I did the calls to Senators & Representative for the day and wrote the emails to Yahoo execs. I'm already a writer for Postcards to Voters (and have been since they started in March 2017), so sent off my first dozen cards for the VA election early this week. You help me be a better activist!

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That's amazing, Marsha! Thank you so much!

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🦅🇲🇾Thank you Jessica: I met with two key legal counselors for Senator Baldwin and House Katherine Clark today. My ask: asking Senators Schumer and Speaker Pelosi to ask President Biden to come to the Senate and urge all senators to stand up for Article 1.4: the role of Congress to set times, places and manner of voting: a federal election code so our zip code doesn't determine IF, where, when and how we can vote. Fingers crossed ... there is just tomorrow to protect our democracy from the US Supreme Court's soon to be ruled: Moore v Harper and Merrill v Mulligan. More info at www.nationalvotercorps.org This is the end of the lame duck Fingers crossed and thank you everyone who has called your Senators and said H.R 5746 is essential to save our democracy.

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