Oct 3, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

For those who are on the fence about Ukraine find Timothy Snyder (scholar and professor at Yale who when TFG was elected produced a best seller called On Tyranny) who posted an episode on Substack called Thanking Ukrainians. Very convincing 10 points on why we should be thanking Ukraine.

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Yes he's amazing.

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Regarding aide to Ukraine- Ukraine used to be the third-largest nuclear power in the world. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, thousands of nuclear arms were left on Ukranian soil. Ukraine made the decision to completely denuclearize in a 1994 agreement known as the Budapest Memorandum. In exchange, the US, the UK and Russia guaranteed Ukraine's security. The signatories of the memorandum pledged to respect Ukraine's territorial integrity and inviolability of its borders, and to refrain from the use or threat of military force. Russia breached these commitments with its annexation of Crimea in 2014 and it's invasion into eastern Ukraine. So, one of the many reasons to support Ukraine is because we told them we would when negotiating the Budapest Memorandum.

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Yes yes yes! This!

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Than you for this,Kathleen.

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Many thanks, Jess. I was surprised to get a reply so quickly from Senator Mark Warner's office regarding Ukraine. Here is what he said:

"Thank you for contacting me with your concerns related to Ukraine, and Russia’s violent invasion.

"I remain incredibly concerned about the war crimes and other atrocities being committed by Russia in Ukraine, and am focused on continuing to get Ukraine’s military all the support we can.

"On December 15, 2022, I voted in support of a bipartisan full-year government funding bill for fiscal year 2023, which passed the Senate by a vote of 68-29. It provides $44.9 billion in emergency assistance to support the Ukrainian people, including $9 billion for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI). With this decision, Congress has continued to reinforce the United States’ commitment to helping Ukraine defend itself and its sovereignty from Russian aggression. Earlier in 2022, Congress had provided an additional $66 billion in aid to Ukraine. This aid enabled critical funding for defense equipment, food assistance, and migration and refugee assistance to the people who have been impacted as a result of this brutal invasion.

"In addition to Congressional action allocating aid to Ukraine, earlier this year the Department of Defense announced the commitment of an additional $2 billion in security assistance for Ukraine.

"The violent actions and rhetoric that we have seen from Vladimir Putin represent the latest in a long string of offensive actions by the Russian President. To date, Russia’s continued aggression and unprovoked brutality has only strengthened our resolve to support our friends in Ukraine and reinvigorated the NATO alliance.

"We must continue closely engaging our partners and allies to present a united stance in strong opposition to Russia’s aggression, and I will continue working to ensure that Ukraine has the diplomatic, security, and intelligence backing that they so critically need.

"I appreciate you writing to me on this issue. Please don’t hesitate to contact me in the future with other issues that are important to you."



United States Senator

I am having a hard time reading between the lines. I get the sense that he's saying there's enough funding for now.

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I think what he's saying is that he supports fully funding Ukraine, and voted for that full funding in the long-term budget bill (the Senate one--House wouldn't include it). His point, if I'm not mistaken, is actually "I agree and I'm on board, and I intend to support that funding in the full budget bill we still need to pass."

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Another reason to support Ukraine:


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Actually that link seems to be broken?

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Thanks, Sandra, here’s the gifted article.

“ American officials said they are convinced that Mr. Putin intends to try to end U.S. and European support for Ukraine by using his spy agencies to push propaganda supporting pro-Russian political parties and by stoking conspiracy theories with new technologies.

The Russia disinformation aims to increase support for candidates opposing Ukraine aid with the ultimate goal of stopping international military assistance to Kyiv.”


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Sorry, I copied it but don’t have a paid account with WAPO..

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Thank you, Sandra.

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Re. Ukraine: Amen

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Most welcome. Thank you!

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Jess, thank you for your eloquent point-by-point defense of Ukraine. Please keep hammering away on how the nefarious connections between Putin, Trump, MAGA, and the GOP at large are directly harming our country and the world.

Also, I'm hoping you can amplify the "soft launch" of our new California Grassroots Alliance, formed because the road to the House majority runs through California. By organizing to sweep the six key purple districts, we take the gavel out of Kevin's furtive, untrustworthy hands and let Congress get back to governing. We start by interviewing Will Rollins, the CA-41 candidate who ALMOST won his election last fall. Here's a link to our flyer with signup links: https://bit.ly/AllianceMEETTHECANDIDATES

And here's the Mobilize for Will Rollins, 7 pm PT October 4: https://www.mobilize.us/californiagrassrootsalliance/event/584886/

Thank you!

PS: Loved hearing you speak with Robert Hubbell at Donna Jaffee's event for Swing Left.

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Thanks, Patti! Will amplify! And thank you for attending that event!

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Those who support Putin, whether they be on the "Right" or the "Left", are feeding Fascism 2.0. There is no "Koolaid" being served by the Biden Administration, but the Trumpies- again both on the Right and the Left are dishing out gallons of the stuff. Putin's minions have said, recently, that their hero's goal is to re-establish a Russian Empire-with the Baltic States, Finland, Poland, much of Romania, all the CIS states and Alaska, in their crosshairs.

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…”and Alaska”.Perhaps that will wake some of the Pro-Putin Repubs up…or not !

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Funding domestic programs and supporting Ukraine are not mutually exclusive. We have enough to do both, especially if we tax the rich. Fighting MAGA at home and supporting Ukraine abroad are two fronts in the same conflict against the spread of fascism. One doesn't work without the other.

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