Hi Jessica, I hope Mj is feeling better. You must have been up all night to get today's Action letter out so early. I would like to suggest to you that if and when you mention Senator Rick Scott (FL) that you include, who presided over a company guilty the biggest Medicare and Medicaid fraud ever. Here is the link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rick_Scott

Be well...Alan

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Ha! Yes I will!

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Mar 3, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

I'm having a weird mix of feelings today. I was thinking this morning that almost every day, I learn my home state of Minnesota (with the new Dem majority) is doing something big and new and important and I'm so proud, and then after a bit more scrolling I learn the Florida government is working just as tirelessly to remove rights. Its overwhelming.

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I agree. It is HARD right now. That's why we have each other. Because this is exhausting and can be very, very demoralizing. But one day at a time we can get through this. It will pass. And if we keep working we WILL overcome.

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Mar 3, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Thank you, Jess for your tireless advocacy.

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Hi Jessica, so sorry you all went through that awful experience with you child. Our cousin here in Palm Springs just fell and broke his femur. After successful surgery no one came to do any follow up for over 24 hours…. It turns out they didn’t have him “in the system” so forgot about him. Unconscionable!

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Oh. My. God. I am so sorry this happened to him. Hope he heals up swiftly now that they've "remembered" him.

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Alright, Jess, I think I like this "few easy actions on Friday" thing you have going today. For the first time in my recollection, I have attended to all of the actions within an hour of your post. I even, as you encouraged, pressed Senator Schumer's staff member for a written response regarding Gigi Sohn, which the fellow said "umm, I don't think we do that" to which I replied, "well, I guess I'll just have to keep calling about it then."

And two-for-one ResistBots, yeah. I also appreciated the recommendation for Working America, and signed up to write 25 letters in the early March.

Following up some wood 'n water from earlier this week, I took Ballot Curing training from WisDems last night. What I like about the program is that it seems to me to be genuinely helpful (like, helping voters to get their votes to count, what is not to like?). For me personally and as a beginning advocate, I am hoping that making 150 calls each week for the three weeks running up to election day will carry me a good way towards overcoming my anxiety over cold-calling for other initiatives.

Just saying, but WisDems still NEEDS MORE VOLUNTEERS for Ballot Curing and there is ANOTHER TRAINING SESSION Saturday, March 4th from 12-1:30 pm Central.

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You are the ABSOLUTE best, Bill. Thank you!

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How is Mj feeling?

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SO much better! Thank you for asking! Honestly, all they needed was the most basic care and their finger could begin to heal itself! Thank GOD we were able to get that...eventually.

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