I'm glad you mentioned Joyce Vance's important special post about Trump's latest rant. In addition to the actions she mentioned, I think we need to call out main stream media (particularly this time - so many times - the NYTimes) for their appalling coverage, downplaying the threat of what he said and the majority of Repubs responses (or non-responses, which is mostly the case). We have a HUGE problem with MSM -- especially the Times, but WaPo is often bad too. I write to the Editors of both frequently - calling them out on their lack of coverage, misleading and fear-mongering headlines and article, false equivalencies re Trump and repubs and Dems. Might you consider encouraging your readers to write to those publications as part of your action recommendations? FYI - here's my latest letter to NYTimes (letters@nytimes.com).

[and - glad you are better!]

To the Editor:

Regarding your article: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/04/us/politics/trump-constitution-republicans.html, its astonishing that day 1of this important story, you buried it, below the fold, and today its disappeared from the front page.

What could be more important than the former President and current GOP front-runner for nomination in 2024 announcing that he wants to disregard the Constitution? This follows his

unlawful behavior inciting insurrection on January 6, and his continued denial of the results of our free and fair elections — along with his other illegal activities.

What’s even worse is that most members of the Republican party not only refuse to condemn his statements, but continue to say they’ll support him if he’s the GOP candidate. This is a horrendous situation for our Democracy and a HUGE story, and yet it ranks below the soccer games in your paper. Just unbelievable. Yes, we want Trump to have less of a platform for what many consider to be "just his antics”, but those so-called antics are deadly serious and a huge threat to our Democracy and our country.

Why are you MIA? It is essential that you report on these events with the grave importance that they are due.

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So glad to hear you're negative for Covid. Don't push yourself too much

yet. Thanks for the heads up on

Schumer/Manchin. Will do!

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