Hey folks. I strongly urge all of us on “Jessica’s team” to also be part of Hopium chronicles: “Simon Rosenberg” team! They compliment each other perfectly. Their TO DOS are similar but not exactly the same. Jess is a cheerleader kick ass radical mover and shaker. Simon is a long time political strategist. His talks are detailed and helpful. Please join. Both groups need us.

One more thing. Simon has been talking about being very very careful when joining an in person rally or protest. The stakes are high. The other side wants violence. Always make sure you know who is organizing and speaking and that you trust them. Always make sure someone knows where you are. Always remember that you could be arrested. This is not a game we’re in. It is serious and there are cruel and nasty forces at play.

Be safe everyone. Love you all!

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Yes, I agree! Love Hopium!

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Hi Jessica,

First, thank you for all you do to help spur us to action! Your ideas are wonderful!

Second, I want to make a suggestion for you to possible consider sharing with your subscribers. Today I fired off emails to the Democratic leaders (Schumer, Jeffries, & Ken Martin) as well as to the Congressional Progressive Caucus, and to my CA senators (Schiff and Padilla) and Congressional Rep (J. Panetta). I asked them to strongly consider holding scheduled a News Conference EVERY SINGLE DAY to alert the public as to specific current egregious actions that are being done by Trump and Musk each day to undermine our Democracy and harm our citizens. I believe that the Dems must increase their visibility by getting in front of the cameras and microphones each day so people can really see what is going on and see what the Dems are doing to fight back against this tyranny and fascism. So I am hoping that you can ask your readers to do the same. Thank you!

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Please see Lawrence O'Donnell's explanation (2/18 or 2/19) about Hochul's power to remove Eric Adams. It is NOT easy, fast, or direct; it would likely take years and end up in SCOTUS; and it would require Hochul to preside over every minute of all proceedings (doing no other gubernatorial duties). If you call for her to act this way, please know what you're asking for.

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Thanks, Rachel. Funny, I just sent an email to Jessica saying the same thing, after streaming Lawrence’s 2/19 shows this morning. “Great minds…”

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I'm hoping the next step is the Judge appointing a special prosecutor to show that Adams will get prosecuted even if he stays in the job (so why bother) and surface illegality from Homan and Bove too. I wonder if that would be enough for Bove to be disbarred. I'm glad there are lawyers writing on Substack about it all.

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It would be messy but other sources don't seem to indicate it would be that extreme - https://time.com/7253521/eric-adams-mayor-new-york-remove-governor-inability-committee-explainer/

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I live in a different state, but I was wondering if New York City has a recall ability at all. Seems like in some states they recall people at the drop of a hat. Does anybody know about this? I’m sure they must not because otherwise those smart New Yorkers would’ve thought of that

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For those who missed it, it's from 19:49 to 22:15 on this recording.


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WHEN: Saturday, February 22 High Noon AND EVERY SATURDAY for the next four years.

WHERE: SINGLE FILE ON EVERY SIDEWALK surrounding the US Capitol, every State Capitol, every city and town hall across the country.

Right to protest without a permit:


WHY: We the People of the United States will not be silent spectators to the destruction of our country, and the democratic world order that we have helped create.


•Stand up for democracy, here and around the world.

• Stand up for all who have and will fight for liberty and justice

• Stand up for our children’s futures

• Stand up for the future of our country, of a free world.

A family friendly protest. Ignore anyone who’s a disruptive ass, and thank police officers for protecting our right to peacefully protest.


1) Print out a copy of the Constitution’s Preamble, and We Shall Overcome

2) Decide if you have the bold, patriotic spirit to be a “Caller”.

3) Buy a small American flag (and Canadian, Ukrainian, Danish, etc)

3) Create modest hand held signs about protecting Democracy: No Kings, Fire Elon, Stop the Madness, Grow a Pair, etc etc

4) Make a construction paper megaphone, NO ELECTRONIC AUDIO (requires a permit)

5) Review ACLU protest rights link



1) Gather at noon, single file on the sidewalk that surrounds your capitol building, town hall, anywhere that you will not block pedestrian or street traffic.

Position “Callers" on opposite side of the street.

A family friendly protest. Ignore anyone who’s a disruptive ass, and thank police officers for protecting our right to peacefully protest.

2) Extend single file to adjoining streets.

•Hand held only SIGNS, no stick held

•Small flags

•Keep sidewalks/crosswalks open

•NO Amplification. Permits needed for amplification. Paul Revere didn’t need a bull horn, we do not need a bull horn.

