Jan 29, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

Jessica, I don't like phone banks because I don't answer my phone if number is unrecognized. Sorry folks don't always follow through on commitments. I would like to thank you for your daily posts and scripts. I send emails to 4 senators(one WV , one AZ and two in NC) each week sometimes more often, because of your call scripts and encouragement. I am also speaking Feb. 1st in a forum to our city council in regards to changes to city rules that will negatively affect neighborhoods. Lastly, I write post cards for abby the democrat for races around the country. I would not be doing all this without your daily encouragement and dedication. Thank you and keep it up!

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Ok- calls made, resist bot done and sent to my kids to do, signed up for both phone banks as we will be snowed in ( may not be able to do it if I lose power however!!) am working on postcards as I write and have class for your webinar but will check it out! So will sign up for the link after ok? Heard about Center for Common Ground last night and the amazing work they do and got to listen to Eric Holder- Marilyn is correct- so many good things to be doing and listening to. We are here … hang in there- remember to do some self care too🥰

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Jessica, Sorry about your phone banking disappointment. two things - 1 - there are lots of phone bank opportunities going on these days. I'm sure there were people around the country helping out when you were there, holding down the fort with 1 other person, 2 - people are intimidated by phone banking. Unnecessarily so! And yet, it's so important if you can't canvass and talk face to face. I was on a webinar the other night where a NC State Senator emphasized over and over that actual conversations with voters is what makes the greatest difference. Other methods have impact, but talking to people... you just can't beat that. That said, we should try to connect with people who, in theory want to phone bank, but can't bring themselves to show up. We need things like - phone bank buddies, mini-webinars on how to get over fear and dread of phone-banking, etc. I saw quite a few of the latter in 2020, hopefully more to come in 2022. Or we need to do that ourselves, in our own networks!

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

Will the postcard webinar be recorded? 2/2 is my MIL's birthday and for the sake of family peace, I must attend the celebrations, but I am super interested in postcarding (two very small kids mean that my activism has to happen late at night past phonebank hours).

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