Mar 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

OMG! Indicted!!!

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

It is working for now at least in Israel. It may work in France, whether you agree with their position or not. A big task is creating an action plan to mobilize a strike here.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Thanks for the info. Since I never watch “Fox News”, I did not know who advertised on that program. I just sent P&G a message that I will boycott their products due to their support of “Fox News”. I’ll send more messages after this to other companies.

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Awesome, Mark! Thank you!

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Bravo. Thanks! Let's all keep after it.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

I’ve been following https://erininthemorn.substack.com/p/florida-and-arkansas-pass-trans-bathroom

Thanks, Jess:)

Florida’s HB 1521 gives every cisgender person in a bathroom the power to tell an ASSUMED transgender person using a restroom to leave. These bills affect us all !

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Erin is the best.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

I find the spate of these ridiculous laws mindboggling. So many of them are 1)against what the majority of voters want 2)based in no real data (eg. Obviously no data suggesting drag queens are dangerous) 3)hypocritical--they vote on nothing else that Actually protects women/children 4) self-serving (they get so much $$ from guns etc). To such a huge degree it makes me wonder-are they Trying to make us protest and fight? Are they trying to provoke something big? I know I know, that sounds so conspiracy theory. But the laws are just so off the rails and unwanted and unneeded.

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They have NOTHING else to run on. Like, NOTHING.

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In the NYTimes this week, one letter to the editor argued that major strikes could be effective in getting responsible gun legislation passed. I support that idea. What if the teachers and school administrators in Tennessee said “Enough! It’s either safe schools or no schools.” Then they all went on strike for one day, and put the legislature on notice that a prolonged strike will happen unless serious laws are passed. Those of us not on the frontlines would have to find ways to help. But sign me up!

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I've thought for a long time that a general strike would be necessary. I am SO in. I fear it may take a bit more carnage to bring it about, but even apathetic Americans WILL hit a tipping point.

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Is it true that the Kentucky law only effects minors? That’s what it looks like. Since the drugs used are experimental for this use and the surgery life altering maybe not such a bad law? People can decide when they are no longer minors.

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So, yes, it only affects minors, but it is far from harmless. Multiple medical groups, including the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, endorse gender-affirming care for TGNB youth and have been vocal in their opposition to efforts that restrict access. Read why here. https://www.columbiapsychiatry.org/news/gender-affirming-care-saves-lives The saddest thing in this particular case is that one of the lawmaker's trans sons just killed himself just a couple of months ago--he was deeply affected by just these kinds of attacks. The GOP lawmakers in the legislature in KY knew this child personally, said they "loved him," and passed this law anyway, over the weeping objections of his bereaved mother. The cruelty knows no bounds. https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2023/03/25/transgender-suicide-karen-berg-henry-brousseau-kentucky/

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P.S.-- nose jobs are also irreversible, but cis young people get them regularly with no lawmakers intervening. Same with breast augmentations.

Also, about 1% of youth seek gender affirming care. If that. Who are they harming? And why, with all of the horrible problems in Kentucky, is THIS what lawmakers are spending time one? Over the objections of their constituents, I might add. It's ghastly and utterly indefensible.

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