Oct 5, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Thank you for the article on Ukraine. We really need to articulate this one. I ran across a comment the other day in one of the blogs I follow that was down on aid to Ukraine. Almost nobody likes war. Most people prefer to live in a mostly peaceful society. But you cannot turn a blind eye to bullies bent on taking over countries to serve their own ambitions. Timothy Snyder has an excellent breakdown of the cost of aid to Ukraine relative to the rest of the military budget. It is very small. Rhetorical question: if these Republican voters are so distrustful of politicians, why in the world do they continue to elect and support some of the most corrupt and incompetent ones in Washington?

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Can you post the link to that piece? I'd love to use it.

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Oct 5, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

This is the graph I have waited on the Democrats to create. Why have they not?

Brilliant Jessica.

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deletedOct 5, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven
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There are a few more like it on Into Action's Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! page. https://library.into-action.us/collection/jobs-jobs-jobs/

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Oct 5, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Hey Jessica, thanks for the list of postcarding opportunities. It's a brilliant strategy and very encouraging. I love not having to go to every site for info! Maybe this could be a once-a-month feature as the campaigns change.

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Sure! It's an Evergreen link but I'll drop it once a month.

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Awesome! Many thanks.

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I will try to call my representative about the bill, but I will definitely be changing the script you provided. I have a Republican representative and I think I’d be written off if I mention fascism. Free press is a foundation of our country, that kind of argument may come across better with Republicans.

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I always encourage folks to re-write my scripts. They are just suggestions. Thank you for calling!

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I wrote to my US Rep, Merrick Garland, Pres Biden and VP Harris to help us keep Trump out of the Speaker's position. God help us!

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I encourage only those who are open minded to look at the contents of this talk by an Ambassador who happens to be a USFS, Ret. .Those who are locked into USA propaganda will find factual, historical information that will contradict both Jessica Craven's view and the big media's accounts. Those of us who have lived long - especially thro the Vietnam War - have gained "the hooded eyes of the watcher" by having lost our naivete about how our government operates and how corporate media - even the august NYTimes - has a monetary stake in perpetual war which blocks the accuracy of their reportage. This talk is scholarly, rational and without harangue. It presents facts to support any judgment made.

"The Many Lessons of the Ukraine War"

Remarks to the East Bay Citizens for Peace

Ambassador Chas W. Freeman, Jr. (USFS, Ret.)

Visiting Scholar, Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, Brown University

The Barrington Library, Barrington, Rhode Island, 26 September 2023

(See - https://list.pitt.edu/mailman/listinfo/mbrenner)


Michael Brenner is Professor of International Affairs at the U of Pittsburgh; a Senior Fellow at the Center for Transatlantic Relations, SAIS-Johns Hopkins(Washington, D.C.)contributor to research and consulting projects on Euro-American security and economic issues. Professor Brenner gave us the text of this speech by Ambassador Chas W. Freeman, Jr.. See Brenner's contact info above.

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Anyone... If Citi is in bed with fossil fuels, what bank of a similar caliber is making better choices?

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My understanding is that any credit union is better than one of the big banks. I am in a credit union and I'm very happy.

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I’ll give it a go. Happy to help 😊

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