•Groups of people will naturally form within earshot of one CALLER voice leading the chants, and the Preamble call and response

3) Start Preamble Call and Response

Constitution’s Preamble call and respond each bullet line:

• Call: We the people of the United States,

Respond: We the people of the United States

• Call: in order to form a more perfect union,

Respond: in order to form a more perfect union

• Call: establish justice,

Respond: establish justice

• Call: ensure domestic tranquility,

Respond: ensure domestic tranquility

• Call: provide for the common defense,

Response: provide for the common defense

• Call: promote the general welfare

Response: promote the general welfare

• Call: and secure the blessings of liberty

Response: and secure the blessings of liberty

• Call: to ourselves, and our posterity,

Response: to ourselves, and our posterity,

• Call: do ordain and establish

Response: do ordain and establish

• Call: this Constitution for the United States of America.

Response: this Constitution for the United States of America


“Show Me” CHANT

CALL: Show me what democracy looks like.

RESPONSE: This is what democracy looks like

C: Show me what resistance looks like.

R: This is what resistance looks like.

C: Show me what diversity looks like.

C: This is what diversity looks like

C: Show me what outrage looks like.

R: This is what outrage looks like.

C: Show me what democracy looks like

R: This is what democracy looks like

Grow a Pair” CHANT

Call: Did we elect people to hide during a national, now international crisis?

Response: No

Call: So what do our representatives need to do?

Response: Grow a pair

Call: Did we elect people to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America?

Response: Yes

Call: So what do our representatives need to do to protect and defend the Constitution?

Response: Grow a pair

Call: Are we going to re-elect anyone who doesn’t step up and lead right now?!

Response: No

Call: So what do our representatives need to do to get re-elected?

Response: Grow a pair


CALL: Show me what democracy looks like.

RESPONSE: This is what democracy looks like

C: Show me what resistance looks like.

R: This is what resistance looks like.

C: Show me what diversity looks like.

C: This is what diversity looks like

C: Show me what outrage looks like.

R: This is what outrage looks like.

C: show me what democracy looks like

R: this is what democracy looks like

“No King” CHANT

Is any American a member of the “Royalty Party”? No

Did any American vote for a king? No

Is anyone in the White House a king? No

Are we going to stand up for our Democracy every day? Yes.

Are we united? Yes

Are we united? Yes

Are we united? Yes


CALL: Show me what democracy looks like.

RESPONSE: This is what democracy looks like

C: Show me what resistance looks like.

R: This is what resistance looks like.

C: Show me what the people look like.

R: This is what the people look like.

C: Show me what diversity looks like.

C: This is what diversity looks like

C: Show me what outrage looks like.

R: This is what outrage looks like.

C: show me what democracy looks like

R: this is what democracy looks like



We Shall Overcome (abbreviated)

We shall overcome, we shall overcome, we shall overcome someday.

Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe, we shall overcome someday.

We are not afraid, we are not afraid. We are not afraid today.

Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe, we shall overcome someday.

We are not alone, we are not alone. We are not alone today. Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe, we are not alone today.

The truth will make us free, the truth will make us free, the truth will make us free someday. Oh deep in my heart I do believe we shall overcome someday.

We’ll walk hand-in-hand, we’ll walk hand-in-hand. We walk hand-in-hand someday oh deep in my heart I do believe we shall overcome someday.

8) Go home.

9) Return every Saturday with friends and neighbors until we have elected a defender of the Constitution in 2028



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*** This playbook / call to action / manifesto should be widely disseminated in all modes and media ***

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Eye opening book on language, framing and why the Republican efforts since 80’s becomes hardwired (my word) in their brain.

George Lakoff…”Don’t think of an Elephant”. Get it, read it, apply language that hits the values of citizens. Stop using “their language which only reinforces their agenda. We can do this.

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If you live in New York City, please call Speaker Adams and ask her for a no-confidence vote. This would add ammunition for Hochul to remove Adams.

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"How to Organize Our Way Out of the Trump-Musk Putsch" | By Ezra Levin and Leah Greenberg, Co Executive Directors of Indivisible (“The Nation”).


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I was just on their Thursday afternoon call and they mentioned this article. They are on zoom at 3 pm ET each Thursday, which may not work for many people (I'm retired). But if you sign up anyway, they will send you a link to video which you can watch at a time convenient to you.


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I agree. The moment the king thing came out of his mouth I thought “oh thats too far” and also believe that it can be used as evidence of his mental capacity and stability to in fact be president.

