible before they can be stopped. Now is the time to stop them! I have called my reps and senators and I hope everyone else does, too. Does any one of us want to see or BE the hordes of homeless senior citizens dying on the streets from homelessness? I hope not. Let's call, write, protest, talk on our local TV news, sue the administration, and keep making the noise. God save America through us!
That presser was depressing. They all look completely defeated. I can can relate (a I routinely wonder whether to scream or weep) but we really need some energy out in front of the cameras every single day.
The link for Joy Reid’s is not working? Can see only middle of 2 columns. Tried flipping phone horizontal - still can’t read. Thank you so much for all this great info. “Elbows UP”!!’
Saw this on the “Daily Beans”. Allison and Dana feel we need our voices heard.
What do you think about DODGE? The Heritage Foundation probably didn’t send anyone in this group the survey but here is the link. I replied and was creative with my name and email. I hope we can skew the data!
I made a list today to keep myself under control. Got Social Security and Medicaid in on all 3 calls, ran out of time before "Fire Musk and DOGE" on Hawley's voice mail, and unloaded on Schmitt who deserves it.
Tim Walz has a post up on Reddit offering to participate in Empty Chair Town halls where GOP reps are too cowardly to turn up. Interesting if valid and a great move for a potential 2028 run.
The challenge should extend far beyond federal Democratic officials. If you recommend targeting Congressional democrats, one misses ½ the country with all Republican House members in the following states: Alabama; Arkansas; Idaho; Iowa; Kansas; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; West Virginia; Louisiana; One state with one Florida. If you target Senate Dems, same issue: About 21 states have both U.S. Senators being Republican.
On another Substack, I recommend reaching out to every political leader – past and present, at local, state, and federal levels – who has a moral obligation to leverage their platform and speak out. I would expand this to candidates, or future leaders, who should be speaking out.
Why limit pressure to a single party or level of government? Former governors, state legislators, county commissioners, mayors, and federal officials (and candidates) across all political spectrums should be compelled to address critical issues like Trump's treatment of Zelensky, Impacts of federal policy cuts, Threats to democratic institutions, and consequences of proposed legislation.
These leaders have megaphones, networks, and credibility. They should use them to inform constituents, illuminate policy consequences, and defend democratic norms – regardless of party affiliation.
The responsibility isn't partisan. It's fundamental to good governance and civic leadership. Every elected official who has ever taken an oath to serve the public should be prepared to break their silence and speak truth to power.
Current and former officials aren't bystanders. They're stewards of democratic dialogue, with a duty to engage, explain, and educate – especially when fundamental principles are at stake.
I am trying to practice what I preach. I am a former state representative and senator and cabinet member and just called my federal delegation and written my state legislators.
Is anyone else crying over the poor performance of the senators speaking about social security? Why is it so difficult for them to state plainly what is so obvious? Trump did not campaign on cutting social security, and the public doesn’t want it. Trump is a liar and a crook, and he is stealing from the poor and the middle class to give to the wealthy. Chuck Schumer, where are your writers?
Threats against Social Security are frightening. Elon Musk must be stopped!
My husband and I both receive SS benefits and rely upon those monthly payments to finance our lives. I am the sole practitioner of a small culinary services business and, in his retirement from the tech sector, my husband is an hourly employee of a local hardware store.
My husband was laid off in 2009 and then our stock portfolio, savings, and the equity in our house of 20 years was wiped out in the fallout from the 2008 financial crash, resulting in the short sale in 2011 of the only home our children had known. SS is a lifeline for us - we are 76 and 67 respectively- but we both must still work.
Details may differ, but my story, I’m sure, is not unique. Americans’ financial security should not be threatened by an unelected, unvented, irrational foreign billionaire.
If your Republican colleagues are going to let Musk go unchallenged, it is up to Democrats to act decisively and make lots of good, vocal trouble. Social Security recipients are hardworking Americans, and the monthly payments benefit people of every political affiliation, educational background, geographic region, race, and religion. We’ve paid into it for years. They are our benefits, not Elon Musk’s to strip away!
Jessica: I think we need to stanch the bleeding. :-)
I must also disagree with the idea of boycotting tonight's spectacle. The GOPhers will have staffers sit in the vacant seats, so the House chamber will look full. A better, though more difficult tactic would be for Democrats to stand and turn their backs on Trump when he starts to lie (i.e., after the first 10 seconds or so). I realize that it's probably too late to organize this, but maybe for future occasions.
