Oct 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Thanks, Jessica, as always, for the concrete ways you give us to participate. I was happy to personalize and send my letter, as a Grandma, to Chief Justice Roberts, about the upcoming case on guns for domestic abusers. In Louisville, KY, we had a particularly horrible case of an abuser murdering his partner as she left her job at a nearby Mall. I cited that in my letter.

Thank you for your loving, compassionate treatment of the complex issues in the Middle East...Again, as a Grandma, my heart is breaking at the images of children and families being annihilated.

And, Thank You, for always reminding us how much elections matter. Here in KY, we have a super majority Republican controlled legislature. Our lone Democratic executive branch governor, Gov Andy Beshear, is being opposed by a Mitch McConnell protege (Daniel Cameron). The progressives in KY are working hard to defeat Cameron (who proudly claims Trump support as his biggest asset). Knocking doors again tomorrow and Wednesday to finish ALL the doors in my precinct. Become a precinct chairperson....I'm getting to know all my neighbors! At 70 years young...I'm determined to protect my granddaughters.

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That is INCREDIBLE! And yes I am well aware of the race. I did a lot of work on Beshear's election last time around--I believe he won by just 5,000 votes, and I've phonebanked for him twice this go-around. Come to think of it I think I will do some more of that today. He really must win. He's great and Cameron is...ugh. Thank you for all you're doing!

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Please remember that it's not just seniors who rely on Medicare. Dependants of those seniors--like grandchildren they are legal guardians of--and people who are disabled rely on Medicare. They deserve a fraud-free service too.

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Absolutely! Good reminder!

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Thanks for your empathy ❤️✡️

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Thank you for your words. Being Jewish I can barely see straight each day right now, let alone do the things in your list each day. I hope that I will again one day soon.

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You are absolutely not expected to do anything more than surround yourself with love and safe people. We’ve got this and we’ve got you, Erica. Hang in there.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Thank you, Jessica for always

giving us the links we need to

help move democracy forward.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Jessica, I love your emails. One point I'd like to make: The situation in Israel and Gaza does not only affect Jews, Muslims and Arabs. It affects -- or could potentially affect -- everyone in the world unless we can prevent this situation from escalating. Let's not lose sight of that. Thank you for all you do!

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Oh I'm well aware of it. There's so much to say on that subject it needs its own newsletter. I just wanted to make sure that my Jewish and Muslim-American readers know I see them in this particularly awful moment.

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Thank you so much, Jessica, for linking in the ACO REACH action. Years ago I used to talk to Xavier Becerra when we picked up our kids at swimming. I can't believe he let's this thing stand.

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I’m so grateful that you’re doing the deep dives on this stuff. Makes my job easier!

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Thank you, Jessica, for including the info on the virtual fundraiser today for https://www.techforcampaigns.org. It was great and here’s the link if anyone would like to watch it:


Passcode: .zPwEcL1

Make sure to include the period in the passcode above.

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

I forgot to include the link to donate to Tech For Campaigns above: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/tfc_vf_10242023?refcode=jaso

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They seem amazing! Thank you!

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Thank you and I'm sure the sentiment is well appreciated!

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You never fail to amaze me. Your energy for making the world a better place is relentless. Bless you❤️

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Write to your congressperson to demand a ceasefire. Stop the Apartheid. Don't allow our taxes to fund the genocide. End the Occupation.

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