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Not many people are discussing this outside of the scientific community, but they now are doing end runs around the federal court order regarding freezing the work of the NIH, study sections have been abruptly cancelled, with rescheduling TBD… the article in the transmitter.org was the only place I saw it picked up. In my opinion, there are also serious questions that need to be asked about the nominee to head the NIH. In concert with what is happening with the HHS, which includes admin of Medicaid, medicare, and then VA, care and innovation for American health is in no way secure.

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I am so sickened by Trump's shameless betrayal of Ukraine. Charity Navigator lists several top rated relief efforts for the Ukrainian people. It felt good to make a donation and leave a written message that most Americans still support Ukraine. I had to do something! If anyone has any other ideas of how to help(other than calling our representatives, I am doing that too) I would appreciate hearing them. Thank you.

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Question: What if we moved around the money in our 401ks and IRAs as another assignment for the economic blackout?


Obviously, everyone should do their own research for their situation here, but the question is:

If all of us moved our 401k/IRA funds from stocks to cash (WITHOUT withdrawing it), how much money could that pull out of the economy? Or invested/supported companies like Costco.

Are there any downsides I’m not thinking of besides a missed opportunity to earn money in stocks? I talked to a Fidelity guy today and he said the “cash” is still not “cash.” It would be like moving your money from stocks to a high yield savings account (HYSA).

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"Are there any downsides I’m not thinking of besides a missed opportunity to earn money in stocks?"

Em, you realize that you don't always make money in stocks, right? So how long would you leave the money in cash equivalents before getting back into the stock market? You rarely keep up with inflation when your money is in a HYSA, so that is a really bad long-term strategy.

NOTE: It IS a good place to park your money for an emergency fund or if you have a big expense coming up (e.g., down payment, college tuition, etc). But NOT if you are investing for retirement several decades in the future.

So let's say you plan to take it out and then put it back into stocks sometime later- after you have made your point. If the stock goes down after you sell, you have preserved more of it's value. Yay for you.

But you still have to decide when to buy back in. This is the same dilemma many investors faced during the Great Recession - they got nervous and went to 100% cash equivalents but were uncertain when to buy back in. Many waited too long and ended up buying back in at a higher price than they had sold for, so they would have been better off hanging on and ignoring the market gyrations. That is the main risk to your financial future that I see for implementing your plan.

In addition, many 401k plans want to make sure that participants aren't treating their 401k like a day trading account. Therefore many plans have rules that prohibit you from making a "round trip" within say 90 days - that is you can't buy back into a fund that you sold within a specified time frame.

Another factor is that your 401k probably offers a limited number of choices, so saying you would only invest it in "good" companies is totally impractical unless your 401k plan offers a brokerage window.

I'm good with participating in an economic boycott, but I am not willing to make risky maneuvers with the money I have saved for retirement - especially since Social Security and Medicare are on the Trump/Musk chopping block.

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Some great points. One piece I wanted to respond to. I’m pretty young so I’m reasonably confident Social Security isn’t going to be around for me in the same way it will be for you. That factors into how I look at retirement decisions. So does climate change. I know I’m not alone among my age group. While I am in a too bracket savings-wise for my age group, I’m not too sure that’s going to help me. This is one reason why less millennials are having children as well.

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"....so I’m reasonably confident Social Security isn’t going to be around for me in the same way it will be for you. That factors into how I look at retirement decisions...."

OK, but that should be a factor in favor of NOT making risky market timing decisions based on a desire to stick it to Musk, Bezos and other tech bro millionaires.

I assume you meant "top" not "too bracket for savings". While a high (and consistent) savings rate doesn't solve all your problems regarding having sufficient assets with which to retire, I can pretty much guarantee you that NOT having saved for retirement (or not having an accessible emergency fund in case of job loss) is going to leave you in a much more vulnerable position than if you did.

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Em S... you might like Denise Conroy - Burning Bridges. She is on substack as well. There is also something called Shutdown315 that you might like as well.

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Excellent question as we have to put the oxygen mask on ourselves first and then help others. Some organizations are divesting their portfolios of Tesla and other large donors to MAGA--takes work to identify them.

We all should be diversifying our savings/investments so we don't have all our eggs in one basket. Have part of your savings in a credit union which is insured by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), since banks are insured by the FDIC, which is on the chopping block of Project 2025.

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I think the NCUA would also be on the radar.

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OMG Cheryl, you thought right and beyond. Trump issued exec order today 2/20/25 merging NCUA with FDIC—under review of his regime. Most NCUA leaders gave a sycophant response or said it would be worked out in the courts.

