BTW. lest I do not say this enough, thank you thank you thank you Jessica for the extremely valuable work you are doing that benefits us all (even if we can't do as much as you do). Take care of yourself.

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Aw, thank you, Wendy!

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Suggest writing to State University systems too regarding the AP curriculum. If AP US history was accurate & complete that would be one thing, but it's not, and maybe we should go on the offense to work on that too.

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Good point.

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I wrote the following to the College Board.


I read with absolute dismay and anger your decision to capitulate to right-wing extremist's insistence to remove large swathes of the African American experience from the AP African American course. I am simply gobsmacked that a company tasked with educating future generations gave into extremists. This step does not hurt just those high achieving students in states who wish to not be made uncomfortable by a curricula which includes a holistic view of the African American experience but the students in those states who wish to learn the whole truth of what generations of our fellow Americans have experienced.

The quote "All it takes for evil to flourish is for good people to remain silent" The decision your organization has taken to capitulate to White Supremacist ideology and hide the truth, good and bad, that America has done, is to allow the forces of evil to triumph once again.

I wonder if your board has taken into consideration that if it is apparent that your organization can be so easily intimidated into changing your curriculum on this AP course that you have just doomed yourselves in the eye of school districts across the country to no longer offer your courses because you are willing to create a curriculum that is a lie by what it omits.

Why would any school district want to pay you for this load of hogwash?

I know if I was a parent, I would be lobbying mightily to have them remove the College Board as a candidate to provide ANY AP courses in my school district. I certainly don't want any of my tax dollars to go to pay a company who is willing to lie, by omission or otherwise about other Americans true experience.

You should be ashamed of yourselves!

I will be contacting the San Juan School Board in Sacramento CA to begin discussions about removing all your course offerings from their schools based on this cowardly act you undertook for expediency and to make money.

I am so angry that I hope your company goes bankrupt as a result of this decision.

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Fantastic letter! Wow! Thanks for sharing!

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Thank you for writing, and for sharing it here! 👍

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I called the number for the College Board. I was finally connected with someone from the AP dept. She told me to email apcoursepilot@collegeboard.org which I did. I apologized to her for the anger in my tone and that it was not directed at her personally. I then asked her if she was being subjected to similar calls and she said yes which made me happy. BTW the phone number for the APDept is 877-274-6474 but you will probably be directed to write and email. Thanks. (I'm boiling)

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AH! I am so happy you got this email address! Now I can make a click-to-send! THANK YOU!

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Here we go! Anyone can click on this link to quick-send! Still important to sign and personalize, of course. https://tinyurl.com/collegeboardbs

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Here is my letter, not as great as Kellidee’s, but this is my rewrite of your letter, Jessica. Also, Thank you for all your civic contributions!

RE: 2023 AP Black History course curriculum changes:

I am writing as a concerned American citizen:

The College Board's decision to appease Ron DeSantis and other right-wing extremists is absolutely shocking. Changes to the AP Black History course curriculum because of pressure by Florida Conservatives, basically in response to political posturing, is inexplicable. Worse still, by bowing to the narrow perspectives of the right wing in the conservative states, students across the rest of America are being impoverished educationally. The omissions in the AP Black History course curriculum won’t change past history, but it will affect the state of American education, and the futures of our student leaders. The effect on the College Board's credibility —that you gave in to the worst, most racist, and least educated among us— will destroy the perceived value of all AP classes. You should be embarrassed that you were so susceptible to political manipulation. You've robbed not just Floridians, but all of us, of a valuable education tool. The destruction of your credibility as an educational resource is tragic.

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Well done! GREAT letter!

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This infographic highlights President Biden's accomplishments in the State of the Union. https://infogram.com/state-of-the-union-snapshot-1h7j4dvxv9n7v4n

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Here's the PBS 8-minute segment on the College Boards AP course, with David Coleman, chief executive officer of the College Board, and Brandi Waters, director of AP African American studies for the College Board. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/college-board-releases-african-american-studies-course-framework-after-desantis

Gives a very different perspective than much of the high-volume reporting and discussion.

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The College Board people explained it on PBS last night. To be fair that should be read and included. Much was changed before DeSantis said anything and much more is included that broadens not narrows the scope of the curriculum.

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Judd Legum addresses their arguments and pretty much fully debunks them. Did you read his piece?

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