I have mixed feelings about Dem boycott. Great idea about them turning their backs. Dems could show strong presence and disfavor but not being there may leave too large a void.
From Robert Reich's piece this morning:
"Ideally, Democrats should boycott the whole event. Even sitting in the well of the House as if this were just another president addressing just another Congress legitimizes Trump’s coup.
"Democrats should not signal to a nationally televised audience that what we’re living through is normal."
For Democrats that do attend, he has a list of "good trouble" actions.
I like Bob Reich. I worked on his campaign when he ran for governor of Massachusetts. But he's wrong here. As I noted, if Democrats boycott, their seats will be taken by Republican staffers so the place will look full--actually, it will be full. Democrats could walk out when Trump starts speaking, which would be dramatic, or stand and turn their backs, which would be even more contemptuous and dramatic. My preference, as I said, is for the latter.
I agree!
they've contrived every single thing to showcase him, including the "assassination" attempts. I really can't stomach watching their clown show. Last Friday's orchestrated attack on President Zelensky was the last straw for me. Their efforts to insult our intelligence have gotten so old.
Thank goodness I don't need to watch this clown show. I am sorry for those who have to sit through it
We need a rally cry like our Canadian friends “Elbows Up!”. It’s time we take our country back.
How about, "Up yours!"
Oh Bondage! Up yours!
XRay Specs forever!
Healthcare Letter of Concern
We are healthcare worker who are deeply concerned about the current assaults on our public health system and healthcare worldwide. Silence is complicity.
With other healthcare workers in Middlebury, we have been circulating the following "Healthcare Letter of Concern," and asking Vermont and New Hampshire healthcare workers and students who agree, to be a signatory with a simple email response to sign. ( )
The response has been gratifying. We need to circulate this letter in a timely fashion. I hope individuals and organizations would send this out for healthcare workers to consider.
We hope to reach a wide range of healthcare workers, including researchers, nurses, providers, social workers, psychologists, administrators, staff, health educators, PTs, OTs, care givers, healthcare students, etc. Anyone involved in health care and science.
Thank you for your advocacy and consideration.
My best,
Jack Mayer, MD, MPH
Middlebury, VT
Indivisible, Middlebury
VT & NH Healthcare Letter of Concern
We are healthcare workers concerned about the consequences of the Trump administration’s attempts to restrict or eliminate critical healthcare programs. We believe that the following issues are of paramount importance for our population’s health. By signing this letter (with a simple email response to ), Vermont and New Hampshire’s healthcare workers are expressing our deepest concerns about these issues:
1) NIH funding of scientific research is the foundation of our efforts to control and combat significant ills in America. NIH funding is the lifeblood of scientific research. These funds cannot be turned on and off like a spigot. Science and scientists suffer.
2) WHO membership: It is the WHO that protects us against pandemics and other world-wide health crises. Though not without its challenges, on balance, WHO provides critical, integrated knowledge and responses to health crises.
3) Vaccines are our lifeboats in a microbial sea. Loss of trust in vaccines and the elimination of school vaccine mandates will allow parents to opt out of vaccine programs and lower our herd immunity. This will increase the likelihood and seriousness of outbreaks of infectious diseases like measles, which we are already experiencing.
4) We call for healthcare facilities to be a safe space, free from fear of ICE apprehension and deportation. Vermont’s dairy industry depends on our migrant workforce, some of whom are undocumented.
5) USAID is a vital force for good in the world. It extends assistance to countries recovering from disasters, ameliorates poverty, and engages in democratic reforms. USAID feeds starving children and works to prevent infectious diseases such as polio and epidemic diseases. It deserves our support.
6) Protection of vulnerable populations such as LGBTQ+, immigrants, and BIPOC.
7) Fully funding the CDC to carry on its lifesaving public health initiatives. Censorship of communication and information must end.