Troy Stang, president/CEO of the GoWest Credit Union Association, views the President’s order as a clarification of the NCUA’s mission.

“GoWest acknowledges the administration’s focus on ensuring accountability and oversight across federal independent agencies. GoWest also recognizes that independent agencies, such as the National Credit Union Administration, were established to fulfill specific statutory missions,” Stang said. "For the NCUA, this mission includes protecting the share insurance fund and ensuring the safety and soundness of the nation’s federally insured credit unions. The executive order clarifies that these missions will continue under presidential oversight.”


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This is one time I would like to have been proven wrong! ☹️

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Thank you, both, for these answers. You all (and Denise) are offering targeted ways to divest.

I guess the question I would put, possibly to Jessica, is what if we used the same logic they are using to audit funding across the government? Instead of the appropriate, adult way of checking each fund and seeing if it invests in things we don’t support what if we just took the approach that we are twisting the spigot closed all at once to stop bad payments (“waste” and “fraud,” to quote DOGE) and then we will open it again slowly to specific companies that pass our sniff test?

I mean what DOGE is doing is devastating (deciding not to honor congressional budgets)—could we not do a similar “all-or-nothing” approach?

I think this might make sense with stocks because if you are invested in the S&P500 you don’t get to choose which specific companies you support, you’re supporting them all. Whereas if you pull your money out of the ETF or ishare and then invest in direct shares of Costco, for example, it becomes 100% funding under your control.

Ultimately, if just I do this it isn’t going to do anything. If 3000 of us with a few million dollars collectively do this, that could have some impact.

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Companies (public ones) are counting on our IRA/401k money as part of their validation and what they are worth. If we collectively decide they are not worth holding—nothing is worth holding—what will the economy do?

Will CEOs tell the president this has got to stop? Who knows? But I think that’s the kind of thought path I’m trying to play through here.

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Whenever you sell a stock, someone else is on the other end buying it. Quite likely it will be one of the ultra-rich people to whom trump is giving those tax cuts. Or the company will simply buy back their own shares at a bargain. Look at all the single family houses that got bought up as investment properities after the housing bubble burst.

I don't think this plan will have the impact you think it will.

But if Telsa sales tank in CA and Europe, Tesla stock prices could drop like a rock. It is already vastly overpriced on the assumption that EV sales were going to skyrocket and that Tesla would be able to maintain it's share of market.

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Thanks, Cheryl. I didn’t think about that and it makes sense, while disheartening.

I still am going to keep thinking in this area and would be interested in if others have ideas as well. Even if it isn’t high impact, sufficient impact still seems like a valuable outcome. The question being, what is sufficient impact?

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Yes, they can penalize us if we WITHDRAW the money from the account. But if it is still in the account but not in the economy, aren’t we just living like (micro)billionaires?

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Jessica is great.

We can do more and better. Advocacy is not limited to DC. Advocacy must be in addition to DC.

Democratic leaders at all levels have powerful tools to spotlight harmful cuts - they're just not using them effectively. And we can call our Democratic officials at all levels to do more. Our federal and state elected officials could hold daily press conferences (your reader Kathy H is spot on), showing concrete impacts through strategic photo ops at veterans' centers, food banks, and research facilities. Every district has compelling stories to tell.

Press events in DC are okay if combined with events back home. Who cares if US Senators are locked out of US Dept of Education buildings by DOGE? Most care if local-based education programs for children with disabilities or any disability program is slashed and ended.

But photo ops are not enough. Democrats should be filing targeted bills and holding media events that dramatize what's at stake. One state senator successfully highlighted refugee program cuts by combining floor speeches, legislation, and media outreach. This playbook works - but only if we demand our elected officials step up and use it. Call your Democratic representatives today and tell them to make these issues visible daily.

We don't just need their votes - we need their voices and visibility to show Americans exactly what these cuts mean for their communities. The opportunities for impact are endless; the question is whether Democrats will seize them.

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Resistbot has stopped working.

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An email I just got from Thom Tillis (NC Senator) stunned me. He has been to Ukraine and is speaking against 9utin. I wrote and thanked him since I've previously sent many angry emails but I did mention Pentagon cuts and how that would affect us when 9utin retaliates. Here's a link to his Senate speech today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBEvqjQ6axE

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Unable to get resistbot message to send today. Hope this is not a hacking strategy.

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Made my 3 calls to my senators and rep from Texas, at least I feel better doing it. No reverse Robin Hood baloney. I PRAY the dems stand strong!

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