Love the quote - thanks to you and Sherry F. This goes perfectly with a quote that Robert Hubbell included in his newsletter today. Robert is a kindred spirit in that he advocates optimism that is grounded in action. Antonio Gramsci, left labor activitist in Italy, in late teens early 1920's. said we must have "pessimism of the intellect but optimism of the will." Noam Chomsky quoted this in

an excerpt in shortened form from Chapter 9 of Notes on Resistance by Noam Chomsky and David Barsamian, published by Haymarket Books.] I haven't nearly finished the whole article, but here is the paragraph with the quote, followed by a link to the whole piece.

"The adage you quoted, “Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will,” which became famous, came from the period when he (Gramsci) was still able to publish. In his spirit, we must look at the world reasonably, without illusions, understand it, decide how to act, and recognize that there are grim portents. There are very dangerous things happening. That’s pessimism of the intellect. At the same time, we need to recognize that there are ways out, real opportunities. So, we have optimism of the will, meaning, we dedicate ourselves to using all the opportunities available — and they do exist — while working to overcome the morbid symptoms and move toward a more just and decent world.


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