First, thank you for all you do! Second, I think you posted a link to a piece that outlined all the orgs helping women find abortion services? Can you share that with me? I am trying to find that link. Thanks.

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I am a day late to this party, but I wanted to say that I found my first twenty minutes with the Climate Action Project app to be very satisfying and informative. Lots of wood to chop, lots of water to carry.

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Must watch analysis of ‘22 Election and ‘24 Outlook. Simon Rosenberg and Tom Bonier really get into all the issues. Watch to prepare. Spoiler alert: there is much we can do now. Jessica Craven introduced me to these wonderful Democratic operatives and they got me thru the mid-terms.


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I'm wanting to email California representatives on the Ways & Means Committee re: Trump taxes -- but they only take emails from constituents in their districts (and none are in mine). Do you have a work around for getting an email to them? Many thanks Shayne

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