Jack Mayer, MD, MPH
Laura Forman, MD
Kate Williams,RN
Roberto Veguez
Sara Grandstrom
Angela Scavo (Psychologist)
John T. Cook, PhD, MAEd
Sarah Ashe
Theresa Gleason, MSW
Nicole M. Anderson (Case manager)
Ron Slabaugh, Ph.D, MSSW (family therapist)
Martin Malek, MD
Donald Kollisch, MD
Betty Keller MD
Mary Claire DeHaven LICSW
Jessica Doos RN
Theresa Gleason MSW
Barbara Walker MD
Lucy McKeon MD
Richard Hopkins MD, MSPH
Judy English LICSW
Hilary Hatch RN
Deborah Wachtel, DNP, MPH,APRN
Mary Gill RN
Yvette Feig FNP
Korri Wass RN
Robert Zinnes MD
Jonathan M. Ross, MD
Kay Hillinger,MD
Rich DiPentima, RN,MPH
Wm. S. Palmer, MD MACP
Thomas Golper MD
Julie Porteous RN
Mika Barker-Hart LiCSW
Kathleen Walls, LCMHC
Anie Sklar, LMFT
Lea Calderon-Guthe LICSW
Janet Perkins-Howland OB/GYN
Carolyn Carey MA
Randy Hayes, MD
Kent Hackman PhD
Ahmad Ck Kutty, MD
Eva Simon,LCMHC
Merle Edwards-Orr, MSW, PhD
Jean Shappee, MA
Julia Doucet, RN
James Fieseher MD PNAP
Jennette Fisher, LCSW
Kim Kurak D.O. Fam Physican
Ken Dolkart, MD
Phil Prothero. LC MHC
Sarah Blessum. LCMHC
Noah Jacobson- Goodhue, LICSW
Miriam O. Sofsky, PhD
Robert Spottswood, MA LCMHC
Eliza Polli, PSYD. Hanover NH
Hetty Thomas MA
Elisabeth Gardner, LCMHC
Madeleine Pluhar LICSW
Sharon L. Goedkoopm LICSW, PLLC
Terri Mayer Thomsen LADC
Robert Kuefner, MD
Patricia Clancy MD
Amanda Fortin, MA LCMHC
Richatd Katzman, MD
Jason Kelley,MD
Deborah Richter MD
Mark Scura MD.
Oglesbury Young, MD FACOG
Doris Hampton, MSW
BJ Entwisle, MD
Richard Nelson, MDH
Margaret Meyer ,NP
Richard Nelson, MD
Lisa Patterson, MD FACS
Patricia Edwards MN FAAP
Meredith Milligan MD MPH
Paril Dorman Hall , RN
Jessica Doos, RN
Barbara Walker, MD
Daniel M. DaPolito, OD
Diane A. DaPolito, OD
Anne Wallace, MSW
Ted Cody, ScD, MD
Ruth Cody, Pac
Cathy Munteanu, PT
Joanne Sandberg-Cook, MSW,RN
David Conway, MD
Sara Riordan,RN
Martha Gilman,DO
Christine Staats,MD
Joanne Goodrich,APRN
Natasha Chang,MS,LCMHC
Emily Thurber,LCMHC
John Conway,MD,FAAP, US Army retired
Nancy Wilson,APRN
Sara Ecker,LCMHC
Mildred LaFontaine,MD
Brad Armstrong,MD
Erica Makar,MD,DHMC
Betty Keller, MD
George Blike,MD, MHCDS
Rebecca Johnson,MD
Kathleen Duemling,MD
Lynn Carpenter,DHA,MHA,NHA
Dominic F. Geffken,MD,MPH
Mary Kae Eckert,MD
Annie Schrader, psychiatric nurse
Jessica Lindert,MS PMH-NP
Carolyn Gillis,LICSW
Caroline Nickerson,LICSW
Amy Martel,MD
Kate Schmitt
Tori Hovde
Marian Greenberg, LICSW
John Hartmann, M.D.
Virginia Logan, MA
Bob House, MD
John B Garrity LMSW
Dave Coppock SAR 1st Responder
Kathleen Guinness
Robert Venman, M.D.
Rebecca Burton, LMFT
Judith Brown
Morris Earle MD
Alan Homans MD
Lise Anderson, MPH
Rachel Guy, FNP
Winifred Thomas MSW
Megan Worthington, RN
Vincent J. Merluzzi, Ph.D
Joanne Calvi, RN
Callan Janowiec, NP
Kathy Jacobs, PA
Lynn M. Luginbuhl, MD
Margaret Olson
Ron Slabaugh
Kate Donovan, DNP, CNM
thank you for sharing your letter! from retired PTA living in Delaware.
Abusers often rush to move as fast as possible to do as much harm as possible before they can be stopped. Now is the time to stop them! I have called my reps and senators and I hope everyone else does, too. Does any one of us want to see or BE the hordes of homeless senior citizens dying on the streets from homelessness? I hope not. Let's call, write, protest, talk on our local TV news, sue the administration, and keep making the noise. God save America through us!
