OMG Jessica!!! You are so AMAZING!!!!

I’m going to forward/share this newsletter with my friends especially the ones who are all doom & gloom about 2024!!

I’m going to copy your list & send copies to people tucked in beautiful handmade cards, and I’m going to get my postcarding group going for John in NY... THANK YOU‼️‼️‼️🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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Wow thank you!

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Fun fact: Naturalization ceremonies (for new citizens) are held multiple times throughout the year in Minnesota--and I presume in other states. The Minnesota League of Women Voters sets up tables and registers all those newly minted citizens to vote before they leave the courthouse.

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I love that! I believe there are groups who do the same here in CA.

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I would expand on what you said a weee bit:

"I will repeat the words “A vote for a third-party candidate is a vote for Trump” everywhere I can, as loudly as I can, as often as I can."

adding this:

Even if you don't particularly like Biden for whatever reason, by NOT voting OR voting for a third-party candidate, you are giving a vote to Trump.

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I like that. I'll add it to the online version.

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Phone/text banking opportunities+ for Tom Keen,running for Fl House seat,D35. Early voting starts JANUARY 6th !!!




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Thank you! This is so important, if he wins the repukes LOSE their supermajority in Florida!

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To help Tom Keen in the January 16th special election for state House District 35 in Florida:

Website: https://www.keenforfl.com/

all the below info. comes from Hopium

donate: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/keen-hopium

phone bank: https://www.mobilize.us/tomkeenforflorida/event/595355/

phone bank for Keen with Maxwell Frost: https://www.mobilize.us/frostforcongress/event/562634/

(despite the link name and the odd beginning when you click on this link, this phone bank is for Keen

text bank: https://www.mobilize.us/orangecountydec/event/595086/

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While I understand your point, to me, getting Israel what it needs to remove the genocidal threat from Hamas is more important than waiting for the dysfunctional Republican House to come up with an acceptable price for their cooperation.

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Thank you for giving voice to my frustration with NYT and their tendency to pander for clicks. I modified your letter to emphasize that frustration and sent it to same address. I am sending to my friends who also are on the brink of canceling their subscription and mourn the decline of journalistic integrity we used to pay for and count on from them.

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Great! I will be doing many more actions like this over the next many weeks.

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And like Robert Hubbell notes, communications with NYT editors and journalists can be repeated, so will be more effective--compared to a one-time cancellation of a subscription.

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Hi, re the Florida District 35 race with Tom Keens, I followed your last link and got a great email back from their volunteer coordinator, Christopher Zoeller, christopher@floridadems.org. Here are the links he sent me to sign up to phone or text bank:



So, if you have some time in the next 2 weeks...

Thank you, Jessica!

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I meant TOM in NY!!!!

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I thought I was subscribed to Chopwood, but I haven’t received Anything. I am checked off as being subscribed, so I am puzzled. Please put me back on your mailing list. Thank you.

Anne (annegamble32@gmail.com)

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Hi, Anne! Email support@substack.zendesk.com and they will sort you out right away! Thansk!

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So, some readers didn't "approve" of your recommendations to call our California senators about the money sent to Israel without congressional approval. Well, I went back to this posting from yesterday and called both of them. As always, senator Padilla's phone was "full" and no one could leave a message. And no answer at satellite offices, either. He is always UNRESPONSIVE! And Senator Butler is ALWAYS responsive.

Many people do not know that half of Israelis despise Netanyahu, just as most of us democrats despise DJT. Many Israelis are actively trying to get Net to stop the daily bombing in the so-call "safe" areas of Gaza DAILY! Or I should say "NIGHTLY!" Those poor people!

And to think that those bombs came from US in AMERICA! Seriously, we're sending them "dirty bombs" which have no internal guidance and therefore, we are seeing hospital, schools, and places where the displaced citizens of Gaza are seeking comfort bombed! There is no safe place for the people of Gaza, and it is truly a crime against humanity for them and for their children to be subjected to these terrible constant assaults! And for Mr. Blinken to send tens of thousands of dollars to Israel without congressional approval is a crime that he should be held accountable for.

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So helpful and motivating.

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Thank you!

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Why does your first call to action sound as if there is something nefarious? A good read is Thomas Friedman’s opinion piece in NYT. I’ve shared your emails numerous times, but this one. No.

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