Damn. You are the best. And BTW I knew you read RH, but I keep posting about him because I think our Chop Wood group need the info and the "soothing" (if we can call it that). Keep on keeping on. I can't wait for the day I get to meet you!

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Dear Jessica,

While we haven't been tracking all of your good posts, we wondered if you've listened to and perhaps shared Michael Moore's 12 podcast series, Blue Dots in a Red Sea?


Each episode is informative and inspiring and the last one is a good summary. He's planning a pamphlet from the transcriptions before too long.

With deep appreciation and gratitude,

John Steiner and Margo King


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I subscribe to him and am aware of it but I haven't listened to it yet. I guess I should? I find podcasts a bit overwhelming. Also do I have to listen through Substack?

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Hi Jess. You are on fire! Thank you. So inspiring! I am trying to do EVERY TO DO EVERY DAY. Including contacting Lauren Boebert, from whom I get nothing. My CO senators, on the other hand, are awesome. Two things:

question for you. What platform are you using to "spread the word"? I notice you are off Twitter. For obvious reasons. I am not a fan of FB but I'll use it if you think it will make a difference.

Second thing for all of us: Read Robert Hubbell daily. He analyses the legal goings on and summarizes beautifully. He also knows what to focus on and what NOT to focus on. Very helpful for the anxious mind. He also had a good handle on the "food fight" (his words) of the media and encourages us all, as does Jessica, to not get distracted by the freak show.

Here we are. It's 2023 and we have our work cut out for us! Happy New year everyone!

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Hi, Kate!

Oh, I read RH religiously, and have for years. He's the best! Literally one of my top news sources at this point.

As for what platforms I disseminate on? Instagram for "the general population," (ie, more my generation and my mom's) and Tiktok for the younger folks. I'm more and more focussed on the latter, as that's where most young people now get their news. I am, indeed, off of twitter, and I love Mastodon but I don't think many persuadable voters are there. I realize in retrospect I probably spent too much time on twitter, considering that there are a vanishingly small number of "normal people" (as in apolitical) there--at least not on my timeline. I was either preaching to the choir or to the absolutely unconvinceable. No point. Instagram has a wide reach, and you never know who will share your posts to people who could learn something from them. Tiktok can be wildly effective.

And I really don't like Facebook. Having said that, lots of folks are still there. So I think that has its place, too, for those who use it.

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Robert Hubbell a few days ago in his letter and in two of its links gave me to understand that the debt ceiling is more a way of pulling our chains than the catastrophe we are led to believe. Section 4 or 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment forbids the U.S. government from defaulting on its debts.

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It's conceivable that it's all bluster, but these Repubs are some seriously deranged individuals. We will see. Sounds like it's barreling down on us a little faster than anyone expected.

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Thanks, Jessica, I'll send you his email and you can listen just to the last session, although your readership may well find all of many of them fascinating and relevant. Cheers, John

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I actually think the documents found in President Biden's office could be used to his advantage. He (and we) can acknowledge the mistake and then explicitly compare his response to Trump's. It makes it clear that Biden is honest and law-abiding, even though keeping the documents hidden would likely not have ever become public.

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It's true. He needs to just lean into it. It's the only way. Biden has very shrewd political instincts--more shrewd than almost any living politician I've seen. I trust he'll handle it the right way.

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Listen to Keith Olberman Jan 12 podcast. Some frightening facts throughout. Just sharing.

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Oy. Not sure I need any more frightening facts! 😂

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Jess- the statistics are amazing and really made my day! It is so easy to get caught up in the loudest voices pablum!!! thanks for that and you!

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I'm so glad you enjoyed them! They truly helped pull me out of my grouch!

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