Mar 13, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Yes, it is a maddening day for the environmentally minded. Regarding how it affects my opinion of the Biden administration (it doesn't), the key thing to remember is that literally every leader, no matter how otherwise inspired, makes at least one terrible decision or has at least one terrible stance. From Obama and the drones, to FDR interning the Japanese, to Jefferson being an actual slaveowner, there are pretty much no exceptions to this, ever. Today's decision, however terrible, doesn't reach that level.

I choose who to support not because they are perfect heroes, but because I support the net overall effect of their stances and actions, and am willing to hold back my criticism over one or two choices I find maddening. Which this is. So, so much so.

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100%. He still has my wholehearted support. There are no perfect polticians.

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I am adding to the list of bad decisions, FDR’s refusal to allow the ship St. Louis to dock in the US. That was a tragically bad decision that sent Jews back to Europe where many died in concentration camps.

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Exactly. Terrible, terrible choice, in a really, really obvious way.

Still one of the best Presidents ever, and a major force for good over the whole rest of the century.

Adults can hold two ideas in their heads at once. In this case, anger over a specific versus great admiration in the general.

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Yes, my congress member (NY-19) is one of the unrepresentative 18 and we send him many letters on the debt ceiling and other issues and LTE’s as well about his pretending to be reasonable while he voted with Loser McCarthy. Today’s example letter re: Debt Ceiling is brilliant and I copied it word for word and sent it off to him and to our local major newspaper. Thank you Jessica! You continue to be an inspiration in even the bleakest of moments. ❤️

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Good idea...I will send it to my local rag, The Miami Herald.

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FYI -- The GOTV cards from Blue Wave have sold out! Nothing available now. I think that's good news :-)

I too am very disappointed with Willow, but agree with Paul Turley that compromise has to happen sometime -- distasteful as that is. Probably would have lost in court anyway, at great expense. Ugh.

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Yep, I get it. Still a shattering loss for our climate fight, and oh are the kids disheartened over it. These poor kids.

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Jess, I live in deep red Arkansas.

I'm here because my family got

transferred here. Have you seen

what the legislature here has been doing since Huckerbee Sanders became governor? 🙄

They just proposed a bill, today,

to ban "public meetings". My

emails bounce back. I believe

I'm blocked from contacting any

of our RED reps. As for the Blue,

I don't know what to say about

them here. Far and few between. I will persist on a

national level and always VOTE!

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Yeah she is terrible. Also allowing child labor without parents' consent. Awful. I'm so sorry. Don't give up!

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Tone down your criticism of Biden for the Willow project. The Democratic member of the House is a Native Alaskan and she has urged Biden to allow this project to go forward. I lived in Alaska for 5 years, many years ago and I have been to the North Slope. Tread lightly. Us tree huggers must learn that sometimes compromise is required.

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Mar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Paul, I just posted something with a similar bent. But, a few things...

1) Jessica is running a resource that helps thousands of readers be more inspired and engaged on the daily, and she does this solo. She can say whatever she feels without holding back. It's her Newsletter, and this is how she feels today. I appreciate her honesty. Period.

2) I admire Mary Peltola as well, but she is a politician in challenging terrain whose continued ability to advance her causes overall depends upon an image of independence from her party, which in turn requires strategic public support for certain things that she would likely not support otherwise. Essentially, she's doing here what Manchin does all the time, just without being a transparently corrupt jerk about it.

3) My pragmatism pretty much knows no bounds, but if there is one thing that we should not compromise on, it is keeping oil in the ground. Either we stop using fossil fuels entirely as soon as possible, or the planet will face unprecedented destruction for the rest of my lifetime. You can not change your mind later and ledgislate your way back into Mother Nature's good graces. Beinga hardliner toward the end of oil is not being a tree-hugging softie, it is about ascertaining and demanding what is necessary our own survival. Thanks.

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I appreciate that, Will.

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I am leaning strongly towards Marianne Williamson for the 2024 Presidency. Uncle Joe has let his stock portfolio, or something like it, dictate his decisions on the oil and gas industry. That, even with all he's done on the up side, is a deal breaker.

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Oh no, Gary. I hope you reconsider. Biden made a mistake but he's a stellar president. MW is breathtakingly unqualified for the job.

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Why are we calling our senators and congressmen? Why aren’t we calling the White House to express our anger over Bidens Willow decision?

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Because the comment line was closed yesterday (:

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Mar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023

1) Because the White House already made their decision. It's done. Nothing to influence here. On the other hand, telling your Reps how you feel means that if the same topic comes up in a legislative way later, they know how you stand ahead of time.

2) Calling/writing the White House as an individual is pretty much always pointless. Your congressperson represents a few hundred thousand people, and their sole goal is to keep enough of them happy to get re-elected. The President has to weigh opinions of hundreds of *millions* of citizens, in addition to every major competing economic and social interest, and the perceptions of all allies and enemies in the entire world. Your call is NOT gonna make it's way to the Oval Office. It's not personal. There is simply not enough time in the world.

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