That presser was depressing. They all look completely defeated. I can can relate (a I routinely wonder whether to scream or weep) but we really need some energy out in front of the cameras every single day.
Link for Wed Zoom with Tim Snyder is not working. PLEASE HELP. Want to attend.
The Tim Snyder link doesn’t work, FYI
The link for Joy Reid’s is not working? Can see only middle of 2 columns. Tried flipping phone horizontal - still can’t read. Thank you so much for all this great info. “Elbows UP”!!’
Yes I noticed that, too. Poorly designed site.
Saw this on the “Daily Beans”. Allison and Dana feel we need our voices heard.
What do you think about DODGE? The Heritage Foundation probably didn’t send anyone in this group the survey but here is the link. I replied and was creative with my name and email. I hope we can skew the data!
Spread the link!
did it, and shared to blue sky. Thanks.
Just responded to the survey--boy, they cherry pick what they want and provide no information--what a waste
Now the link for the Tim Snyder zoom is saying “Registration is now closed.” DISAPPOINTED! Any chance for a recording?
Oh no! Yes! I will post it when it's out!
I made a list today to keep myself under control. Got Social Security and Medicaid in on all 3 calls, ran out of time before "Fire Musk and DOGE" on Hawley's voice mail, and unloaded on Schmitt who deserves it.
Tim Walz has a post up on Reddit offering to participate in Empty Chair Town halls where GOP reps are too cowardly to turn up. Interesting if valid and a great move for a potential 2028 run.
The challenge should extend far beyond federal Democratic officials. If you recommend targeting Congressional democrats, one misses ½ the country with all Republican House members in the following states: Alabama; Arkansas; Idaho; Iowa; Kansas; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; West Virginia; Louisiana; One state with one Florida. If you target Senate Dems, same issue: About 21 states have both U.S. Senators being Republican.
On another Substack, I recommend reaching out to every political leader – past and present, at local, state, and federal levels – who has a moral obligation to leverage their platform and speak out. I would expand this to candidates, or future leaders, who should be speaking out.
Why limit pressure to a single party or level of government? Former governors, state legislators, county commissioners, mayors, and federal officials (and candidates) across all political spectrums should be compelled to address critical issues like Trump's treatment of Zelensky, Impacts of federal policy cuts, Threats to democratic institutions, and consequences of proposed legislation.
These leaders have megaphones, networks, and credibility. They should use them to inform constituents, illuminate policy consequences, and defend democratic norms – regardless of party affiliation.
The responsibility isn't partisan. It's fundamental to good governance and civic leadership. Every elected official who has ever taken an oath to serve the public should be prepared to break their silence and speak truth to power.
Current and former officials aren't bystanders. They're stewards of democratic dialogue, with a duty to engage, explain, and educate – especially when fundamental principles are at stake.
I am trying to practice what I preach. I am a former state representative and senator and cabinet member and just called my federal delegation and written my state legislators.
if you're fortunate enough to own stocks, and happen to have Tesla, donate it to Planned Parenthood!
Is anyone else crying over the poor performance of the senators speaking about social security? Why is it so difficult for them to state plainly what is so obvious? Trump did not campaign on cutting social security, and the public doesn’t want it. Trump is a liar and a crook, and he is stealing from the poor and the middle class to give to the wealthy. Chuck Schumer, where are your writers?
I just sent this to Senators Schiff and Padilla.
Threats against Social Security are frightening. Elon Musk must be stopped!
My husband and I both receive SS benefits and rely upon those monthly payments to finance our lives. I am the sole practitioner of a small culinary services business and, in his retirement from the tech sector, my husband is an hourly employee of a local hardware store.
My husband was laid off in 2009 and then our stock portfolio, savings, and the equity in our house of 20 years was wiped out in the fallout from the 2008 financial crash, resulting in the short sale in 2011 of the only home our children had known. SS is a lifeline for us - we are 76 and 67 respectively- but we both must still work.
Details may differ, but my story, I’m sure, is not unique. Americans’ financial security should not be threatened by an unelected, unvented, irrational foreign billionaire.
If your Republican colleagues are going to let Musk go unchallenged, it is up to Democrats to act decisively and make lots of good, vocal trouble. Social Security recipients are hardworking Americans, and the monthly payments benefit people of every political affiliation, educational background, geographic region, race, and religion. We’ve paid into it for years. They are our benefits, not Elon Musk’s to strip away!
Keep Social Security secure!
Big crowd on Boston Common!